Thursday, November 27, 2008

Flyer of Goodness

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 9: Flyer of Goodness

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Ememon speaking. Planemon went into battle with the Stukamon and the rest of us fled. It was either fleeing or remaining stranded. Unfortunately, I took a heavy blow before from the Stukamon, since I could fly and go into direct contact with them, because I was unconscious. A.J. took up the responsibility and fled, while carrying me in his arms and Zonemon on his back. I had a very little role in the previous episode, since I was unconscious. No matter. Zonemon saw he was hallucinating, or so he thought. Danger emerged once again, but not from the sky. This time it was from underground. The trouble went by the name 'Under Wormmon'. We still hadn't discovered anything unusual or special about the mysterious charges, but I guess it's just too early. Planemon went in for the attack at Under Wormmon, but the attack was a failure. Before he attacked, A.J. narrowly avoided being swallowed by Under Wormmon and while safe in the crystal clear water of the oasis, he discovered what seems to be the mysterious charge of deepness. Under Wormmon took Planemon down and the episode ended with a cliffhanger, with Otazoidmon unconscious with A.J. and the two being swallowed by Under Wormmon. On with the conclusion...

The ground below begun to shake, indication that Under Wormmon was heading to the surface. Hastily, Equalmon galloped away and A.J. took hold of Otazoidmon with one hand. A.J. rushed away as fast as he could, dragging Otazoidmon along, but A.J. and Feranin League knew it wasn't fast enough. Under Wormmon burst through the surface, just below A.J., with its mouth opened, and devoured both Otazoidmon and A.J.

A.J. fell into darkness, deeper into Under Wormmon. The light from outside slowly vanished, as Under Wormmon closed its mouth.

'Just how deep is this behemoth?' A.J. thought.

"A.J.?" Otazoidmon asked, weakly.

Both were still falling and it seemed like it would be an endless fall. Otazoidmon opened his eyes, but didn't see anything. He did feel A.J. holding onto him though.

"You're awake." A.J. smiled, though Otazoidmon didn't see it because it was too dark.

The pleasant tone in A.J.'s voice indicated to Otazoidmon that A.J. was smiling.

"What happened? Where are we?" Otazoidmon asked.

"Under Wormmon took you down as Planemon and you couldn't sustain that form, so you devolved back in Otazoidmon. You went unconscious and I tried to bring both of us out of danger, but it wasn't going to happen. Simply put, Under Wormmon devoured us. We're falling now to who knows where." A.J. explained.

"Not good." Otazoidmon moaned.

A.J. sighed. "At least I'm still holding onto the second mysterious charge. It seems that this is deepness for water, from what Hyogamon had told us."

"Well, I can't see a thing! My eyes are open, I know that. So I'll just take your word for it." Otazoidmon decided.

Without any warning, both A.J.'s and Otazoidmon's sight blurred. Even though it was pitch dark and they couldn't see a thing, but they noticed their sight blurring, not knowing what to expect. Dizziness came to both of them and both fainted, with A.J. losing his grip on Otazoidmon and the mystery charge of deepness...

A.J. weakly opened his eyes and the first thing he noticed, or rather felt, was that he wasn't holding anything. He opened his eyes wide and glanced around at his surrounding. It was pitch black like before, but there was light. Nothing interesting to look at though, just some swirling blackness. A chill went through A.J.'s spine, suddenly realizing where he was... The swirling blackness turned from nothing interesting to frightful fear, as A.J. realized that he was in a black hole.

However, he blinked his eyes in confusion and quickly recovered from his shock and fear.

'Why am I in one place, not pulling pulled or floating around?' A.J. asked.

'You're here too?' A familiar thought-wave reached A.J.

'Otazoidmon!' A.J. gasped.

'I'm glad I'm not alone here. Where are we anyway? All I can see is swirling blackness.' Otazoidmon's thought reached A.J.

'A black hole it seems.' A.J. replied.

'I guess that means we aren't falling anymore in Under Wormmon.' Otazoidmon's thought sighed.

'Where are you?' A.J. asked.

'Best not to ask. We can't see each other and if we're really in a black hole then when either of us verbally yells, there would be no sound.' Otazoidmon's thought reasoned.

'Thanks to Allah for this telepathy.' A.J. smiled.

'Indeed, thanks to the One and Only. This is one of the advantages of telepathy... Any ideas of how to get out?' Otazoidmon's thought asked.

'None... yet. How are you doing?' A.J. asked.

'Could be better. I am regaining my energy, slow, but still regaining it, recovering from Under Wormmon's brutal assault. I remember it all now, to the point of when I blacked out. After that I don't know what happened, but thanks to you, I do now.' Otazoidmon's thought explained.

'There's this one problem.' A.J. informed.

'What?' Otazoidmon's thought asked.

'I lost the mysterious charge of deepness. I felt dizzy and I lost grip of both you and the mysterious charge. How dump of me.' A.J. sighed.

'Don't beat yourself up because you lost it. I'm sure we'll regain it sometime soon. Besides, remember back on our first journey? Now we understand that everything does happen in Allah's will and for every event, there's always a reason and wisdom behind it.' Otazoidmon's thought reminded.

'Of course. Very few people would believe that there is another dimension other than the one we live in, much less over two. Then again, nothing is impossible with Allah and He can do what He wants. If He wants something to happen, it'll happen.' A.J. agreed.

'We need to be patient, but I don't think I need to tell you that. What I need to tell you is that you need to use your creativity and find us a way out of here.' Otazoidmon's thought remarked.

'We're here for a reason, maybe to gain something, but I guess we won't leave it until after we have gained what's here.' A.J. explained.

'... I guess you're right about that. It's just that this swirling blackness is unnerving.' Otazoidmon's thought sighed...

Equalmon froze in place, with Zonemon; Ememon, and Starspark on his back. Lunal was also frozen in place. All of them were shocked from the sudden disappearance of A.J. and Otazoidmon. Equalmon was under a palm tree with Lunal perched on one of the branches of the tree. Ememon moaned, regaining conscious and immediately putting his paw on his forehead, just above his half beak. Feeling the movement behind him, Zonemon spoke.

"Welcome back Prince." He greeted.

Ememon shook the sleep out of his head, becoming more awake. He realized where he was; who he was with, and who he was on, he also noticed who was missing.

"Allah! I guess I was out for quite some time." He noted.

"It's a long story." Equalmon sighed.

"Just two questions: Where are A.J. and Otazoidmon and what is that over there?" Ememon asked, pointing at an object on the sand.

Equalmon and Zonemon glanced at where he looked at and both narrowed their eyes. Carefully, Ememon dismounted Equalmon and once reaching the sandy ground, his legs failed him and he collapsed onto his knees. He put his paws on his thighs, with his legs bent. He stared at the object from where he was sitting.

"I'll need to rest some more. I still need to regain energy." Ememon sighed deeply.

He rolled onto his back, careful not to harm his wings. The shade of the palm tree they were all under protected them from the sun's heat. Ememon relaxed and closed his eyes.

"None of you answered my questions." He muttered.

Zonemon dismounted Equalmon and approached the object. He knelt down in front of it, staring down at it.

"A.J. and Otazoidmon disappeared. I think this is another mysterious charge, the one that A.J. was holding before he and Otazoidmon were... disappeared. From what I remember of Hyogamon telling us, this must be the mysterious charge of deepness; being the mysterious charge for water." Zonemon explained.

"Nice. What?" Ememon inquired, turning onto his stomach and opening his eyes.

He stared at Zonemon and Zonemon picked up the mysterious charge of deepness. The mysterious charge was in the form of five transparent bubbles, in an X form. The divine crest of myths was on the upper left bubble and the mysterious crest of deepness was on the bottom right bubble. Both were outlined in dark green. Zonemon blinked his eyes in confusion upon seeing the extra crest on the mysterious charge.

"From what you all can recall, did Hyogamon mention anything about mysterious crests?" Zonemon questioned, staring at the mysterious charge in his paw.

Ememon and Equalmon both shook their heads.

"We don't recall him mentioning anything about mysterious crests. No." Equalmon replied.

"It seems that Hyogamon didn't know about them." Zonemon whispered, rubbing his chin with his free paw.

"Who do you think it belongs to?" Ememon asked.

Zonemon glanced back at him.

"Like it would work with A.J. gone?" He asked.

Ememon sweat-dropped."Riiight."

"How did it get here? I mean, A.J. was holding it when he... disappeared, wasn't he?" Equalmon asked.

"He was." Zonemon replied, standing back up on his feet.

Feeling empty, Under Wormmon approached the surface once more. The ground shook, indicating its returning to the surface. Zonemon face-faulted.

"Of all the times!" He complained.

Without any further words, Zonemon quickly withdrew backwards with the rest of Feranin League. Starspark was kept safe on Equalmon. Under Wormmon burst through the sand and turned its head down towards Feranin League. The palm tree they were all under was unharmed, as Under Wormmon surfaced a good distance away. Ememon was back on his feet, with Zonemon in the middle and beside him. Equalmon was to Zonemon's right.

They were all staring in wonder at Under Wormmon. They weren't afraid of the huge codelimin, but were just confused on how to defeat it. They saw that Planemon's attack was to no affect, so they realized that they best not waste their attacks and energy trying to hurt it, much less delete it.

"What now?" Ememon asked, with Under Wormmon apparently staring at them.

"Dinosaurs would be filling enough for Under Wormmon." Equalmon noted.

"Maybe small dinosaurs, but underestimating the huge dinosaurs. Under Wormmon is huge to us, but we don't know how huge the dinosaurs are to us. For all we know, Under Wormmon would probably just grab a leg of a large dinosaur and hold it for some time." Zonemon reasoned.

"Hold on. There are skeletons of the dinosaurs." Ememon reminded.

"Sure there are, but that's exactly what they are: skeletons. We don't know how thick their muscles were or the weight of a dinosaur's organ and stuff like that. Besides, Under Wormmon and dinosaurs are two species in different times, much less different lands and dimensions." Zonemon reminded.

"There are dinosaurs in Meric Land; on other islands, and other continents of all sorts, not including Feranin Continent where we live. What's extinct on Earth is thriving in Meric Land." Equalmon informed.

"How do you know?" Zonemon asked, staring at Equalmon.

Ememon was also staring at Equalmon. Equalmon shrugged.

"I didn't actually see them, but I'm old enough to know such things. When you two get to my age of experience; knowledge, and understanding, you'll both see what I mean and know that I am right about this." Equalmon explained.

"I'll take your word for it." Ememon decided.

"Well, I for one wouldn't believe you, until I see it with my own eyes." Zonemon declared.

"... Please, this is no time to chit-chat. We're not out of danger yet." Ememon reminded.

"Coming from..." Zonemon started.

"Both of you just stop talking! Listen to yourselves... We need to figure out a way to deal with Under Wormmon. It's a wonder it hasn't attacked us yet." Equalmon interrupted timely.

"He probably couldn't, unless it's from underground." Ememon stated.

"He attacked..." Zonemon started, but quickly silenced himself.

He remembered that Ememon was out cold and that he didn't know about Planemon in the first place, much less that Under Wormmon had devoured A.J. and Otazoidmon. Equalmon saw Zonemon's expression and understood the dilemma Zonemon was in.

"Just how do we know that the codelimin there is Under Wormmon?" Ememon asked.

"When any new codelimin appear, A.J.'s univice automatically brings up a miniature hologram and tells the information it has on the codelimin through audio." Equalmon explained.

"I see." Ememon nodded, understanding.

"... I guess we'll bring you up-to-date on what happened while you were out. Shall we Bristle?" Equalmon asked.

Zonemon shrugged. "I guess so. Why not? But just only the important main events; no details. You're better at doing such things."

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Well Prince, this is what happened just after you were knocked out, but only main summary points..." Equalmon started...

"Dicrenol! Mysterious Atmosphere!" A.J. yelled.

"... PLANEMON! Atmosphere of Goodness."

"Planemon - Mechanical Jerebi Charge - Planemon is the mysterious charge of atmosphere form of Otazoidmon. Planemon is the most feared of all flying codelimin - His attacks are: Grenade Line and Bomb Drop."

While Planemon distracted and dealt with the Stukamon, A.J. put Starspark onto Equalmon. A.J. got up on his feet, carrying Zonemon on his back and Ememon in his arms.

"I used up my energy on trying to attack the Stukamon from the ground." Zonemon explained, with his head on A.J.'s shoulder and his eyes closed.

"Ahead. Is there really an oasis, or is it a mirage?" Zonemon questioned.

Sensing danger from deep below, A.J. leapt forwards, reaching the oasis, just as a codelimin burst through the sand. A.J. went down onto his knees, near the water of the oasis and turned his head around at the huge codelimin.

"Under Wormmon - Mirage Grasl Zomo - Be ware of its attacks; they would kill you without you knowing what hit you - Its attacks are: Tail Spin and Tail Strike."

Planemon soared straight down towards Under Wormmon's mouth. Under Wormmon opened up its mouth. Planemon took the chance.

"Bomb Drop!" He yelled.

Bombs dropped down from under Planemon, into Under Wormmon's mouth. Under Wormmon closed his mouth, just as every bomb entered through it. Planemon sharply went upwards and away. Equalmon backed away and A.J. jumped into the oasis. Moments later and a huge explosion occurred, fire burst over the oasis, with A.J. completely submerged underwater. Planemon kept his balance, with strong air turbulences occurring in the air.

Luckily enough, Equalmon was distant enough from the explosion, but where the explosion didn't touch them, the heat did. The waters of Deepness Oasis were crystal clear and A.J. saw a charge. A charge, which A.J. concluded, was another one of the mysterious charges. He kept his breath held and grabbed the mysterious charge, heading upwards to surface. The fire subdued and the smoke cleared.

With the smoke vanishing, Planemon; Equalmon and A.J. all glanced at Under Wormmon, hoping a quick triumph, which they didn't get. Their eyes went wide as they saw Under Wormmon still there unfazed by the attack and apparently angry. Under Wormmon reached into the sky more and fatefully caught Planemon. Planemon lost control and went into a dead-on collision with the sandy ground of Dune Desert.

"I know, but first, see what I found." A.J. grinned, holding out the mysterious charge of deepness.

The ground below begun to shake, indication that Under Wormmon was heading to the surface. Hastily, Equalmon galloped away and A.J. took hold of Otazoidmon with one hand. A.J. rushed away as fast as he could, dragging Otazoidmon along, but A.J. and Feranin League knew it wasn't fast enough. Under Wormmon burst through the surface, just below A.J., with its mouth opened and devoured both Otazoidmon and A.J.

'A.J.!' Feranin League yelled outside, watching A.J. and Otazoidmon being devoured.

"... And that's basically it." Equalmon finished.

"You are good at such things." Zonemon stated.

"... So do you all think that maybe they're... dead?" Ememon asked, fearful of the answer.

"We don't know." Zonemon replied.

"I for one don't think so. We'd know it for sure if they were dead. There are a lot of possibilities, with one of them being that A.J. and Otazoidmon were teleported out of Under Wormmon." Equalmon informed.

"Talking about us?" A voice asked.

The eyes of the three copedam went wide. They turned around and saw both A.J. in the same uniform he was in, which was a dark green t-shirt and black shorts, before he and Otazoidmon were devoured by Under Wormmon. A.J. was panting and he was on his knees, standing but with his legs bent. Otazoidmon was with him and was tired as A.J. Lunal flapped his wings over to A.J. and rubbed the side of his face with A.J.'s cheek, welcoming him back.

A.J. smiled and giggled from Lunal's welcome.

"... What happened?!" Equalmon exclaimed, being the first to recover.

Lunal stopped what he was doing and seeing that A.J. was exhausted, he went over to Equalmon and perched on his back.

"Long story. Let's get this over with and see if the new charge form can handle Under Wormmon appropriately." A.J. replied, recovering from his panting.

Zonemon nodded and gave the mysterious charge of deepness to A.J. Otazoidmon joined the three copedam in one line, preparing themselves for whoever it would be that would crevolve. Seeing that they were ready, A.J. sighed and his univice glowed green. Remembering what he said before, he repeated himself but with a twist.

"Dicrenol! Mysterious Deepness!" He yelled.

From the four copedam soul-warriors, Zonemon became transparent green and the mysterious charge of deepness turned into green fractal code and headed towards the transparent Zonemon.

"... BUBBLEMON! Bubbles of Deepness."

The marine charged soul-warrior floated in midair and stared ahead at Under Wormmon. With his back air propellers, Bubblemon propelled himself towards Under Wormmon in a sluggish motion.

"Bubblemon - Marine Jerebi Charge - Bubblemon is the mysterious charge of deepness form of Zonemon. Bubblemon is a good transport vehicle for underwater discovery and he can also move and attacks out of the water - His attacks are: Air Bubbles; Bubble Torpedo; Bubble Freeze."

"Bubble Freeze!" Bubblemon's voice yelled, stopping.

Huge transparent green bubbles were blown out from his water tanks, heading at top speed towards Under Wormmon. Colliding with the huge codelimin, the bubbles exploded, but with each explosion, the areas impacted by the bubbles became frozen, until Under Wormmon itself was frozen. Bubblemon blinked, indicating that he was content and happy with himself.

"It's vulnerable to any powerful attack now." Bubblemon's voice informed.

"I'll finish that behemoth off, for revenge of devouring me and A.J. Emerald Lightning!" Otazoidmon yelled, straining his energy.

The emerald lightning bolts passed Bubblemon and collided with the frozen Under Wormmon. The result was due to the high heat, the huge codelimin melted completely and more water came to the surface, indicating that even Under Wormmon's body underground was frozen and melted. Still weak from his battle with the Stukamon and the attack Under Wormmon gave him, Otazoidmon collapsed back onto his knees.

He glowed green completely for a moment and went transparent, immediately catching the rest of Feranin League's attention.


Due to his weak condition, Otazoidmon couldn't keep his juvenile form and returned in his caterpillar form of Emeraldmon. A.J. smiled and picked up the little infant. With the threat gone, Bubblemon glowed and turned transparent, shrinking. The mysterious charge of deepness left Zonemon and zoomed towards A.J.'s univice. Once close, it turned into green fractal code, and spun around, going into the univice.

Once in, the univice gave two faint glows, indicating that two new objects or items were newly stored in it. A.J. noticed and knew that both glows were for the mysterious charge of atmosphere, going into A.J.'s univice when Planemon returned in Otazoidmon, and the other was for the mysterious charge of deepness. Glancing back at the charged Bubblemon form, it wasn't Bubblemon anymore, but rather Zonemon.

"Another charge?" Ememon asked.

"What?" A.J. asked, turning to his soul-warrior.

Ememon pointed. "Over at the puddle that once was Under Wormmon." He replied.

A.J. and the rest of Feranin League glanced at where he was pointing at and saw something in the middle of the puddle. Zonemon glanced behind him, walking back to the rest of the league.

"The sun would vaporize the puddle in no time." A.J. informed, carrying Emeraldmon.

He walked over to the puddle and didn't step on it. He stared at what was in the middle of the puddle and saw that it surely was a new charge. Letting Emeraldmon down, A.J. reached over for the charge, but his foot tripped and he fell in the puddle. No laughter came out from his fellow league and A.J. was able to grab hold of the new charge. The crest was new for him, but he realized that it was for one of his soul-warrior copedam.

A.J. glanced back at his league and held out the charge.

"Ready yourselves!" He yelled.

Equalmon; Zonemon, and Ememon all readied themselves, forming a line side by side. The new charge itself looked like some kind of missile.

"Dicrenol! Charge Initiate!" A.J. yelled.

Ememon became transparent green and the new charge turned into green fractal code and headed towards the transparent Ememon.

".... AJMON! The Flyer of Goodness."

'Goodness? That's the new charge and what the crest was.' A.J. thought.

"AJmon - Composition Jerebi Charge - AJmon is the charge of goodness form of Ememon. His Star Missiles would destroy anything and everything - His attack are: Star Missile; Quintuplet Laser; Star Wing."

"AJmon? Like in A.J.?" Emeraldmon asked.

A.J. chuckled. "I guess so. I didn't know that there were codelimin, much less charged codelimin, which had human names."

Noticing that AJmon was big enough to ride one, Starspark jumped from Equalmon to the nearby AJmon. Zonemon climbed up AJmon and Lunal landed on him.

"What about me?" Equalmon asked.

"Charge into something that is bipedal and ride me." AJmon suggested.

Hearing them, A.J. allowed it, with the right charge for Equalmon, not to mention the only charge for Equalmon they had, and the only form that Equalmon would turn into a bipedal.

"Dicrenol! Golden Destiny!" He yelled.

Equalmon became transparent green and the charge of destiny left the univice, turning into green fractal code and headed towards the transparent Equalmon.

"... DEEP TECHAMON! Mythical Destiny."

The dwarf was back. Being a mythical type, Deep Techamon levitated himself off of the ground and maneuvered over AJmon and landed on him.

"Well, can you imagine that? Any annoying or evil codelimin are better to watch out now." AJmon stated.

"That's right, because there is not one, but two charged codelimin, with one sailor." Deep Techamon added.

"Let's join them. AJmon is the quickest way out of here." A.J. noted, quickly carrying Emeraldmon.

He ran over to AJmon and got onto him, with space to spare. AJmon galloped through the sand and eventually soared into the air after gaining speed and distance. AJmon flew through the air over Dune Desert, carrying his fellow Feranin League on him, heading into the unknown. His fellow soul-warriors and sailor held on tight, with the wind blowing by with the desert below...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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