Thursday, October 30, 2008

Journey of Green Feathers Starts

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 1: Journey of Green Feathers Start

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

A.J. stretched out. He just passed through Sacred Star Volcano, reaching Midnight Rastiro. Ememon; Equalmon; Otazoidmon; Zonemon, and Lunal were all with him. It was Lunal's first visit to Midnight Rastiro. A.J. and his soul-warriors had everything they needed for the personal sailor journey.

"So where to now?" Equalmon asked.

"Lu?" Lunal nodded.

"To Misterim's Quarters. On the way, let's sing the Sailor Journey song." A.J. started walking.

"O.K. One thing though, Lunal can't join us in singing." Otazoidmon reminded.

"I know." A.J. nodded.

"Why not stop by Myths Village first?" Ememon suggested.

"So be it. A visit to the village." A.J. agreed.

"The song." Zonemon reminded.

The Green Feather League started walking towards Myths Village. A.J. started the song.

"Head into the unexpected!" A.J. started.

"Explore new frontiers!" Ememon continued.

Lunal gave a tune to the song with his voice.

"Face dangers!" Otazoidmon added.

"Gain new experiences!" Zonemon remarked.

"Challenge the impossible!" Equalmon added.

"Pass the impassable!" A.J. continued.

"We'll be brave!" Ememon added.

"For we fear nothing!" Otazoidmon continued.

"So bring it on!" Equalmon continued.

"We'll face our fears!" A.J.; Ememon; Otazoidmon; Zonemon, and Equalmon added in unison.

"For there's nothing impossible in our trail!" They continued.

"We're Sailors beasts, we fear nothing!" They finished.

"Head into the unexpected!" Ememon started over.

They continued on singing it together. Lunal was the musical tune of the song. A.J. was taking the lead. Lunal was flying beside him. Equalmon was trotting on A.J.'s other side. Ememon; Otazoidmon, and Zonemon took the rear, singing with their arms behind each other's necks. They were carrying their Andalus Boards and Andalus Bags. A.J. was wearing his owl uniform. Ememon; Zonemon, and Equalmon were wearing the mystic suits without the helmet.

Otazoidmon was wearing his own suit that he always wore. They were so joyful and full of energy, like nothing would sadden them or holt them...

They reached the village entrance and finished the song quickly. A.J. turned to his soul-warriors.

"Soul-Warriors? We're a team right?" A.J. asked.

"We're more than that." Zonemon replied.

"We're best friends." Ememon agreed.

"Why would you ask such a thing?" Otazoidmon asked.

"Luna." Lunal agreed.

A.J. sighed. "I just have a bad feeling about this: the village."

"Like what?" Equalmon asked.

"Element Destroyer!" A voice yelled.

A.J. sweat-dropped. "Like that."

"We'll handle him this time." Zonemon decided.

"But he's attacking the village!" Equalmon complained.

"Yeah. Embryos might have been killed." Ememon agreed.

"Then that should make us firmer soul-warriors! I'm going in!" Zonemon dashed through the entrance.

"Ready or not Straymon! I'm coming!" Zonemon yelled.

A.J. sighed. He pulled off his glove, exposing the univice. It was glowing transparent green.


"We'll give you backup!" Ememon rushed behind Centermon.

"... PRIMON!"

"I'm with you! Wait for me!" Equalmon yelled, galloping behind the two.

A.J. laughed.


The three have dropped their boards and bags upon entering. Otazoidmon stared into the village. Lunal landed on A.J.'s right shoulder, he folded his wings.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Otazoidmon asked, not taking his eyes off the village.

A.J. nodded. "That I do. Miracles Initiate!"

"... MAGNA OTAMON! Hero of Miracles."

Magna Otamon flew into the village. A.J. let his crescent board drop by his side. He got onto it.

"Hold on tight Lunal." A.J. advised.

"Lu." Lunal nodded.

He put his glove back on and blasted into the village, throwing his Andalus bag into the others...

Humanmon was there and a portal to the Digital World was open. Straymon was below it. Humanmon gained some distance and then threw a Punimon towards the portal. Straymon jumped into the air and caught Punimon. He chewed it and swallowed. Deleted data flew off into the breeze, away from Straymon's jaws. A.J. and his soul-warriors gasped. Humanmon picked up a Puttomon and threw him towards the portal. Straymon jumped into the air.

"Element Destroyer!" Straymon yelled.

The attack vaporized the young one. Straymon landed gracefully. Humanmon took a Minimon and threw him towards the portal. Magna Otamon had enough. He flew through the air and intercepted Minimon's path. He fell on Centermon with Minimon safe in Magna Otamon's hands. Magna Otamon got off of Centermon and threw Minimon over to A.J. The sailor caught Minimon in his hands. Lunal looked down at him, aware not to hurt him.

"Your turn!" Magna Otamon turned to Straymon.

"You're mine!" Centermon growled, approaching Straymon slowly.

"We'll take you down this time." Primon remarked, hovering in the air.

"No mercy embryo murderer!" Feriusmon neighed.

"Thanks for the help but I don't need it." Humanmon commented.

"Shut the fuck up!" A.J. growled. "It's enough of you sacrificing innocent defenseless embryos!"

Centermon and Feriusmon galloped towards Straymon. Magna Otamon and Primon flew towards Straymon.

"Atom Strike!" Centermon yelled.

"Hoof Tornado!" Feriusmon yelled.

Straymon pounced over Atom Strike in place. He pounced to his left, avoiding Hoof Tornado. Primon slashed his crane towards Straymon's snout, but Straymon pounced backwards. Primon continued on advancing towards him, while Straymon kept on pouncing backwards, avoiding Primon. Magna Otamon landed behind Straymon. Centermon slowly approached Straymon, like a lion would approach its prey. Feriusmon snorted and rubbed the ground with his frontal right hoof...

"Meow!" A voice whispered.

A.J. turned his head backwards. He saw a small cute black kitten, surrounded by fire. Lunal saw it too. Lunal flew to the ground, folding his wings. A.J. put Minimon down, in front of Lunal.

"Watch over him." A.J. whispered.

Lunal nodded. A.J. blasted off towards the defenseless kitten. The fire was very close in burning it to death. The Andalus Board blasted through the fire with A.J.'s head lowered and his arms over it. He looked up and quickly snatched the kitten. A.J. quickly put the kitten in his shirt and protected it, bursting out of the other end of the fire circle. The board stopped once out of the ring. The kitten licked A.J.'s chin. A.J. laughed.

"Your welcome." A.J. smiled.

He turned his attention to the battle and was in time to see Straymon galloping away. Centermon decrevolved back to Zonemon; Primon decrevolved back to Ememon; Feriusmon decrevolved back to Equalmon, and Magna Otamon decrevolved back to Otazoidmon, the charge returning to A.J.'s univice. Zonemon picked up Minimon, as A.J.'s soul-warriors headed towards him. A.J. ripped part of his cape off and made a small dark green star bow around the kitten's neck.

It meowed. A.J. picked it up and checked its private parts. He noticed that it was male. Knowing his gender, A.J. lowered him.

"I'll name you Starspark." A.J. smiled.

"Meow!" Starspark accepted.

The crest of myths was on its forehead in dark green. The crest was fur. The kitten's eyes were emerald green, there was no whiteness in them. It was completely black except for its crest; bow, and eyes.

"Welcome aboard Starspark. I'm Otazoidmon." Otazoidmon greeted.

"Meow." Starspark greeted, staring at Otazoidmon.

"I'm A.J." A.J. informed...

"Straymon would be back. The village is too vulnerable with him loose and alive." Humanmon remarked.

"I agree. Equalmon, you'll stay. Through you we'll know if he'll strike again. We'll come back for you. You'll just alert us to come over when Straymon is around. I would advise you to watch from the tower." A.J. explained.

"I'm up to it." Equalmon nodded.

"As for the rest of us, let's head towards Misterim's Quarters. Don't forget to pick up your Andalus Boards Bags. And Equalmon, your mission is been updated. You'll watch over Minimon while you're looking out for Straymon." A.J. decided.

Equalmon shrugged. "I'll gladly baby-sit him."

Starspark climbed to A.J.'s right shoulder. Lunal took his seat on A.J.'s left shoulder.

"Hold on tight you two." A.J. advised.

"Lu." Lunal nodded.

"Mew." Starspark replied.

A.J.'s Andalus Board blasted off, out of Myths Village, leaving Equalmon behind. Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon rushed to get their Andalus Boards and Bags. While passing by the entrance, A.J. quickly snatched his Andalus Bag. He put it over his back. With their Andalus Bags over their backs, Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon hopped onto their boards and blasted towards A.J., out of Myths Village...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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