Monday, December 1, 2008

Troops of Myths

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 10: Troops of Myths

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Welcome to Otazoidmon's corner. I'm the host of my own corner. Now a lot of things happened during the past episode and here's the main summary of the previous episode. A.J. and I vanished from inside Under Wormmon and reappeared in some world realm, not to mention freaky. While becoming dizzy, A.J. lost his grip on the mysterious charge of deepness. It turned out that it reappeared back in Realm of Charge, where Ememon was the first to notice it and Zonemon the first to approach it. With his meal -A.J. and I- vanishing from his body, Under Wormmon resurfaced some distance away from Feranin League in Dune Desert. Under Wormmon didn't attack and neither did Feranin League. Equalmon recalled what happened to Ememon, when he was out cold. Feranin League went into offense, with me and A.J. reappearing in Dune Desert. With A.J. back, he was able to activate the mysterious charge of deepness and Zonemon mystery charged into Bubblemon. Bubblemon defeated Under Wormmon with ease and I took Under Wormmon down, but the status I was in, after so much activity in fighting, I decrevolved back in my caterpillar form of Emeraldmon. With Under Wormmon gone, a new charge appeared, being the Charge of Goodness. A.J. activated it and Ememon charged into AJmon. With AJmon now, we can fly around and leave Dune Desert quicker. I wonder what awaits us now. On with the conclusion...

"Check your univice." Zonemon advised.

"For what?" A.J. asked.

"... You mean the mysterious crest." Deep Techamon nodded.

A.J. raised an eyebrow. "Mysterious crest?" He asked.

"Apparently Hyogamon didn't know about it. I looked at the mysterious charge of deepness closely and there were two crests. I only recognized the crest of myths." Zonemon explained.

A.J. nodded and brought up the hologram of the mysterious charge of deepness. A.J. stared closely at it, with the hologram spinning. AJmon kept quiet, flying, with Lunal to his side, flying along side him. Starspark was resting on AJmon and Emeraldmon watched over him so that he won't fall. He noticed the crest of myths and recognized it, and waited, eventually noticing the second mysterious crest.

"Oh my." He whispered.

"That means there are mysterious crests. If we look at the mysterious charge of atmosphere, we might find its own mysterious crest." Deep Techamon explained.

"So this mysterious crest I see is the mysterious crest of deepness?" A.J. asked.

"Apparently it is." Emeraldmon nodded.

The hologram of the mysterious charge of deepness vanished and was replaced by the mysterious charge of atmosphere. A.J. looked at it closely, as did Zonemon; Emeraldmon, and Deep Techamon. With the hologram spinning, A.J. saw the second mysterious crest, and second crest on the mysterious charge. His eyes narrowed, and the hologram vanished.

"What is left? We have atmosphere and deepness, but there are three. What's the third? What kind of powers do these mysterious crests have?" A.J. asked.

Zonemon; Emeraldmon, and Deep Techamon all helplessly shrugged.

"I'd like to know myself." Emeraldmon replied.

"... I recall what Hyogamon said. The third mysterious charge is the mysterious charge of survival for space." Deep Techamon reminded.

"That leaves one question unanswered." Zonemon muttered.

AJmon flew out of Dune Desert and entered the highlands. Feranin League kept silent, looking down at the green hills and occasional farms.

"There's discipline and harmony in Realm of Charges?" A.J. asked.

"There is obviously. I wonder if there's a nearby town where we can rest." AJmon wondered.

"... It seems that there is." Deep Techamon informed.

A.J. and Feranin League looked into the horizon and saw what appeared like to be strange houses and in the middle of the town was a flag, with the crest of courage in the center of the flag and the background white.

"Land there AJmon. Once we're all down, you'll all return to your juvenile forms." A.J. decided.

"Good. I want to stretch out!" Deep Techamon exclaimed.

AJmon was quick in finding an open meadow on the top of the hill, in front of what appeared to be the town, away from the farms. AJmon landed down into the meadow and everyone dismounted him. Starspark dismounted AJmon by himself. Rather than landing on the ground, Lunal landed on A.J.'s right shoulder. With a double glow of green lights, AJmon shrunk and Deep Techamon grew. Both charges returned to A.J.'s univice.

AJmon returned in Ememon and Deep Techamon returned in Equalmon. Equalmon stamped his right front hoof into the grassy meadow a few times, happy to be able to stretch out again. After a few moments passed, Equalmon stopped his stamping of his hoof and glanced down to his left. He saw Starspark staring back at him. Equalmon chuckled and understood what Starspark wanted. He nodded his head in permission and Starspark leapt onto Equalmon.

Starspark quickly regained his balance and held onto Equalmon...

With Feranin League together once more, the league stared ahead into the town, but a creature was staring back at them, from inside the town.

"Welcoming committee?" Emeraldmon asked.

The creature turned around and motioned to Feranin League for them to follow him. He started walking away. The soul-warriors all glanced at A.J., A.J. shrugged in return.

"Why not? Let's follow him." He decided.

The creature continued on walking into the town, but he glanced behind him and saw the league following him. He smiled, nodding, and continued on towards a specific structure. The creature continued on walking until he stopped in front of a structure momentarily, waiting for Feranin League to catch up with him. Feranin League all stopped behind the creature.

"Where's the door?" Equalmon asked.

The creature grinned and stopped into the structure, an opening vanished and the creature had entered the structure. Once stepping in, the creature glanced back at Feranin League and waited for them to step in; they all eventually did...

With Equalmon being the last to enter, the light in the structure had suddenly vanished. Feranin League turned around and the opening had vanished.

"I don't like this." Zonemon whispered, all tense.

The rest of the league, except for A.J., was all alert and tense.

"Would the Mystic Sailor please take his shoes off?" A male voice asked.

A.J. narrowed an eye, but complied. He bent his knees and undid his shoes, taking them off and putting them aside. The inner structure was all of what looked like living organisms, which natively grew and thrived in Meric Land. The living organism was known to every resident in Meric Land as Biovesto. It was the only building material that was used to build shelters, sparing all trees and other building materials.

Biovesto had its own defense from outside hostility and its own internal natural light. The cudilas was lit well. A few holographs were apparent on the wall opposite of the organic door, with two figures in the room: one sitting down in front of the monitors and the other was standing not too far behind from the first. The color of the Biovesto was a double mixture of dark green and black, with sparkles of light green spotted randomly around the organ.

A.J. eventually recognized the biovesto. Under his feet, the biolure felt alive; cushy, and slippery. Feranin League stayed close to each other in the empty room. Another organic door opened up and a new creature appeared, with the organic door closing behind him. The first creature was still there. For a few moments, the second creature stared at Feranin League and eventually smiled to himself.

"My name is White Fox and you all must be Feranin League. No need to introduce yourselves; I already know all of you by name. I was close friends with Misterim..." White Fox paused, in memory of the deceased human.

"... No need to be afraid of me or of White Hulman." White Fox informed, nodding towards the first creature. "You all have my personal word that you won't be harmed here in Resolve Town. Please, follow me."

White Fox and White Hulman walked off of the room, from the same entrance White Fox had entered. They vanished with the biovesto door closing behind them. Feranin League just stood there for a few moments, confused and not sure of whether to take White Fox's assurance of them, as in the town residence, not harming the league.

"So this is Resolve Town." A.J. muttered.

"I don't trust that White Fox, or that White Hulman." Zonemon informed.

"From since we met at the entrance of this town, White Hulman hasn't spoken with us." Equalmon agreed.

"What do you think A.J.?" Ememon asked.

"Both would keep to their words. We'll be safe and secure in this town. Besides, we need the rest with all the fighting and moving around, especially since Misterim died. This structure is made out of Biovesto, which thrives back in Meric Land." A.J. explained.

The soul-warriors glanced around them in the room. There were a few windows in the room, made out of a thin layer of biovesto. With the windows, the room was well lighted, mostly from the light coming through the windows. One could look outside through the windows, but from the outside, nobody could see the inside. The thin layer of biovesto that was the windows, prevented any outside hostility or weather to enter through them.

At night, the light from the organic walls would be the only night. The lights were permanently on, on the walls.

"Really?" Emeraldmon questioned.

A.J. nodded. "I'm sure none of you have ever noticed, but I had been doing some study on biovesto back when I was younger. The Emerald Mansion is completely made out of biovesto for all your knowledge." He informed.

"... What? Emerald Mansion's completely made out of this?" Zonemon asked.

"You better believe it." A.J. replied.

"... White Fox and White Hulman have waited long enough. Maybe they'll be able to tell us about the abilities that the mysterious charges have; the reason 'why' they're mysterious. I for one am going in, with or without the rest of you." A.J. decided, walking towards the organic door.

The soul-warriors glanced at each other and silently decided on following A.J. Silently, they followed A.J. out of the room and into the next...

The next room was larger than the first. The organic door closed behind the soul-warriors, with them pausing with A.J. to glance around the room. The room appeared to be completely made of biovesto and appeared to be White Fox's Study.

There was a biovesto desk; biovesto seats; biovesto table, and biovesto bookcase with a book and CD place on it. Unlike the room before it, White Fox's Study didn't have any windows, and was completely dependent on the natural light coming from the walls. White Fox was sitting in one of the organic seats, seated near the organic table. White Hulman was standing next to him with his arms behind his back in attention.

White Fox waited for Feranin League to swallow in the site and when he saw them staring at him, he nodded.

"Please White Hulman, take care of Lunal and Starspark. I would like to talk with the others about some stuff. Not to mention a friend of mine might arrive anytime soon." He requested.

White Hulman nodded and walked over to Lunal and Starspark. Starspark sensed he could trust White Hulman, as did Lunal. Ever gently, White Hulman carried Starspark in his hands and motioned Lunal to follow him. The owl nodded and flapped its wings into the air. White Hulman walked away, to what apparently was a second organic door and walked through the entrance, with Lunal flying behind him. All three disappeared with the organic door reappearing.

"Please, take a seat Feranin League." White Fox requested.

"... What about me?" Equalmon asked.

White Fox pointed out at a seat nearby, near the organic table, suitable for quadruples like Equalmon. Equalmon nodded and trotted towards his seat. A.J.; Emeraldmon; Zonemon, and Ememon all took seats around the organic table.

"You can all rest here in my home for as long as all of you like. You all must be hungry. I'll wait for..." White Fox started.

He stopped upon noticing a codelimin entering the room from the first organic door. White Fox immediately stood up, smiling. A.J. and his soul-warrior copedam turned to see the new arriver. Emeraldmon's eyes widened and when the new codelimin noticed Emeraldmon, his own eyes went wide. A.J. noticed the surprise from the two, and narrowed his eyes is suspicion. White Fox noticed as well and chuckled.

"Feranimon, meet Feranin League. White Hulman is taking care of Lunal and Starspark." White Fox informed.

"... I just returned with my army from our raid against the crolands." Feranimon informed, with his eyes still on Emeraldmon.

Emeraldmon also kept his eyes on Feranimon. Curious with the whole staring, A.J. checked his univice for information on Feranimon.

"Feranimon - Mythical Jerebi Muzon - Passing the mate level, Feranimon is the next form of Otazoidmon, after Siromon. He's a powerful veteran, naturally skilled in numerous abilities, and naturally fluent in English; Twilasin; Arabic; French, and Spanish - His attack are: Stars of Heaven; Charm of a Paladin; Mythical Twinkle."

Upon finding out Feranimon's analysis, A.J. understood the stare between Emeraldmon and Feranimon. Feranimon's eyes turned gentle and he smiled.

"It's nice to meet fellow brothers." He greeted, smiling.

Emeraldmon smiled and nodded.

"Some here brother." He replied.

"... Crolands?" Equalmon inquired.

"Before you start, please, take a seat." White Fox offered.

Feranimon nodded and took a vacant seat around the table.

"Crolands were once a peaceful specie, resembling a Gran Kuwagamon, but with differences. Lately though, a corrupt; evil croland marshaled as many crolands as he encountered, forming a formidable army. The army killed thousands of innocents all over Realm of Charges, setting fires in forests and creating mischief whenever and wherever they could. With all of us born here in Realm of Charges, fellow brothers and sisters of mine came together.

"We gathered here in Resolve Town and I was elected 'general' of the army. I named the army after you A.J.: Actonal Army. With news reaching far in this world, residents pulled up either in Resolve Town, or in its suburbs, under Actonal Army protection. In recent years, we fought fires that the crolands made and regained land that they had conquered, with us now raiding their own land.

"With each skirmish we faced against the crolands, any unit in Actonal Army, whether alone or with help, gained experience and evolved to our highest form. None of us keep count of our kills against the crolands, but it obvious that they're still reproducing somehow. We don't have any intelligence on their current populace number or reproduction rate. It took years, but I eventually evolved into Feranimon, from Siromon." Feranimon explained

"Crolands? As in Crovinze Lands?" A.J. inquired.

"An excellent note there. Yes, you could say that. None of us know where the name came from, but their armor, or rather exo-skeleton, is as strong as crovinze." Feranimon replied...

A male gnome entered the room from the first organic door. White Fox immediately stood up, alarmed. A.J. and his soul-warrior copedam turned to see the new arriver, with Feranimon noticing the alarmed and scared look from the gnome. Feranimon stood up, immediately knowing the problem. Without any words, Feranimon rushed out of the room and disappeared.

"What is it?" White Fox asked.

"Crolands... tens of thousands of them." The gnome replied.

"They're trying to overwhelm Resolve Town with numbers." White Fox muttered.

"We need to help them!" A.J. declared.

"But without Emeraldmon! He needs to regain his energy from the intense fighting he was in. The rest of you can go. White Hulman would know how to treat you Emeraldmon. I'm coming with the rest of you A.J." White Fox decided.

"Like I can stop you." A.J. remarked, standing up.

Zonemon; Equalmon, and Ememon all stood up from the seats and rushed out with A.J. and White Fox. Left behind, Emeraldmon sighed...

Once out of his home, White Fox rushed straight towards the noises of battle. Before disappearing from Feranin League's sight, White Fox changed form from a bipedal, to a quadruple. A.J. sighed.

"I guess to survive, this town needs all the help available. Do your stuff soul-warriors!" A.J. yelled, his univice glowing green.


"... PRIMON!"

"Dicrenol! Golden Destiny!" A.J. yelled, releasing Equalmon's charge of destiny.

"... DEEP TECHAMON! Mythical Destiny."

Taking to the air, Primon and Deep Techamon flew towards the noises of battle, while A.J. rode on Centermon. With A.J. mounted on him, Centermon galloped towards the noises of battle. Primon reached the battle first, with utter chaos occurring. He was the first to reach it, being a natural flyer. Next came Deep Techamon, flying pass Primon and going into the offense. Following his lead, Primon shook his head and went into the fray.

Centermon was the last to reach the battle and he stopped, allowing A.J. to dismount. A.J. dismounted and with A.J. off of him, Centermon galloped into the fray. A.J. saw a few new codelimin and used his univice to analyze them.

"Jerebimon - Humanoid Jerebi Mate - Jerebimon are skilled veterans and are usually scouts of Actonal Army. They are naturally skilled in all martial arts and melee weapons, and are naturally fluent in English; Twilasin; Hebrew; Japanese; all types of Chinese; Russian; German; Italian and Danish - Their attacks are: Divine Crest; Cliffs of Legend; Emeralds of the Sky."

"Aero Jerebimon - Mythical Jerebi Charge - Using the mysterious charge of atmosphere, chosen Otazoidmon mystery charge into Aero Jerebimon. They are the air force of Actonal Army - Their attacks are: Knight Missile; Flak Fire; Stars of Legend."

"Jerebiwomon - Humanoid Jerebi Mate - Jerebiwomon are skilled meds and are usually the medics of Actonal Army. Only chosen Shetamon become Jerebiwomon. They are naturally fluent in all Native American languages; Greek; ancient Egyptian and all native African languages including aborigines - Their attacks are: Divine Beauty; Cliffs of Passion; Diamonds of the Sky."

With the analyses finished, A.J. rushed into the fray and instantly was attacked by numerous crolands. However, with his skill in Kestir; Seltic, and weaves, A.J. was able to avoid all injures from the crolands. Deciding on going into the offense, A.J. spun around himself, warning all crolands away from him. Once he was safe for the moment, A.J. stopped spinning, instantly recovering from the spin. He summoned Emeraldsnow, and had the ownalis flame emerge with his blade.

Since ownalis is capable of destroying and penetrating crovinze, A.J. easily slashed through every croland that dared to approach him with skill and battle-dominance. With the combined might of Feranin League; Actonal Army, and White Fox, the battle had turned against the crolands, with them gaining heavy loses. Deciding on a silent autonomous withdrawal, the crolands started withdrawing, surprisingly organized.

However, Feranin League and Actonal Army hunted them until only several crolands were left from the start of tens of thousands of crolands, and until they were at a safe distance away from the suburbs of Resolve Town. With the Battle of Resolve over, Feranin League; Actonal Army, and White Fox regrouped back in Resolve Town, with White Fox in his previous bipedal form. A.J. and Feranin League were grouped together, while Feranimon stared at A.J.

"... Thanks for your help. We couldn't have done it without you." Feranimon stated.

A.J. shrugged. "I just am thankful to Allah that we're victorious over them."

"Indeed. Where the crolands lost their numbers greatly, no casualties happened in Actonal Army." Feranimon informed.

"And Feranin League is still in contact." Primon smiled.

"You know A.J., it was obvious that the crolands saw you as the weakest link." One of the Jerebimon stated, riding his green unicorn and holding the Actonal Army Flag.

Feranimon nodded in agreement.

"This is Nick. The general and most experienced Jerebimon amongst the Jerebimon. He's also the flag carrier for the army." He introduced.

"Do you all always ride on those green unicorns into battle?" Deep Techamon asked.

Nick smiled. "We sure do. We're experienced in battling without them, but we prefer to be mounted on them." He explained.

"I came to realize that besides Feranin League and Actonal Army, there aren't any other codelimin. I mean the rest of the populace is fairies; elves; dwarves; gnomes; trolls; goblins, and even some humans." A.J. noted.

"None of them are warriors. Since we codelimin are natural warriors, we became the town's protector." Feranimon explained.

"From what Nick first said, amongst Feranin League, A.J. is the most experienced and probably the most skilled human. He isn't the leader of Feranin League though." Primon informed.

"What?" White Fox asked, silent until then.

Primon smiled. "I'm the leader. A.J. allowed it himself. It was his decision. Besides, A.J. is already feranin of Crescent League."

"That was unexpected on my part." White Fox muttered.

"Some here." Feranimon agreed.

"We'd like to join you and become your personal army, separate from Feranin League though." Nick decided.

Feranimon nodded in agreement.

"What about the crolands?" Centermon asked.

Feranimon shook his head. "They lost such a huge number from this one battle. They've learnt their lesson. Now, those crolands that the evil; corrupt croland marshaled would desert him and other crolands would refuse to join him or support him. Their threat is neutralized and they will return to their peaceful selves." He explained.

"We'll rest and wait for your next orders Feranimon." Nick informed.

With that, Actonal Army went into the town and went into separate directions. Feranimon; Feranin League, and White Fox were left alone.

"Let's head back to my home. Let's see what's up with Emeraldmon. Also, there's a few stuff I'd like to share with you." White Fox decided.

A.J. nodded and the gathered group walked back in silent towards White Fox's home...

While White Fox; Feranin League, and Feranimon were out, White Hulman brought some lasagna to Emeraldmon, for him to regain some of his energy. After two slices, Emeraldmon glowed and went transparent, growing. He evolved back into Otazoidmon and had three more plates of lasagna. With his energy back and full, Otazoidmon put his head down onto the organic table and closed his eyes, resting a bit. White Hulman was busy cleaning and washing dishes.

Otazoidmon rested himself only for a few moments. Deciding on looking around the house, after his rest, Otazoidmon went towards the organic door that White Hulman constantly used, and had brought Lunal and Starspark through. The organic door reappeared behind him, with him entering what appeared to be the kitchen. The water was running and White Hulman was washing dishes.

"Where are Lunal and Starspark?" Otazoidmon asked.

White Hulman put down the dish he was washing and turned off the water. He pointed to where they were and Otazoidmon looked in the direction White Hulman pointed at. He saw Starspark cuddled up around himself, sleeping in a cat's bed and Lunal was resting, probably sleeping even, on a wooden perch. Otazoidmon noticed both Starspark's and Lunal's stomachs heaving, and so he knew that they were alive.

Seconds later and Otazoidmon heard White Hulman dealing with the dishes and the water running. Assured of his comrade's and friend's safety, Otazoidmon walked out back into White Fox's Study, and his skin nearly jumped out of his body. White Fox; Feranin League, and Feranimon fell silent with Otazoidmon entering. After Otazoidmon's recovery, White Fox was the first to speak.

"I see White Hulman has dealt you well." He observed.

Otazoidmon blinked, reluctantly nodding. He took a vacant seat with them. Feranimon patted Otazoidmon's back.

"How are you brother?" Feranimon asked.

"You know, it seems there are a lot of Otazoidmon, so just call me Comet or Perch. About your question, I feel like I can take on a herd of Mammothmon." Otazoidmon replied.

"That's good to hear." Feranimon smiled.

"What was it you wanted to share with me?" A.J. asked.

"Well, you saw my quadruple form, right?" White Fox asked.

A.J. nodded.

"That's a stronger, more powerful form of me. I call myself White Warrior in that form. I basically use one attack in battles, with the attack called 'White Return'. Also, I think you'll be interested in some things I have." White Fox explained, standing up.

He walked to his bookcase and opened a closed drawer.

"Some things happened while you were regaining your energy and you'll eventually find out, either by seeing it for yourself or by me telling you." Ememon whispered.

Otazoidmon glanced at Ememon and nodded.

"O.K." He muttered.

White Fox returned, carrying what looked like two charges and went back to the now opened drawer in his bookcase. A.J. restrained himself from taking a closer look and noticing their sailor's restraint; they themselves restrained themselves from taking a closer look at the charges. White Fox returned, with the drawer of his bookcase closed, and with him carrying two more charges. He put them down with the rest of the charges on the organic table.

"Your charges of myths." White Fox informed, smiling.

A.J.'s eyes widened and he let himself take a closer look, with his soul-warrior copedam allowing themselves to look as well. There were four in all, and it was hard to tell which charge went to which soul-warrior copedam. One was a miniature of a dark green closed robe with green leather gloves attached to it, a miniature black tail like a lion was connected to the miniature dark green robe. The crest of myths was outlined in light green on the gloves, on the outside.

Another was in a saddle form, which could easily be guessed who it belonged to, with the crest of myths outline in green on the saddle's knees. The third charge of myths was a black charcoal with black armor in the upper front, the divine crest of myths was on it in dark green. A fourth was a dark green torso armor with three spikes charged and pulsing with ownalis, the spikes were carved upwards then towards the front.

The crest of myths was outlined in green, below the spikes, on the torso armor. A.J. and his four soul-warrior copedam were amazed by the charges. A.J. touched each and everyone of them, with them hastily turning into green fractal code and swirling into A.J.'s univice, storing themselves there, until A.J. activated them.

"I'll tell you, they weren't easy to get." White Fox informed.

"... Thanks for risking your life for them." A.J. thanked.

White Fox shrugged. "No big deal."

"Speaking of charges, I have a few questions to ask about some 'mysterious' charges." A.J. informed...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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