Monday, November 3, 2008

Explore the Light Crests

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 2: "Explore the Light Crests"

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

A.J. here, we entered the Midnight Rastiro and my personal sailor journey begun. I and my soul-warriors' first destination was Myths Village. When we arrived, Straymon was there wrecking havoc and killing embryos. My soul-warriors decided to battle him, all except Lunal. During the fight I heard a meow of a kitten and saw one cornered by fire. I saved it and it became mine. It was a male, which I named Starspark. Equalmon is left behind to warn us of Straymon's return. Our next destination: Misterim's Quarters. On with the conclusion...

Night was closing in and whether he liked it or not, A.J. and his soul-warriors were lost in the forests. A.J. stopped his board, with both Lunal and Starspark sighing in relief. Otazoidmon; Ememon, and Zonemon stopped beside him.

"Why did you stop?" Ememon asked.

"I hate to admit it, but we're lost. It's foolish to continue on in the night; we'll just get lost more than we already are." A.J. sighed.

"So we set camp here?" Otazoidmon asked.

"No, not in the middle of the road. We'll camp deep in the forests." A.J. replied.

Ememon; Otazoidmon, and Zonemon all stared deep into the unknown forests. They gulped.

"It's the safest place." A.J. remarked, turning his board towards the depths of the forests.

"Lu!" Lunal cheered.

The forest was his home. Since Lunal was an owl, he knew his way around and knew how to track in the forest, even when its night and its pitch dark.

"Besides we have an excellent tracker with us." A.J. smiled, turning his eyes towards Lunal.

"Oh! We're so relived." Zonemon commented sarcastically.

"Another word out of you and we'll leave you behind!" A.J. hissed, warning.

Zonemon zipped his lips: animation style. Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon turned their boards towards the forest. The four of them blasted into the forest. Ememon was an owl, but he kept quiet about being able to navigate at night, especially in a forest. It had seemed to him that A.J. had completely forgot about it...

It was getting darker and A.J. activated his flashlight that was part of his univice's abilities, it lighted the road ahead of them. Lunal told them when they were in a suitable place to make a camp. Lunal's eyes shone in the darkness. He flew to a nearby tree, looking over the camp. A.J.; Ememon; Zonemon, and Otazoidmon all stopped. They got off of their boards. They put their boards close by, leaning onto a tree.

A.J. took off his right glove; he put it under his board, holding his glove there. He ordered a camp-fire through his univice, while Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon sat around in a circle, taking their Andalus Bags off. A camp-fire appeared in the center, with stones surrounding it. A.J. lighted the wood with his new myths lighter.

Zonemon; Ememon; Otazoidmon, and A.J. set up their sleeping bags beside each other. They were placed at a safe distance from the camp-fire, but close enough for it to light it. Starspark climbed down A.J. and cuddled around himself on A.J.'s sleeping bag. A.J.; Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon went back to sitting around the camp-fire. Starspark felt safe with A.J. and his soul-warriors close by; he didn't fear anything.

A.J. and his three soul-warriors put down their Andalus Bags with their boards, leaning onto them. A.J. cooked some food with kitchen utensils. He had already put his lighter back into his bag. The food was cooking, and they were all comfy and warm.

"I guess its time each of us gets our league badge." A.J. started.

"Do you mean Islamic Andalus League?" Zonemon asked.

A.J. shook his head. "No. I mean our own league, the six of us including Equalmon: Feranin League?"

"Oh that league." Zonemon nodded.

"No. I don't like that name." Equalmon shook his head.

"I agree with Equalmon." Otazoidmon agreed.

"O.K. then, what do you suggest we name our league?" A.J. asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hmm... Green Feather League?" Equalmon inquired.

A.J. blinked. "... I hate to admit it, but that sounds like a good name."

"I'm with it." Otazoidmon added.

"Is everyone O.K. with our league's name as "Green Feather League"?" A.J. inquired.

A.J.'s soul-warriors voiced their support one way or another for the name.

"One for each one of us. Just the six of us would be the members." A.J. explained.

"And you're the leader of course." Otazoidmon remarked.

"Actually no. I've thought of having Ememon leader of our league." A.J. decided, turning to Ememon.

Ememon blinked.

"So what do you say?" Zonemon asked.

"... I... I guess I'm O.K. with it." Ememon replied.

"Excellent. This would teach you some, if not all, leadership skills." A.J. explained.

"What about the badges?" Otazoidmon asked.

A.J. gave the badges out. He put on his. He put Starspark's on his bow, to the bow's right. He flipped one up to Lunal, who caught it with his wings. Lunal strapped the badge on himself.

"We need a guard, to warn us." Ememon decided.

"Lu!" Lunal replied, raising his right wing.

"O.K. Lunal would be it." Ememon sighed.

"Will we take turns?" Zonemon asked.

Ememon shook his head. "No, we won't."

"That I like. I'm starting to like you being the league's leader Ememon." Otazoidmon smiled.

They ate their dinner. Lunal came down and ate with them, out of his plate. He flew back up to his branch when he was done. A.J. dealt with doing the dishes.

"I guess we retire for the night." Ememon yawned.

"I'm with that choice." Otazoidmon yawned.

A.J. put the utensils away and cuddled up in his sleeping bag. Starspark cuddled up next to him, close to his neck on the left side. Ememon; Zonemon, and Otazoidmon cuddled up into their own sleeping bags. Soon, all four were fast asleep. After half an hour Lunal's eyes started closing slowly. Lunal jerked them open, realizing what was happening. He eventually surrounded to sleep on the branch.

A.J. thought that he was through with having dreams of him and Helen but that was untrue, this night proofing it because he had one, a nice but strange one at the same time...

A droplet of water woke A.J. up from his slumber. He sat up in his sleeping bag.

"Zonemon!" He growled.

Zonemon sat up in his sleeping bag, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"What?" He asked, yawning.

A.J. blinked, another droplet fell on his face. He looked up at the sky. It was morning, but there were wolf clouds in the sky and it was starting to drizzle. The camp-fire was out. Lunal; Starspark; Ememon, and Otazoidmon woke up from the feeling of water on their faces. It started pouring. A.J. got out of his sleeping bag in a rush, putting Starspark under his shirt. He put his sleeping bag into his Andalus Bag and he had the camp-fire vanish, sucking it into his univice.

He covered his univice with his right glove. Ememon; Otazoidmon, and Zonemon followed suit. Lunal flew down to A.J.'s left shoulder, covering his head with his wings. A.J. put his Andalus Bag over his back and hopped onto his board. He turned to his soul-warriors.

"You four can protect yourselves through the mystic suits." A.J. reminded.

Otazoidmon blinked. "Of course."

"We forgot." Ememon whispered.

Hastily, Lunal; Ememon; Otazoidmon, and Zonemon put on their helmets. A.J. stayed the way he was. He blasted off on his board with Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon behind him...

After some time, it was still raining, but A.J. and his soul-warriors had reached the main trail. They took it and stumbled upon an abandoned camp-fire. He used his univice to absorb the camp-fire into it. Lightning flashed and A.J. noticed a mosque not too far. He blinked, surprised to see one there. He shrugged.

'It's the best shelter for now.' He thought.

He remembered the time he was a baby and the time Tarek took him out for a walk, a walk A.J. never returned back to the Al-Jallad residence afterward. He could only imagine how Tarek returned. He headed towards the mosque with Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon in hot pursuit. A.J. had built a mystic suit for Otazoidmon, it was one of the first things A.J. did once he returned with Stan from their rescue journey.

On approaching the mosque, there were four minarets around it, one in each corner. A.J. could barely hear the Athan or call of prayer from the mosque. His soul-warriors and Starspark could barely hear it as well. They had stopped for a few moments, listening to it while it was still raining. Once it was done, A.J. and his soul-warriors entered the mosque...

A.J. closed the entrance of the mosque behind him. He and his soul-warriors put their Andalus Bags and boards onto the wall, leaning against it. They all lowered their helmets. Starspark jumped out of A.J.'s shirt and landed gracefully onto the green carpeted floor. He shook himself from the water. Lunal flew to a bench and perched onto it, with his wings folded. A.J. saw a pulpit. He walked towards it. He looked up, staring into a dome.

The dome from the inside had all the names of Allah, all ninety-nine. There was a tape recorder playing Qur'an in the mosque, continuously on a low volume with a beautiful trance-taking voice.

"It's so peaceful in here." Otazoidmon whispered, staring around the large room.

"So quiet." Ememon added, whispering.

"So majestic." Zonemon sighed, closing his eyes.

Starspark went to a corner and cuddled around himself in it. He put his head on his paws and kept his eyes open, alert to the surroundings around him. A.J. took off his shoes and put them in the rightful place. Lunal stayed perched on his bench, comfy and relaxed.

"There must be a place to clean somewhere in here. It must be inside because I didn't see it outside." A.J. remarked.

He reached the other end of the mosque, passing the pulpit. He touched the wall and his univice completely shone its known and common color. A.J. moved his palm away and the wall slid to the right, opening. A.J. blinked.

'A secret room.' He thought.

"We'll stay here." Otazoidmon reminded.

A.J. nodded. "Have a pleasant nap."

The wall closed behind him...

A.J. looked around him. He saw all the crests: divine; light, and darkness ones. They were all shining in their respected colors. He saw his crest amongst them. His crest was always a mystery to him. He read what was below the crest of myths.

"This is the one of the most powerful crests in any dimension. Its keeper would hold the powers that no other humans have. He would control elements to some point and create his own attacks through them. He would have the Power of Thought ability and Soul ability along with Spirit evolving. Myths... Myths is the uniqueness of a person and how special he is. He is the only one who could have this crest. It's the crest of all crests. Its keeper should be of crescentian offspring. He would have more abilities other than those mentioned here. It is said mystically that the Keeper of Myths would enter this sacred room in the Myths Mosque. To be the Keeper of Myths, you should have all of the known light crests."

'Myths is the uniqueness of a person and how special he is. I am the only one who could have this crest. It's the crest of all crests.' A.J. thought.

He looked back at the crest. A.J. started reading the writing below the colored outlined light crests in his mind. They were shorter than Myths.

"Courage... To have courage is not only to be brave in every situation but also to face your fears and deal with them, even get over them. Being courageous could be in many different situations and ways."

"Friendship... Having friends to share your troubles and thoughts with. They could be other humans, like your family, friends, superiors or classmates; they could even be your own soul-warriors. True friends are always there for each other, for support and assurance."

"Love... The emotion that no one understands completely. Love can be in many different ways. Loving your sweetheart is different from loving your friends or family. Love is a strong powerful emotion that can make a person face unthinkable dangers and pass them with determination."

"Knowledge... To have knowledge is a power of the mind; power of logic, and power of imagination. With Knowledge, difficulties that can't be passed with strength can be passed with knowledge."

"Sincerity... To be sincere is one of the most sacred virtues. You would be respected, trusted and trusted with another person's object. To be sincere is to be honest and truthful in your talk and feelings."

"Reliability... The independence of one's self. Its self-discipline. It teaches the person that he or she could be useful and helpful when they're needed the most, no matter the difficulties or risks. It's being there for one who's in danger and helping them out of it."

"Hope... To be hopeful is another one of the most sacred virtues. It gives a person patience for the future and for what he or she wishes or wants badly. Hope is powerful. With it, a powerful ally is with you. Without it, you're doomed to fear; horror, and failure."

"Light... Sight is one of the most important senses in any creature. To help see, light shows the eyes what is around its environment. It can be a powerful and gentle ally, including a wise ally. Without it, you're lost and alone in darkness."

"Kindness... Kindness is being polite and goodly mannered to anyone, you need to be kind in a nice respectful way. Kindness is one of the most respected virtues."

"Conscience... Knowing what's right from wrong. If there's something wrong, try your best to correct but be aware, try to correct it in a lawful way and not wrong way."

"Justice... Two branches, there's light justice and darkness justice. Both are the same. To be just is to be fair and give the victim his or her rights against the attacker or unjust one. A judge alone would be right to deal with such cases. Always be just."

"Victory... It's a great reward gained in winning a battle, especially if one defeats an opponent stronger than him or her. Victory gives you self-confidence and trust in your fellow comrades."

A.J. nodded, reading all of it...

He went to a nearby laptop and started it. There were books around him with some medical supplies as well. He checked for info on cats and viceroys. He learned that cats, domestic cats, have special worms on their bodies that only can survive on them. The worms can easily get onto humans. Females of the human specie are the most vulnerable, as the cat's worms can make them sterile.

A.J. learned that there were shots to deal with the cat's worms. He learned about the viceroys. A fifth viceroy was considered fifth after the first four because as the tale says, there was a time when the treasury had money in it and the fifth viceroy looked for poor people to give them money, but there were no poor people in all his lands. A.J. learned of the viceroy room...

He turned the laptop off and went over the medical supplies.

A.J. gave himself a shot that had Crescentian Immunity written on it. A.J. was used to shots. He left the room and gave Starspark the Cleanse shot that would deal with his worms. He went back into the hidden room with his board and bag. He found an emerald coin that had the flag of Faith of Algeria engraved on it. The crest of myths was below it, barely showing. That was one side; on the other was an engraved lined owl...

A.J. looked at in a closet that had a glass window. Through it he saw the many types of Digivices and Charges. They were only copies and colored engravings; unusable.

They were normal Digivices; D-3s; D-Tectors; D-Scanners; Starvices; Travices; Taivices; Univices; Twivices, and many more. They were all the types of charges. With them were all the crests: divine; light, and darkness ones. All copies of course. The ones with tags had their crests below them but not in them. A.J. saw the copy of his crest: the crest of Myths. The symbol was suitable for A.J.'s personality and uniqueness.

There was another closet full with all types of weaponry from all the ages, including imaginative ones. The large ones like artillery; cannons, and tanks were small miniatures...

A.J. took his right glove off and put the coin in the univice, it easily slipped in. The univice shone its natural color for a few moments before fading away. The coin came out on the other side of the univice, unchanged. His univice was partially the mystic camera. A.J. carried his board by his side and his bag was on his back. He put the coin in a coin slot in the wall. Beside it was a door that led to the viceroy's room. The coin came out below with a string holding it.

A.J. put it around his neck and the door opened...

His mouth opened slightly upon seeing the sight of the room. It was beautiful, full with primitive weapons like swords and arrows. There were historical books and historical suits that the kings; viceroys, and leaders wore. There were also types of thrones they sat on. A.J. approached a small sealed chamber. There was one hole in it, a hand that extended inside that was made of rubber. A.J. put his right hand into it.

Instantly electric shocks went through his body, A.J. gritted his teeth, tolerating the pain. An artificial rainbow swirled around A.J.'s body, completely changing his uniform into a colorful beautiful suit, suitable for a leader. A.J.'s coin around his neck glowed the whole time. The electric shocks and artificial rainbow also gave him abilities that what the writing below myths mentioned and much more. A.J.'s pupils glowed temporarily green.

Real green hair was around A.J.'s hair at the rims. A.J.'s hair was clean, thick and reached to his shoulder blades. When it was all over, A.J. was wearing a complete full suit that was colorful with the colors that the Islamic Armies used. He retracted his hand, blinking. Only his cape and shoes were of owl feathers. An Islamic sheathed sword was to the right of A.J.'s belt. A.J. left the room with triumph, the coin's glowing faded away...

A.J. left the viceroy's room, the door closed behind him. A.J. took some of the medical supplies and put them in his bag. The information that was on the laptop was on A.J.'s univice. He walked into the front room of the mosque. The rainbow and electric shock had cleaned him for prayer. He prayed two rac'a's to Allah and woke his soul-warriors up. They were all surprised to see A.J. is such a colorful suit. Lunal went back onto A.J.'s left shoulder.

Starspark took his place on A.J.'s right shoulder. The rain had stopped. His soul-warriors gathered up their stuff and walked out of Myths Mosque with A.J. A.J. closed the doors behind him. The five started walking. A.J.'s badge was still in its place.

"Head into the unexpected!" Ememon started.

Their next and final destination for awhile was Misterim's Quarters. A.J. had learned a lot from Myths Mosque. He looked back at it while he walked, smiling...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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