Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Anihulman Tale

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 12: Anihulman Tale

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Shooting Star here, in my cudilas in Emerald Mansion. The previous episodes have been interesting. Finally, I have gained all three mysterious charges Hyogamon spoke of and reunited them. Not only that, but we found a civilized town in the Realm of Charges, and by helping with the defense of the town, gained a valuable ally and army. It seems we'll take up shelter now in Resolve Town, to ponder our next move and to discover new information. I like the idea of a new starship, much less a biovesto one. I have the right idea for the flag and for the name. I wonder what new revelations lay ahead. On with the conclusion...

Unsurprisingly, the two young biovesto plants rapidly matured. One formed into a cabin-like shelter, while the other formed into a biovesto starship, before A.J.'s return with his soul-warrior copedam. The frame of the biovesto starship was amazing and with familiar forms from the outside. It had the nose of the beak of a woodpecker with two side wings, pointed ahead. The wings had the ownalis engines.

Inside was a small cargo bay with a few organic couches, a few beds close to the ceiling of the biovesto starship and a small room for toilet purposes. There were a few biovesto windows looking outwards. The light crept in through the back gate of the cargo bay. Even though organic, the gate was slid downwards reaching the grounds. Below the biovesto starship was three organic biovesto wheels, one each on each wing and the third below the beak of the biovesto starship.

There was another organic door which was closed. Behind it was the cockpit where the pilot piloted the biovesto starship. Nobody decided to enter the biovesto starship until Feranin League returned. However, Starspark and Lunal trudged into the biovesto starship and weren't harmed. Feranimon; Actonal Army; White Fox, and White Hulman didn't take any risks in trying to enter the biovesto starship.

Starspark climbed onto one of the couches and went straight to sleep, curled up. White Fox recognized the biovesto starship from before. The form was familiar from his past, with the form being an S-13, officially known as a Pecker Starship. There were two classes or types of Pecker Starships. One was Tsunami Class and the other was Ripple Class, with this Pecker being a Ripple Class.

"Well, if it isn't a Ripple Class Pecker. I haven't seen such an elegant starship in so long." A voice stated.

White Fox blinked and his eyes widened. He was alone, standing near the new pecker. The voice was familiar to him, but he hadn't heard it in so long. Besides, the source of the familiar voice could help him with his story. White Fox turned around and saw two figures: one was an owl on two legs with black feathers and the other was a lion with green fur on two legs. He gasped, with both figures approaching him.

"Shadow Owl... Alpha Lion." He whispered, smiling.

"We haven't seen you for so long White Fox." Shadow Owl greeted, reaching White Fox with Alpha Lion.

"... What are you guys doing here?" White Fox asked.

Alpha Lion shrugged. "Me and Shadow Owl took a personal assignment to search for you since you're valuable to Nova Alliance. I declare, I wouldn't have expected to come here and be stranded here with Shadow Owl." He sighed.

"... How's Yellow Deer?" White Fox asked.

Shadow Owl chuckled. "She's doing great and she misses you deeply. She said that if we came back without you, she'd kick us out of Nova Alliance."

White Fox blinked. "... No... Yellow Deer won't do that."

Alpha Lion blinked. "Hello! Yes she would! It seems you forgot her power; authority, and influence in the alliance." He reminded.

White Fox sweat-dropped. "... Of course. Well, you two found me anyway." He sighed.

"You and White Hulman are coming back with us." Shadow Owl remarked.

"What? How?" White Fox asked.

Alpha Lion pointed at the biovesto starship. "Why, through this pecker of course."

"Excuse me?" A voice asked.

The three Anihulmans turned around to be greeted by the panting Feranin League. A.J. was glaring at Alpha Lion. Alpha Lion gulped. White Fox eyed the mysterious charge in A.J.'s hand.

"You gained the last mysterious charge. Excellent." He stated.

A.J.'s eyes narrowed. "Just who are these two geeks?" He asked.

Alpha Lion growled. "We were wondering the same about you!"

Equalmon grinned. "Besides, you can try entering that pecker. We won't stop you."

A.J. jerked his head towards Equalmon and Equalmon glanced at him. Equalmon glanced at A.J. in a way reminding A.J. of who the starship would accept. He smiled and turned to the three Anihulmans. He shrugged.

"If you two want to take White Fox back, be my guest." He nodded, grinning.

Shadow Owl took his word and flew over towards the open cargo gate of the biovesto ship. The moment his talons touched the biovesto, Shadow Owl was blasted back into the air, away from the biovesto starship, landing behind Feranin League. Shadow Owl was a little disoriented from the sudden blast and slight electrocution. A.J. had his univice suck his mysterious charge back in it. Three flashes of dark green light showed from the univice.

Alpha Lion gasped and White Fox sighed.

"Alpha Lion; Shadow Owl: this is A.J. Actonal. He's one of the few remaining humans these days with crescentian blood and ancestry. Those with him are his soul-warrior copedam and this starship is a biovesto starship, with A.J.'s blood sample and his soul-warrior copedam data samples. We can't go into it. Considering the pecker, we're hostile creatures to it." White Fox explained.

Shadow Owl groaned, sitting up.

"Now you tell us." He moaned.

Alpha Lion's eyes went wide. "As in the legend back home?" He asked.

White Fox nodded. "Feranin League, these two are Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion; fellow Anihulman and two of my closest and best friends. I haven't seen these guys since I left Anihuleph." He introduced.

Otazoidmon and Ememon turned around and stared at Shadow Owl curiously. Equalmon and Zonemon kept alert on Alpha Lion. Shadow Owl got back onto his feet.

"Does he know our tale?" Shadow Owl asked.

White Fox sighed. "After he has had a look in his pecker and home; I was planning for him on coming to my residence and telling him our tale then. You two must be exhausted from the long journey."

"It wasn't as long as you think." Alpha Lion stated.

Feranin League went into the pecker and they were safe; the biovesto starship didn't harm them. A.J. and his four soul-warrior copedam took a quick look around the biovesto starship, then around their biovesto cabin. While in the pecker, Feranin League noticed both Lunal and Starspark sleeping in it...

Starspark and Lunal were left in A.J.'s biovesto pecker. A.J.; Otazoidmon; Zonemon; Equalmon, and Ememon were all back in White Fox's biovesto residence, with Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion. White Hulman had taken Shadow Owl's and Alpha Lion's blood samples, to inject them into an embryo biovesto plant. Once done, White Hulman left White Fox's home, to select a location for Shadow Owl's and Alpha Lion's new home and shelter, since it seemed they'd be staying for awhile.

"Before we start on the tale, let's check on the forms you're soul-warrior copedam would have with the numerous charges. Shall we?" White Fox asked.

"I don't mind." A.J. replied.

Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion kept silent. White Fox nodded and suddenly a hologram appeared a few inches above the circular biolure table. A hologram of the codelimin appeared, with the information below it. For the charged copedam, there was the copedam and the charge, being smaller than the copedam, beside it, with the information below them. The hologram changed through blurring into the next hologram.

No matter the side you looked from, it would be the same; readable, and understandable. The information passed at a pace where A.J. and White Fox could read it at a steady pace. Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion weren't interested, where as A.J.'s four soul-warrior copedam preferred to change into the forms. A.J.'s four soul-warrior copedam didn't want to spoil their surprise or excitement in changing into one of the charge forms.

A.J. and White Fox read the information in their minds.


1. Binemon - Agent of Myths - Emerald Victory and Imperial Star.
2. Manumon - Maneuverable Courage - Pit Laser and Emerald Fuel.
3. Shaftmon - Dweller of Darkness - Demon Burial and Infra Swarm.
4. Foumon - Fountain of Reliance - Fountain Swirl and Fountain Blast.
5. Blessmon - Blessing of Love - Bless Prison and Love Triangle.
6. Crovomon - Friendly Crovinze - Crovinze Shooter and Crovinze Missile.
7. Lunarmon - Eclipse of Knowledge - Eclipse Blackout and Eclipse Collapse.
8. Star Primon - The Prince of Light - Nile Curse and Emerald Pyramid.
9. Hexadramon - Hexagonal Miracle - Hexagon Torpedo and Hexagon Collapse.
10. Tranquilimon - Tranquility of Sincerity - Root Tranquility and Tulip Beam.
11. Heavenmon - The Aura of Hope - Emerald Shades and Heaven Bless.
12. Pro Ememon - Emerald of Destiny - Emerald Strike and Royal Barrage.
13. War Primon - The Prince of Kindness - Imperial Cannon and Royal Shells.
14. AJmon - The Flyer of Goodness - Star Missiles.

"I have the charges of myths; reliability, and goodness for Ememon." A.J. confirmed.

"Where did you get reliability?" White Fox asked.

A.J. shrugged. "Way back... On my first journey with Stan. Our Peace Journey. Remember Prince?" He asked.

Ememon nodded. "No need to remind me twice."


1. Saddlemon - The Mystic Horse - Saddle Slash; Dagger Missile; Saddle-Up.
2. Pyro Equalmon - The Horse of Courage - Pyro Horse; Pyro Rain; Heat Wave.
3. Sparkmon - Sparking Friendship - Spark Dickens; Spark Lightning; Spark Inferno.
4. Choppermon - The Copter of Love - Magna Rider; Heli Blades; Razor Missiles.
5. Saurusmon - The Star of Reliability - Saurus Torpedo; Shining Thunder; Marine Call.
6. Browsermon - Browsing Sincerity - Leaf Strike; Shrub Spin; Plastid Blaster.
7. Digitmon - Digital Knowledge - Missile Drill; Rescue Digit; Digit Twister.
8. Cosmomon - The Comet of Hope - Horse Comet; Pegasus Missile; Emerald Band with Astromon.
9. Splitmon - Splitting Light - Particle Web; Horse Beam; Regret Fire.
10. Magna Equalmon - The Horse of Miracles - Equus Explosion; Equus Beams; Horse Nuke.
11. Ridermon - The Rider of Justice - Justice Gallop; Razor Cuffs; Wheel Strike.
12. Trotmon - Speeding Conscience - Ride Doom; Lightning Gallop; Speedo Graze.
13. Galemon - The Gale of Kindness - Super Lightning; Super Speed; Act Charge.
14. Domintomon - The Horse of Victory - Sub Freeze; Sub Crystal; Sub Hurricane.
15. Yami Equalmon - The Horse of Darkness - Freeze Shadow; Pyro Shadow; Ownalis Shadow.
16. Deep Techamon - Mythical Destiny - Solar Cloud; Dwarf Flash; Deepest Thought.

"Myths and... Destiny for Equalmon. Those two charges I have for him." A.J. confirmed.

"Equalmon sure does have quite strong charge forms." White Fox noted.

"You know, he is the oldest soul-warrior copedam of Feranin League and the oldest copedam in Crescent League." A.J. grinned.

Equalmon snorted.


1. Ash Otamon - The Star of Myths - Ash Crumble; Star Storm; Kendo Star.
2. Blazemon - Blazing Courage - Blazing Catastrophe; Blaze Flames; Blaze Pour.
3. Blademon - Blades of Friendship - Blade Cloud; Electric Blade; Thunder Blade.
4. Cyber Otamon - The Cyborg of Love - Cyber Stars; Electric Stars; Lightning Star.
5. Tidal Otamon - The Fish of Reliability - Ownalis Star; Ownalis Torpedo; Electric Ownalis.
6. Planamon - Sincere Plant - Spore Tornado; Branch Hurricane; Cosmic Plant.
7. Blinkmon - Blinking Knowledge - Blink Code; Digital Blink; Spiral Blink.
8. Mamigrolmon - Hope Reflection - Reflection Buster; Time Flash; Particle Blast.
9. Beammon - Beaming Light - Beam Flash; Beam Shower; Beam Sphere.
10. Magna Otamon - Hero of Miracles - Star Collision; Star Pulse; Star Beat.
11. Ranger Otamon - Ranging Justice - Ionic Collapse; Justice Laser; Patriot Missile.
12. Kendo Otamon - Conscience Kendo - Kendo Flash and Kendo Flare.
13. Mentormon - The Trainer of Kindness - Swift Dagger; Katana Strike; Blade Combo.
14. Otadramon - The Best Victory - Dragon Flare; Dragon Sphere; Dragon Inferno.
15. Yami Otamon - Fader of Darkness - Black Crumble; Dark Storm; Cosmic Virus.
16. Detourmon - The Trickster of Destiny - Trick Grin; Hole Trap; Fate Change.
17. Planemon - Atmosphere of Goodness - Grenade Line and Bomb Drop.
18. Shuttlemon - The Invader of Space - Earthling Missile and Shuttle Impulse.
19. Quadrapamon - N/A - N/A.
20. Guard Siromon - Guarding Loyalty - N/A.
21. Destimon - Calm Destination - N/A.
22. Briskmon - The Brisk of Goodness - N/A.
23. Lushimon - Peaceful Night of Mulige - N/A.
24. Boraqmon - Soaring Tranquility - Peaceful Gale; Mystic Spheres; Ancient Pegasus.
25. Bio Otamon - Young Owls; Star Pour; Star Wave.

"Shuttlemon." A.J. whispered.

"Comet has the most charges. Strange." White Fox muttered.

"What are these 'Justice'; 'Conscience' and 'Victory' charges? This is the second time. What's Bio Otamon?" A.J. questioned.

'That's some research for me to do." White Fox sighed.

"Comet has myths; miracles; atmosphere and survival. The most so far." A.J. stated.

'The others are interesting, including Briskmon: Otazoidmon's charge of Goodness form. I guess if I ever get those charges for Comet, we'd have to find out his attacks after he evolves to them.' A.J. thought, sensing Otazoidmon reading his mind.

A.J. remained quiet about it though, and let Otazoidmon read his mind.

"Let's check with Zonemon." White Fox decided.


1. Ownalismon - The Mystic Cat - Ownalis Blade; Ownalis Slash; Ownalis Combo.
2. Mythalismon - The Cat of Courage - Vortex Strike; Mythical Blaster; Courage Explosion.
3. Knuckle Gatomon - The Cat of Friendship - Sonar Shooter; Sonar Blaster; Sonar Twist.
4. Sonar Zonemon - Mystic Love - Sonar Sphere; Nuke Sphere; Sonar Missile.
5. Marine Starmon - The Reliable Cat Guardian - Sonar Torpedo; Marine Combo; Ocean Freeze.
6. Trans Junglemon - Transparent Variety - Jungle Burst; Vine Missile; Twig Blast.
7. Code Zonemon - The Knowledgeable Cat - Mystic Code; Code Missile; Code Drill.
8. Astromon - The Cat of Hope - Asteroid Strike; Asteroid Shower; Sonar Moon; Emerald Band with Cosmomon.
9. Myth Cybermon - Cosmic Light - Mythical Cybers; Cyber Charge; Ion Blast.
10. Magna Zonemon - The Cat of Miracles - Sonar Explosion; Sonar Beams; Sonar Plot Missiles.
11. Naliph Justimon - The Ranger of Justice - Justice Combo; Naliph Strike; Justice Choice.
12. Cyber Mythicmon - Mythical Cyber - Cyber Limbo; Cyber Beam; Cyber Avenge.
13. Act Zonemon - Pixie Kindness - Stunt Act; Double Jump; Ownalis Inferno.
14. Forever Zonemon - The Dragon of Victory - Ultra Freeze; Ultra Crystal; Ultra Hurricane.
15. Fade Zonemon - The Cat of Darkness - Shadow Zone; Arena Ring; Inferno Arena.
16. Deep Fatemon - The Cat of Destiny - Supernova; Big Bang; Shadow Howl.
17. Bubblemon - Bubbles of Deepness - Air Bubbles; Bubble Torpedo; Bubble Freeze.
18. Saratogamon - Tranquil Liner - N/A.
19. Bio Zonemon - Zoom Strike; Collapse Inferno; Ring Blast.

"There it is again." A.J. sighed.

'Bristle also has a charge of tranquility form...' A.J. thought.

"Yeah. Comet prevailed. How many of Zonemon's charges do you have?" White Fox asked.

"Myths; reliability, and deepness." A.J. replied.

"We're going to our cabin. We'll be waiting for you there." Ememon decided, standing up.

"Finally." Zonemon sighed.

"Don't you want to hear our tale?" Shadow Owl asked.

"Shooting Star can tell it to us when he comes back." Otazoidmon stated, stretching out.

With that, Ememon took the lead as he left White Fox's home, followed by Equalmon; Zonemon, and Otazoidmon. Shadow Owl; Alpha Lion; White Fox, and A.J. were the ones left in the room...

"Now to our tale." Alpha Lion sighed.

White Fox nodded. "I know you'll like this. Who wants to start?"

"Why don't you start first?" Shadow Owl asked.

White Fox shrugged. "Very well then. Here we go." He started.

"From where we come from, there are five species: us Anihulmans; Neutronese; Planetene; Cometous and Solartan. As you've seen with the three of us: White Fox; Alpha Lion, and Shadow Owl, Anihulmans are hybrid kind of specie; half animals-half humans. About five thousand years ago, there are tales that say that humans were able to combine with their animals, while some just bred." White Fox started.

Shadow Owl held up his hand, indicating for White Fox to stop, which White Fox did.

"I'll continue on." Shadow Owl decided.

"That's somewhat half true. Like a male fox breeding with a female human, or a female fox breeding with a male human etc. However, I; White Fox, and Alpha Lion, along with most of our kind, are one unique specie in ourselves. Anyway, the four others White Fox mentioned are all aliens: Neutronese; Planetene; Cometous, and Solartan. Planetene and Cometous liked and adored us Anihulmans.

"Because of that the three species formed an alliance, which the three species all calling it or titling it: Nova Alliance. Our flag is quite a site. Black is the background, considering the space we lived in with two green outlined crescents close to hugging the Nova Alliance crest. Neutronese and Solartan were both offered alliance with the rest of us, but they stubbornly refused. I and White Fox lived at that time.

"I don't think Alpha Lion remembers this. At first, both Neutronese and Solartan stayed isolated from each other and from Nova Alliance. Both specie were naturally greedy and they tried to individually fight Nova Alliance alone, with every attempt repelled by the alliance. One of the Nova Alliance's starships is the pecker which you have out there. Of course, the pecker we have isn't biovesto or organic." Shadow Owl finished.

Alpha Lion sighed. "The last part for me. How typical. Here it goes. Please White Fox and Shadow Owl, don't try to correct me. I can do this."

"Neutronese lived in tribes and its strongest tribe was named Neutron Tribe. The others tribes of Neutronese allowed Neutron Tribe to lead the rest of them. Like Neutronese, Solartan also lived in tribes and its strongest tribe was named Black Worms. Unlike the other tribes of Neutronese allowing Neutron Tribe to lead them, Black Worms of Solartan led the rest of the tribes against their wills and lived in Black Holes.

"Solartan is alien specie; not a tan from the solar sun. Nova Alliance didn't have any rogues or rebels that I know of. The three species of Nova Alliance are free to go into each other's space territories. No trouble is in space of none of the three species because all three make sure that their space territory are safe. After Solartan, along with Neutronese, saw their own weakness, they sought alliance with each other.

"The new alliance consisted of Neutronese and Solartan, with Neutron Tribe in control and Black Worms being in second-in-command. The two species announced the new alliance, naming it 'Tunnel Alliance'. From then on, in neutral space, was chaos, with Tunnel Alliance attacking Nova Alliance starships and Nova Alliance attacking Tunnel Alliance starships. Neutral space was between the galaxies.

"Since Tunnel Alliance was able to attack Nova Alliance starships, it was apparent that Tunnel Alliance had their own starships, different from Nova Alliance starships of course. Even though the five specie were now in alliance one way or another, each specie still had its own crest or flag to tell them from each other. At first Nova Alliance didn't have heavy combat starships, allowing Tunnel Alliance to become the first to have such starships.

"To neutralize the Tunnel Alliance having heavy combat starships, with them also attacking conveys that was protected or belonged to Nova Alliance, Nova Alliance started building its own heavy combat starships. Of course, each specie had its own designs of starships, depending on what resources the alliances had. We Anihulmans had our own starships, with one of them being the pecker, both Tsunami and Ripple classes.

"Planetene and Cometous had their own designs and starships for themselves also. What made the starships of Nova Alliance familiar? It was the crest marked on every starships we Anihulmans; Planetene, and Cometous all had... That's all I can think of." Alpha Lion shrugged, finishing his history lecture.

"What about this Yellow Deer? Also the assignment?" A.J. asked.

White Fox smiled. "Yellow Deer is literally my sweetheart and mate. It's a mutual thing between the two of us."

"The assignment is another history lesson and how, we, Anihulmans met the other four species are history lessons in themselves." Shadow Owl stated.

"... I guess I'll need to search for the rest of my charges now. After all, this is the Realm of Charges. I'm heading back to my biovesto cabin first." A.J. decided, standing up.

"I'll accompany you and wait outside." Shadow Owl decided.

A.J. shrugged. "You're welcome to come along."

"Before you go: How did you know about the assignment and Yellow Deer?" Alpha Lion asked.

"I overheard the three of you, as did my soul-warrior copedam. We didn't announce ourselves until I spoke, but we basically showed up with you two approaching White Fox." A.J. explained.

"We'll tell you of the assignment and our discovery of the other four species some other time." Shadow Owl decided, standing up.

A.J. and Shadow Owl left White Fox's home, leaving Alpha Lion and White Fox behind.

"Which charge do you think he'll go after first?" Alpha Lion asked.

"His charges of courage." White Fox replied.

"Which charges are next?" Alpha Lion asked.

"His charges of friendship. Why?" White Fox asked.

Alpha Lion raised an eyebrow. White Fox's eyes widened. He shook his head.

"Don't tell me you're planning to go after them?" He questioned.

Alpha Lion grinned. "Why not? I'd like to help the legend out. Besides, my offer of taking his ripple class pecker was rude and I want to make it up with A.J. Where are the charges of friendship?" He asked.

"You can't carry all four charges by yourself." White Fox declared.

Alpha Lion shrugged. "Then help me out here White Fox. Give me a bag or something." He requested.

White Fox sighed, defeated...

A.J. walked into his biovesto cabin, while Shadow Owl decided to wait outside for him patiently. A.J. found his soul-warrior copedam in the diner room. His soul-warrior copedam all seemed to be content and full, with empty dishes in front of them all. A.J. kept silent, noticing that his soul-warrior copedam left their guards down. A burp escaped from Zonemon, who quickly covered his mouth.

"Excuse me." He muttered.

The three other soul-warrior copedam laughed. A.J. groaned; being hungry himself. It didn't matter, he'd have his full of food and rest when he returned with his charges of courage.

"Well, well. You four decided to eat without me then, right?" A.J. asked, announcing himself.

The four soul-warrior copedam jumped, startled by A.J.'s sudden announcement. All four sweat-dropped upon seeing A.J.: with his arms folded and tapping his right foot on the biovesto floor. Zonemon smiled sheepishly.

"... Hey Paladin. How was the history lesson?" He asked.

A.J. rolled his eyes. "You all know the story. I know because I sensed the four of you probing my mind! You four listened with me!" He hissed.

Zonemon gulped. "Well..." He started.

"There's no excuse to what we did." Equalmon interrupted.

"We're sorry." Ememon apologized.

A.J. grinned and stopped tapping his foot. He unfolded his arms and smiled.

"We're off to get our charges of courage and only Zonemon is coming with me. Since all four of you were probing my mind since before the moment I entered this shelter of ours, you all know of Shadow Owl waiting outside. I want this place to be clean when I come back." He remarked.

Ememon; Equalmon, and Otazoidmon all groaned. Zonemon got up from his seat and walked over to A.J.

"Where are we going for the charges of courage?" Zonemon asked.

"Croland territory. You remember that area were there was only lava flows and a lone pillar in the midst of it?" A.J. asked.

Zonemon moaned. "Too well! We're going there again?" He asked.

A.J. nodded. "The most perfect spot for fire charges." He informed.

Otazoidmon sighed. "I won't want to be in your boots now Zonemon."

A.J. narrowed his eyes. "Remember you three; this biovesto shelter clean!" He reminded.

"Or what?" Equalmon dared to ask.

A.J. shook his head. "Believe me, you won't want to know. It's that harsh."

"We'll have it clean by the time you return Shooting Star." Ememon sighed.

A.J. nodded. "Good. Let's go Zonemon."

With that, A.J. and Zonemon left, leaving Ememon; Equalmon, and Otazoidmon behind to clean up after themselves.

"From now, I'm out of this cleaning. I'm not in shape to clean up." Equalmon reminded.

Ememon and Otazoidmon glared at Equalmon...

Outside, A.J.'s univice glowed green. Zonemon went transparent.


"Archive Twinkler!" A.J. yelled.

A.J.'s mystic suit covered his body up, but A.J. kept his face uncovered.

"Where to?" Shadow Owl asked.

"To Croland territory. Just follow us." A.J. explained.

He floated off of the ground and with Centermon on the ground, both took the lead towards the dark land of the Crolands. Shadow Owl took the rear, following A.J. and Centermon. A.J. was flying with his jet activated and Centermon was galloping on the ground, with Shadow Owl flapping his wings in midair behind A.J. Soaring low through the highlands, just in an altitude high enough to avoid crashing into the hills, A.J. realized something.

Behind him Shadow Owl was flapping his wings, doing good in keeping up with A.J. Below, Centermon first seemed far then close and so on. A.J. had his jet going at a steady pace, so that Shadow Owl and Centermon -especially Centermon- could keep up with him.

'What did White Fox mean? He knew Misterim for a long time, yet Misterim said...' A.J. paused, trying to recall what Misterim told him.

'... No matter. Thinking back that far... a lot of the stuff I wore then has vanished, perhaps since I woke up for the last time in that starship.' He thought.

Sensing the heat of the nearby lava flows, A.J. returned back to reality. He stopped in midair, recognizing himself being in croland territory and landed down on the cracked dry arid ground. Ash flew through the air for a moment from A.J.'s landing. He glanced behind him and Shadow Owl landed behind him. In the distance, an ash cloud was approaching, indicating that Centermon was close. A.J. turned his head around, staring down into the lava.

"Are we here?" Shadow Owl asked.

Feeling some action from his univice below his suit, A.J. nodded, assured of the charges of courage being close.

"From what I can sense, they're all in the lava flow down." A.J. informed.

Behind them, Centermon stopped and sweat-dropped, hearing A.J.'s comment. He moaned, approaching Shadow Owl and A.J.

"Don't tell me we're going down there?" He asked.

A.J. shook his head and Centermon sighed in relief.

"I'm going down there." A.J. corrected.

Centermon's eyes widened. Shadow Owl kept neutral, unfazed by A.J.'s decision. Activating his jet pack, A.J. blasted into the atmosphere, over the lava flow. Almost immediately, by hovering over in midair high above the lava flow, four pillars of fire erupted from the lava flows and went straight up towards A.J. Inches away, the flames disappeared and under the mystic suit, A.J.'s Univice of Myths beckoned the four charges and they were sucked in.

His main job complete, A.J. went back to Centermon and Shadow Owl. He sighed.

"Four charges of courage I have now." He informed.

Shadow Owl nodded. "That's a first step in proving yourself to me and Alpha Lion, or to me at least." He grinned.

A.J. blinked. "What? You don't believe that I'm... uh... What would you call it?" He asked.

Shadow Owl chuckled. "See? You still need to prove yourself A.J."

"Please tell me we're heading back to our shelter now." Centermon requested.

A.J. nodded. "Back to Resolve Town it is. Besides, I need to have some sleep; food, and bath." He stated.

Taking to the air once more, A.J. activated his jet pack and blasted off, with Shadow Owl flapping his wings behind. Below them, Centermon kept track of them on the ground. Once again, A.J. kept his jet pack at a steady pace, for Centermon to keep up with them, and for him not to have to make an effort to keep up...

The three companions returned to Resolve Town safely. Upon landing, Shadow Owl walked off.

"I'm off to White Fox's. I want to find out if my and Alpha Lion's shelter is done. Until later... um... legend." Shadow Owl smiled, waving.

He disappeared in the distance and A.J. sighed in relief.

'I have a feeling I'm going to sigh a lot these days.' He thought.

He had Twinkler go back into his univice and his normal outfit appeared, with it being the same since before Paladin of Darkness crashed: a green t-shirt and black shorts. Centermon went transparent green and shrunk back in Zonemon.

"Let's see how they're doing." A.J. suggested.

Zonemon nodded. He realized then by A.J. taking him, he indirectly escaped the cleaning up. He blinked for a moment, before following A.J. into the biovesto cabin...

A.J. found the place clean. He found Otazoidmon and Ememon sleeping in their beds, with Ememon sleeping in a way that wouldn't injure his wings or tail. Equalmon was there and he opened his eyes sleepily. He saw A.J. and Zonemon. Zonemon immediately went to his own bed and dozed off to sleep. Equalmon smiled weakly and A.J. noticed it, through probing Equalmon's mind for a few moments.

When all four were dozed off to sleep, A.J. went to the bathroom. He took a bath for a few hours; cleaning, and refreshing himself. After that, he put on a dark green robe and had his clothes washed in the kitchen. Only wearing his robe, A.J. went to his room and dozed off to sleep in his bed...

Alpha Lion returned to White Fox's home. Shadow Owl and White Fox were there waiting for him. Alpha Lion was sweating and he was panting.

"Trouble?" Shadow Owl asked...

Alpha Lion nodded and put down the biovesto bag White Fox gave to him. White Fox raised his eyebrow.

"I see you still got all four charges of friendship." He noted.

Alpha Lion nodded. "I sure did, and it wasn't as easy as I thought. Though I decided I won't come back until I gained them. I'll leave them here until A.J. shows up, that's if it's O.K. with you White Fox."

White Fox shrugged. "Fine with me."

Shadow Owl stood up. "Come with me. Now that you're back, let's go see our shelter."

"It's done?" Alpha Lion asked.

Shadow Owl nodded. "Yep and White Hulman showed me where he planted it."

Alpha Lion sighed. "Settling down so quickly... I'm not complaining, because I need the rest and recovery myself, before I go out for another run at A.J.'s charges."

White Fox immediately stood up. "What?" He bellowed.

Shadow Owl sweat-dropped. Alpha Lion chuckled.

"Surely you don't think that A.J. would accept my apology with just gaining one type of charges for him, now would you?" Alpha Lion asked.

White Fox sweat-dropped. "Whatever." He muttered, sitting back down in his organic seat.

Alpha Lion and Shadow Owl walked out of the house, leaving White Fox alone with his thoughts. Silently, White Hulman walked into White Fox's Study and White Fox sensed him, with his eyes closed. He kept silent and White Hulman knew that White Fox knew of his presence in the room...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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