Saturday, January 17, 2009

Crest of Myths

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 15: "Crest of Myths"

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Comet in orbit. Our time in Myths Base was exciting and informative. White Fox assigned a mission to A.J. and A.J. took me and Prince along with him. We used the biovesto pecker for the first time. At first, I stayed in the cockpit with A.J. and Ememon, but I grew bored and tired and retired to the cargo bay. I guess the first time A.J. needed experience. The small assignment was for A.J. to retrieve White Fox's army tag. He did, but some revelations occurred before. I told A.J. of my past is one thing and meeting Cliff and Nexusmon was another. A.J. found some of his items, which he thought were lost in the starship wreck. However, some stuff lost in the starship wreck, turned out to be lost, at least for the meantime. On a side note, I was able to retrieve my emerald green gem that I thought I had lost forever in the Paladin of Darkness' crash. Through direct help from Cliff and Nexusmon, A.J. found the rest of the charges of miracles. Before we left Myths Base and Myths Mosque completely, A.J. returned Misterim's army tag to Misterim, putting his army tag around the gravestone. A.J. also learned some capabilities of FCL Star Trail of his. It's back to Resolve Town with us, and Cliff and Nexusmon are the first two who aren't Feranin League to set their foot on FCL Star Trail. Thanks to A.J., both were neither harmed. On with the conclusion...

Quickly leaving Myths Base, A.J. used FCL Star Trail's capability, of what he now called "fade" and faded away, reappearing in the sky in Resolve Town, above Feranin League's shelter. A.J. grasped the basic idea behind "fade", but wasn't quite sure of how it worked. A.J. landed his biovesto pecker down close by the biovesto cabin. The biovesto suit detached itself from A.J., and the helmet left him.

He walked out of the starship and his two soul-warriors were waiting outside for him. From outside, A.J. was capable of closing the cargo bay door. Cliff and Nexusmon were cautious, as they never came close to Resolve, since they never strayed too far in Dune Desert. It amused A.J. and his two soul-warriors a bit. A few moments later and White Fox approached them. He did notice Cliff and Nexusmon, but knew that A.J. would introduce them.

White Fox figured that he would soon learn of Cliff and Nexusmon. White Fox and A.J. greeted, and shook hands.

"Were you successful?" White Fox inquired.

A.J. nodded. "I was, and here's your army tag."

White Fox's eyes widened and his smiled. He took the army tag, and put it around his neck.

"Thanks for retrieving it. I hope you didn't have any trouble in doing so." He wondered.

A.J. understood what he meant. He shook his head.

"Nothing I couldn't handle. White Fox, this is Cliff Ashton and his soul-warrior copedam: Nexusmon. They're friends and... Well, brothers to some degree." He introduced.

Cliff raised an eyebrow, wisely keeping his mouth silent. He did shake hands with White Fox though.

"I see you are busy and tired from... the mission I assigned you. Cliff, why don't you and Nexusmon accompany me in my shelter." White Fox requested.

"We'll be delighted to." Cliff accepted, after an affirmative nod from his soul-warrior.

"Very well. Let's leave A.J. to rest for the night. Besides, you need to know more about me, and I don't seem to know you." White Fox informed.

Cliff chuckled. "Neither do I know you. It'll be a pleasure to share some of my past with you." He accepted.

With that, Cliff; Nexusmon, and White Fox walked away from FCL Star Trail, heading back to White Fox's biovesto shelter. Tired, yet happy to retrieve some of his belongings from Myths Base, A.J. went into his shelter, with Ememon following him. Otazoidmon noticed that A.J. wasn't carrying the imperial suit, and so Otazoidmon quickly retrieved it from the cargo bay of FCL Star Trail. Like A.J., Otazoidmon closed the cargo bay door from outside.

Otazoidmon made sure that his emerald green gem was still hidden in it...

Not only had Otazoidmon retrieved the imperial suit, but had actually changed into it. He was carrying his previous powerful suit. When meeting up with Equalmon and Zonemon, A.J. quickly sent them flashes of what happened in Myths Base, so they would know. He knew that Gallop and Bristle didn't know of the events, because he didn't feel them probing his mind.

"What took you so long though?" Equalmon asked.

"The trip there through FCL Star Trail." A.J. replied.

"Where are you going?" Zonemon asked.

"Retiring for the night." A.J. replied, disappearing from sight.

Both Zonemon and Equalmon had noticed it getting darker outside before, and started to slightly worry about their sailor and fellow soul-warriors. They had fed Lunal and Starspark. By now, Starspark had his eyes open, but he was still young and required much attention. Zonemon took up the responsibility of taking care of Starspark. Otazoidmon entered the room and when both Zonemon and Equalmon saw him, both face-faulted.

"Where did you get that?" Zonemon asked.

"More importantly: how does it fit you?" Equalmon inquired.

Otazoidmon grinned. "We found it at Myths Base. A.J. told me to take it and when I touched it, it shrunk to my size."

Equalmon eyed the powerful suit that made Otazoidmon able to control his techniques in Otazoidmon's hands.

"It's dangerous not to wear the suit." Equalmon informed.

Otazoidmon blinked. "Like I didn't know that! I clearly remember the experience I gained before... Misterim had made this suit for me."

Otazoidmon sighed, taking a seat and staring at his powerful suit. Zonemon and Equalmon took the hint and left, leaving Otazoidmon alone with his thoughts and past memories of him and Misterim. A.J. walked into his room and the biovesto door appeared behind him. A.J. went over to the desk and took off his coin bracelet; army tag, and morph device. He stashed all three in a drawer of his study desk.

He prepared himself for sleep and tucked himself up in his bed, dozing off for the night. Assured of A.J. and his two fellow copedam, Equalmon went to sleep in the soul-warrior bedroom. Ememon was quiet, entering the shelter and went straight to sleep. Zonemon checked up on Lunal and Starspark, finding both asleep in their homes. Satisfied, Zonemon joined his other two fellow copedam and went to sleep in his bed...

"Shadow Owl, Alpha Lion, meet Cliff Ashton and his soul-warrior: Nexusmon. They came back with A.J. from Myths Base." White Fox informed.

Cliff quickly raised his hand, stopping Alpha Lion and Shadow Owl from standing up.

"Now I've seen it all." Cliff frowned.

"Take a seat then." White Fox offered.

Cliff shrugged and took a seat, with Nexusmon taking another. Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion glanced at each other.

'What's his deal?' Alpha Lion thought.

White Fox took his seat.

"You probably have many questions and we have all night." He informed.

Cliff cleared his throat. "Since that's the case, I would like to know how my brother A.J. got such a plane."

"I'm with Cliff on this." Nexusmon agreed.

"Brother?" Shadow Owl asked, turning to White Fox.

White Fox shrugged and turned to Cliff.

"I would assume by what you're saying there is that you're of the same religion as A.J. Very well. This "plane" you mention is really a starship, biovesto starship to be more specific. A.J. named his starship: FCL Star Trail. Biovesto is an organic plant, which when injected with some codelimin data or human blood; the biovesto would only accept the data and blood that is in it." White Fox explained.

Cliff shook his head. "I'm not quite following you."

White Fox blinked, trying to think of a way to rephrase the whole explanation easier to Cliff, without losing its meaning.

"... I think I got it. I know codelimin, and when you said codelimin I assume you were talking about Digimon, have somewhat of a relation with biovesto. If our data mixes with biovesto, or if human DNA mixes with biovesto, then other creatures and beings are considered hostile to it?" Nexusmon asked.

"More or less is right." White Fox agreed.

"I see and where can I find such plants?" Cliff asked.

"Want your own shelter and starship?" Alpha Lion asked.

Cliff shrugged. "Why not? I would prefer a biovesto starship more than a biovesto shelter, but I would still accept shelter. It seems I and Nexusmon are going to stay here for awhile."

"You'll find the plants at the only biovesto farm in Resolve Town. The farm is named "Silverstar Farm", just on the outskirts of Resolve Town and on the closest hill to Resolve Town. The owner of the farm is a Quel'dorei, a high elf, named Ranos Silverstar. Introduce yourselves to him and if it isn't enough, tell him that White Fox had sent you." White Fox nodded.

Cliff stood up. "Thanks for the input. If you'll all excuse me and Nexusmon, we have ourselves a shelter and starship to grow."

"You're excused." White Fox nodded.

Cliff nodded and walked out of White Fox's shelter, followed by Nexusmon.

"Interesting human." Shadow Owl muttered...

Cliff and Nexusmon walked out of Resolve Town and headed towards the nearest hill. They headed towards what appeared to be like some sort of a greenhouse. Cliff and Nexusmon noticed the Quel'dorei, who went by the name of Ranos Silverstar, sitting outside. He had green eyes, just staring up into the sky, with long blond hair, and noticeably his pointed ears. Approaching closer, they saw the sign at the top of the entrance of the greenhouse: "Silverstar Farm".

"May I help you two?" Ranos asked, staring at them.

Cliff quickly stared back at Ranos, and saw curiosity and gentleness in his eyes, as did Nexusmon. Cliff bowed, as did Nexusmon. Ranos raised his eyebrow in inquiry.

"Pardon us, but I'm Cliff Ashton and this is my Digimon partner: Nexusmon. Are you Ranos Silverstar?" Cliff asked.

Ranos nodded. "Are you with A.J. and his little league?" He asked.

"... Well, we did come into Resolve Town, thanks to A.J. bringing us here in his small fighter biovesto starship." Nexusmon replied.

"We were told that you would have young biovesto plants, and we were wondering if we could get some for ourselves, for a shelter for ourselves and for a biovesto starship." Cliff explained.

"Who told you this? Who sent you?" Ranos asked.

"White Fox." Nexusmon replied.

"White Fox?" Ranos asked, muttering.

Suddenly, Ranos smiled and stood up, gently laughing.

"Very well. Welcome into my humble biovesto farm. I'll show you two around, and give you two free biovesto infant plants." Ranos decided.

Cliff smiled. "Thanks. That would be really nice of you."

"Thank you for being generous and friendly." Nexusmon nodded.

Ranos shrugged. "There's no need for me to fear a slave of Allah, much less two, now should I?"

"Uh?" Nexusmon asked, confused.

"How did you know we were Muslim?" Cliff asked.

"For one thing, I said "slave of Allah", not "Muslim", and for another, I have my ways. Besides, I don't want to get on your negative side, because I have some ideas of what you're capable of. Follow me, if you may." Ranos offered, stepping into his greenhouse farm.

Without further words, Cliff and Nexusmon followed their Quel'dorei friend into the biovesto farm...

Zonemon; Ememon; Equalmon, and Otazoidmon all walked into A.J.'s room. Otazoidmon was back in his powerful suit. It had a secret pocket on the inside where Otazoidmon hid his emerald green gem. A.J. was looking around the room for something, looking under the bed; in drawers, and other places. After stepping in, A.J.'s four soul-warrior copedam watched A.J. silently; all of them wearing confused looks. The organic door closed once all of them had stepped in safely.

"What are you looking for?" Equalmon asked, breaking the silence.

"Uh?" A.J. asked, looking out of his closet.

He noticed his soul-warrior copedam staring at him. He blinked, eventually understanding what Equalmon had asked him, since he was too busy to hear the exact words.

"My coin bracelet. Have any of you seen it?" A.J. asked.

"You mean this?" Otazoidmon asked, holding up the coin bracelet in his thumb.

A.J.'s eyes widened and he walked over to Otazoidmon, taking the bracelet out of Otazoidmon's thumb.

"How did you get it?" A.J. asked, staring at Otazoidmon.

"Why is it so important to you?" Zonemon asked.

A.J. remained silent, just staring down at his bracelet, glittering in his hand. A.J. turned his open right hand into fist, which held the bracelet, and A.J. shut his eyes. He subconsciously walked over to his bed, and laid down on his back. He let the bracelet fall out of his hand on to his bed, to his right. With his right hand, he touched his forehead with the back of it. A few moments later, and his soul-warrior copedam noticed a tear appear below A.J.'s right eye.

Otazoidmon; Ememon; Zonemon, and Equalmon, worried for A.J., all tried to enter A.J.'s mind, but A.J. fiercely blocked them out, not letting them in his mind, surprising his soul-warrior copedam, and making them worry even more. Quietly Otazoidmon; Ememon, and Zonemon all took seats at the organic small circular table, while Equalmon stayed by A.J.'s side. He stretched his neck over to A.J.'s face, and it wasn't hard since A.J. was close to the edge, but not too close.

Softly, Equalmon neighed into A.J.'s ear, and nuzzled A.J.'s right cheek, with his own snout. But A.J. refused to budge, with Equalmon only making things worse, or so he thought, as he noticed more tears appearing below both of A.J.'s closed eyes, with A.J.'s tears sliding down their sides, wetting the blanket.

"... Is... He O.K.?" Zonemon asked, worried.

Otazoidmon shook his head. "I don't know. I haven't seen him before like this."

"None of us have seen him like this." Ememon added.

"And I think nobody has ever seen him like this, including Helen and Crescent League." Equalmon whispered.

Zonemon; Otazoidmon; Ememon, and Equalmon all kept their attention on A.J., and eventually heard A.J. sob. Equalmon glanced at A.J.'s chest, and did see it move, as the chest should move when a human cried. A.J. turned to his left, burying his face into the blanket, and started to cry quietly. Memories and images flashed through A.J.'s mind: memories of his past, and images of faces of people he was all too familiar with.

Some tears were able to reach the coin bracelet, and it glowed, catching A.J.'s soul-warrior copedam's attentions. Since A.J.'s face was buried in the blanket, and he was crying, remembering people and memories, he didn't noticed the glow. Otazoidmon; Ememon, and Zonemon all walked over to the bed and stared at the bracelet. Along with Equalmon, they all watched the coin bracelet glow brilliantly dark green, changing.

To what? The copedam weren't sure, but they had to look away. The coin changed from a coin, to a perfectly formed crescent, which was dark green in color, and from the glitter of the crescent, the soul-warrior copedam could tell that the crescent was made of some sort of gem: most likely emerald. Otazoidmon was the first to look back at it, and noticed it. Otazoidmon knew it was emerald because of his own emerald green gem.

He saw that the string was longer, indicating that the bracelet was back into a necklace now, and colored black. Something caught Otazoidmon's eyes from within the crescent, and looking closely, he saw the crest of myths glowing brilliantly within the dark green crescent. It wasn't easy to see, as it was too much small. Only thanks to Otazoidmon's strong eyesight, was he able to notice the crest within the crescent.

"Ammaar." A heavenly voice whispered.

A.J. stopped crying, and turned his head towards the voice. He gasped upon seeing Helen standing to the left side of the bed, in a green silk headscarf, and a green silk dress, which covered her whole feminine body, yet she was glowing in warm brilliant green. A.J.'s soul-warrior copedam noticed her, and stared speechless at her.

"Helen." A.J. whispered, his voice shivering the name out.

It was obvious that Helen wasn't actually there, yet was there. A.J. was fearful of touching her, because he was fearful if he did that she would fade away. A.J. somehow felt that Helen was really there, yet it was her hologram he was staring at. Helen knelt down, and tears softly fell down A.J.'s eyes.

'Does his anguish have anything to do with Helen?' Ememon asked, through telepathy.

'Probably, including other stuff.' Otazoidmon replied.

'But him missing Helen was the most it seems.' Equalmon added.

Helen reached out at A.J.'s eyes, and gently wiped away the tears. A.J. closed his eyes, and remained silent. A.J. felt Helen's hands brush his tears away, and it was weird, because A.J. mentally swore that her touch was the same as he remembered it, from the dream and before.

"Don't cry Ammaar. Look to your right." Helen whispered.

It was strange, but it seemed no matter how loud Helen spoke, it always sounded to A.J. as whispering. He did comply with Helen's request, and looked to his right, noticing not one, but two crescent necklaces. Besides his own emerald myths necklace, there was also another perfect crescent form, colored blue.

"The Crescent of Myths is your crest. It's a divine type; not a dark type. The Crescent of Mulige is mine, and only when you return would I receive it. Take good care of it. You are the Prince of Myths: my Prince of Myths and you always will be my prince." Helen whispered, smiling brightly.

Mystified A.J. touched his necklace, and it glowed brilliant green. He touched Helen's necklace, and it glowed brilliant blue. A.J. glanced back at Helen, and saw her eyes closed, enjoying something. A.J. blinked, confused. Helen opened her eyes and smiled.

"I'll always be with you in your heart and soul my prince. We are one in our soul. With my Crescent of Mulige, and even without it, I'll always be with you. I'm always here for you. Promise me something Ammaar, and promise me that you won't break it, at least not before you come back." Helen whispered, requesting.

"What is it?" A.J. asked, whispering.

"Don't cry." Helen replied.

She suddenly grinned. "Besides I won't want to miss anything new that happens to you after all this is over."

A.J. chuckled, sniffing the rest of his tears away.

'That's the Heba I know.' He thought, smiling brightly.

Helen nodded. "Don't forget my prince."

"I won't Heba." A.J. whispered.

With that, Helen faded away, and to A.J.'s and his soul-warrior copedam's shock, the three mysterious charges appeared in Helen's place, and returned to his univice.

"... What just happened?" Equalmon asked, after moments of silence.

A.J. sat up in his bed, and glanced at his univice, noticing it glimmering. He shook his head.

"I don't know, but it seems that the mysterious charges did that." A.J. replied.

"You mean they combined together to form a hologram of Helen?" Zonemon asked.

"Are you saying that wasn't Helen?" Ememon asked.

Otazoidmon shook his head. "No, that was really Helen. I have no idea though how she was capable of doing that."

"As for the first question, I guess so. But it seems it's only a once in the lifetime thing." A.J. stated.

"Are you going to keep your promise?" Zonemon asked, grinning.

A.J. narrowed his eyes. "You bet ya."

Staring at his biovesto closet, A.J. got off of his bed and went over to it, with the necklaces still in his hands. Suddenly stopping, an idea came to A.J., and he turned around. Without saying a word, A.J. just stared at his four gathered soul-warrior copedam for a few moments, and then went back towards the closet. Not being able to enter his mind, his soul-warrior copedam were confused of A.J.'s sudden weird behavior.

Knowing his soul-warrior copedam's confusion, A.J. ignored it and took out his sentinel bag. It only had one shoulder strap, and was made of biovesto, with the natural colors of black and green apparent. It was the first time the soul-warriors saw it since before the Paladin of Darkness crashed in Dune Desert. Meric Land's flag was apparent on the forehead center front of the bag, with the outlined name of 'Prince of Myths' below the flag, and centered.

A.J. put Helen's Crescent of Mulige on a biovesto hook on the right side of the bag, with the hook closing around the necklace's string, securing it. Next A.J. put his own necklace down on the ground and took out some clothes from his closet. Curious, his soul-warrior copedam went over to the closet for a better look, and saw that there was a whole black and dark green wardrobe in it, but with numerous selective designs on selective clothes.

Every type of clothing was there, including silk clothes; cotton clothes; leather clothes; shirts; t-shirts; socks; underwear; shoes; jackets; hats; capes; caps; mittens, and not to mention gloves. A.J. turned to his soul-warrior copedam, and gave them a certain look, which his soul-warrior copedam understood. Without any protest, or without any word, the soul-warrior copedam complied, and left A.J.'s room, with the biovesto door closing behind them.

Satisfied, A.J. changed his clothes completely. After taking off all his clothes, he quickly chose what he wanted to wear, and hastily put them all on. Once done, A.J. glanced at himself in the mirror inside the closet. He was wearing dark green sport shoes, with black shoelaces. He wore dark green socks, and black bland shorts, which had a band type of belt, which held the shorts secure around A.J.'s waist and down close to his knees.

He wore a dark green t-shirt, which had an outline of a black owl with its wings spread slightly on the whole length of the back. In the front, the owl was outlined in black and small, soaring downwards. Around his hands, A.J. wore fingerless dark green leather gloves, with the right glove covering his univice, and not harming it. With his changing done, A.J. put the clothes he took off back into the closet, on its floor. He picked up his sentinel bag and put it around his back.

Next was the necklace, as A.J. picked it up and put it around his neck, letting it dangle in the open. A.J. closed the closet doors, and stepped over to his biovesto desk. He opened one of the drawers the desk had, and took out his tags. He noticed that they weren't tags anymore, but some sort of identification card, with a black background; a green emerald frame around it, and the information outlined in green emerald.

A.J. noticed that he was named "Prince of Myths", and his name: "A.J. Actonal", wasn't present on the card. A.J. shrugged, and put it in a lower side pocket of his bag. He closed the drawer door, made his bed, noticing that his blanket was clean once again, with no indication that tears ever fell onto it. Once done making his bed, A.J. nodded and left his room, only to find his soul-warrior copedam waiting outside.

For a few moments, all of them were silent, with A.J. allowing his soul-warrior copedam to swallow in the new look A.J. had put on.

"... Nice look A.J. We have some questions to ask you." Equalmon started, breaking the silence.

A.J. nodded. "We'll talk in the living room."

With that, A.J. took the lead towards the living room, and took a seat, taking off his sentinel bag and putting it beside him on the biovesto couch. His soul-warrior copedam followed him into the room, and took whatever seats were comfortable and appropriate for them. A.J. folded his arms.

"Fire away." A.J. nodded.

"I've been wondering this since we came back from that underground base. Are you planning to join Cliff and Nexusmon to Crescent League?" Ememon asked.

"I've been considering it." A.J. replied.

"How about how do they return with us?" Equalmon asked.

"Return with us?" A.J. repeated.

"You know as well as we do that our stay here won't last forever, much less that we're actually here." Equalmon reminded.

A.J. blinked, and considered what Equalmon reminded him. A.J. understood that Feranin League won't stay in the Realm of Charges forever, and that they will eventually return, but to where? A.J. wasn't sure. However, A.J. did understand what Equalmon meant. From his dream in the school with Helen, he understood from Helen that he was physically still in Meric Land unconscious, which brought up other questions.

Like were the events occurring in the Realm of Charges part of reality or not? If they weren't, then Misterim wasn't dead. But if they were part of reality, how could Feranin League be in two places at once, in the physical form? One thing was for sure, A.J. wanted so much to be back in Meric Land with Helen and Crescent League once more, but he knew that wasn't to happen anytime soon.

A.J. returned to Equalmon's question: How would Cliff; Nexusmon; Mamigrol, and even maybe White Hulman return with them to Meric Land? If Mamigrol and White Hulman were to join Feranin League, they would also have to join Crescent League. As for Cliff and Nexusmon to join Crescent League, they would have to return to Meric Land with them, but how would it happen?

One thing A.J. was sure of: he had to give out detailed locations in Meric Land to Mamigrol; White Hulman; Cliff, and Nexusmon. If the Trio of Resolve did leave the Realm of Charges back to their own home world, A.J. would initiate that subject with Mamigrol; White Hulman; Cliff, and Nexusmon, about joining Crescent League, and for Mamigrol and White Hulman, to also join Feranin League.

He decided only then he would give detailed locations of Meric Land to them, so if they did return with A.J. and Feranin League to Meric Land, they would know they were in Meric Land, and also their precise location. Not to mention tell Actonal Army all about it. A.J. didn't mind it, because he knew when he talked with Feranimon again some time, that Feranimon would have the word be spread around the army.

There was only one answer to Equalmon's question, and A.J. knew what it was.

"I honestly don't have an idea about that. We'll just have to wait and see." A.J. replied.

"Do you have any idea what would happen to us if we got injured here?" Zonemon asked.

A.J. raised an eyebrow. "Probably if the injury was to turn into a scar, it would appear on our physical unconscious forms. If we were to die... I don't know. Our physical unconscious bodies might die with us, or we might wake up. If the injury won't turn into a scar, then it would never appear on our physical unconscious forms."

"Do you have any ideas about ruling Algeria when you return?" Otazoidmon asked.

A.J. nodded. "Depending on how events go, and if Allah wills it, yes, I do have some thoughts on that."

"Care to share with us?" Ememon inquired.

A.J. sighed. "For one thing, I know that Faith of Algeria is only in the south, and the north is somewhat more hostile. I'll have to deal with that first, dealing with internal affairs, and closing down unlawful places in all of Algeria. Once down with the internal affairs in Algeria itself, I would go foreign and withdraw Algeria from the United Nations, and other global organizations that's it's in. Before engaging in the internal northern affairs, I would deal with planting biovesto farms in the south."

Ememon's eyes widened. "No way!"

"If you plant biovesto farms in the south in Algeria, coming from plants in Meric Land, then... wow!" Equalmon whispered.

"Yep. We'd be better able to deal with the north unrest more efficiently and successfully. Anyway, after withdrawing Algeria out of the global organizations it is in, with biovesto, it would become dependent on itself, and the oil that Algeria has would be used only for Algeria, and not a drop would be exported to anywhere. I know of an oil pipeline that connects Libya; Tunisia, and Algeria together. That pipeline would somewhat be sabotaged.

"Becoming dependent on itself means being isolated, and God willing, the most secure country and God fearing country in the whole world. An Islamic movement or party that is God fearing is one thing, but a country that is God fearing? Well, let's just say the Islamic revival has begun, and the enemies of Allah would have something to truly fear. The Algerian military, in all its sections: army; star fleet, and navy fleet would have biovesto technology one way or another.

"I meant star fleet, because biovesto starships can enter space and invade space. The navy would basically be submarine fleets, but there would be some surface fleets. Of course the Algerian navy won't become reality until the north is part of Faith of Algeria. Then... Algeria would speak up and broadcast the Truth, and those who believe, good for them, as for those who don't believe, too bad." A.J. shrugged.

"The enemies of Islam and of Allah would not be feared by Algeria at the beginning, but just maybe angered. Anyway, I thought you already led all of Algeria?" Zonemon asked.

"Are you saying there are two governments in Algeria?" Equalmon asked.

"Like I said before: Faith of Algeria is the south of Algeria, not including the north, where it has more residents and is more populated, being near the Mediterranean. So I only lead Faith of Algeria, not Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria. Algeria would become an Islamic country totally then, and not Republic anymore. As for the two governments... well, yes there are two as far as I know." A.J. explained.

"If you know so much of Algeria, does it have an independence day?" Otazoidmon asked.

A.J. nodded. "5th of July 1962 from France. The national holiday is on the 1st of November 1954, which is the anniversary of the revolution against France I think."

"Do you have any idea how many global organizations Algeria is in?" Ememon asked.

"I read such information about Algeria after I became viceroy... I'll have to say, Algeria is a member of many global organizations, if not all of them. To name some, are the United Nations; IAEA; INTERPOL; WHO; AL, and many others. I'll have to say it's going to take some time withdrawing from all the global organization it is part of." A.J. replied.

"Any ideas on executive branches?" Equalmon asked.

"Well, president; prime minister, and the cabinet, which is named Council of Ministers. That is definitely going to change, since the highest executive branch would be viceroy." A.J. grinned.

"No kidding." Ememon chuckled.

"What about the legislative branch?" Equalmon asked.

"Such questions we'll leave to Equalmon." Zonemon whispered.

"Definitely." Otazoidmon agreed, and Ememon only nodded.

A.J. raised his eyebrow. "I'm the viceroy; such questions are child's play for me. But to answer it, it's the unicameral National People's Assembly, in English terms, but in Arabic, it's Al-Majlis Eshaabi Al-Watani. If you don't believe me, check up for yourself."

"I don't need to; I believe you, and trust you." Equalmon smiled.

"Are we done with questions?" A.J. asked.

"Not yet." Otazoidmon hastily replied.

Equalmon nodded. "I still have more questions about Algeria... Do know anything of the leaders of Algeria?"

"Easy. A.J. answered that question before." Zonemon stated.

A.J. shook his head. "That question was "any ideas on executive branches?". Equalmon asked a totally different question this time. The answer is the Chief of State, who is the Chairman of the High State Council usually. And there is also the Head of Government, which is the Prime Minister."

"Oh." Zonemon muttered.

"I have a question... can you elaborate more on the biovesto stuff?" Ememon asked.

"I knew that question was coming. From what I have observed and understand of biovesto, a biovesto cycle exists, like the water cycle. All of you know of the water cycle, right?" A.J. asked.

Ememon nodded his head.

"Silly question." Zonemon muttered.

"I'm aware of it." Equalmon replied.

"Most humans know about it, and for some of us, we studied such things in Earth after the rescue journey." Otazoidmon explained.

"Good. That means I don't need to explain the water cycle. As for the biovesto cycle... Hold on a moment; I need to go get some documents on that. After all, it can't just be memorized, and I want to do it in the right order." A.J. decided.

He got up, and left the room, returning a few moments later, carrying a folder in his hand. He put down the folder on the table, and returned to his seat on the biovesto couch, beside his sentinel bag.

"What's this?" Equalmon asked.

"The detailed explanation of the biovesto cycle. Want me to read it for you guys, or do you want to read it to yourselves now?" A.J. asked.

"It's better of you do, because then we'll all hear." Otazoidmon decided.

"Very well." A.J. nodded, picking up the folder and opening it.

He read to them the contents of the folder, explaining the biovesto cycle. Otazoidmon; Ememon; Zonemon, and Equalmon all listened silently, without interrupting A.J. once. Once A.J. was done, he closed the folder and put it down.

"That was interesting." Zonemon spoke.

"Tell me about it. Since biovesto is organic, because it's organic helps in its cycle." Equalmon agreed.

"Any other questions?" A.J. asked.

"Not on my side." Otazoidmon shook his head.

"None here." Zonemon informed.

"Nothing at the moment." Ememon added.

"I don't have any other questions for now." Equalmon agreed.

A.J. nodded, and stood up. He grabbed the biovesto cycle folder and left the room. Before he returned, Otazoidmon was the first to sense a presence behind him, and he was the first to turn around, followed by Zonemon; Ememon, and Equalmon.

"It's just you Shadow Owl." Ememon sighed.

Just then, A.J. appeared in the room. Upon noticing A.J., Shadow Owl raised an eyebrow.

"New look?" Shadow Owl asked.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam to you too. Yes, I just started wearing this a few moments ago. What is it?" A.J. asked.

Shadow Owl eyed A.J.'s necklace, but remained silent about it.

"I just want to inform you that I have the intention to explain the rest of "The Assignment". Alpha Lion; White Fox, and Cliff are all at White Fox's home. Shall we wait for you?" Shadow Owl asked.

A.J. nodded. "Yes. I'll be there in awhile."

Shadow Owl bowed, leaving Feranin League's home.

"That guy is creepy." Zonemon muttered.

"Can we come with you?" Ememon asked.

"'May we come with you?' Is the correct form. I won't answer until you say it right." A.J. grinned.

Ememon grunted. "Fine! May we come with you?"

A.J. laughed. "No. I'm going alone, and don't even think of probing my mind to listen in the story!"

"Wasn't thinking of it." Otazoidmon stated, with his arms folded and his eyes closed.

"Not him at least." Zonemon muttered.

"I'm going there now. If I do come back afterward, I'll tell you all everything." A.J. promised, leaving Feranin League's shelter...

"So you made it, eh brother?" Cliff asked, not turning around.

A.J. shrugged, walking into White Fox's living room. He took a seat with the rest.

"Where are your soul-warriors?" White Fox asked.

"They asked if they could come with me, but I refused." A.J. replied.

"Before Shadow Owl starts, just what did Misterim teach you?" White Fox asked.

"Cooking and dancing basically." A.J. replied.

"No lessons on electronics?" White Fox inquired.

A.J. shook his head. "No. Did Misterim know about electronics?" He asked.

"He sure did." Cliff muttered.

"I know of someone here in Resolve who can teach you about electronics. She herself is excellent in it, and is the best in all of the Realm of Charges, coming in after Misterim, but since Misterim is now deceased, she's #1 here in the Realm of Charges." White Fox explained.

"She?" A.J. and Cliff both inquired in unison.

White Fox nodded. "Yes. She's a female gnome and her name is Tanumia. I only know her by the first name, but she's well-known in Resolve."

"I might go to her later on." A.J. whispered.

"Also, she has an Elven assistant, female also, who gathers information and gains, or retrieves, devices for Tanumia to study. Her assistant's name is Sadenre Windrunner." White Fox informed.

"May we get back to "The Assignment" please?" Shadow Owl asked.

"Of course." White Fox chuckled.

"I'll leave all the story-telling to you Shadow Owl." Alpha Lion decided, folding his arms.

"Better." Shadow Owl nodded.

Without Alpha Lion or White Fox interrupting, Shadow Owl explained the rest of "The Assignment" to the occupants in the room without disturbance. He explained of the hardships he and Alpha Lion went through in the planets of enemy space, and in enemy space itself, with the enemy starships turning hostile on them. Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion were always wise enough to avoid any hostile confrontation during their assignment.

After many searches through numerous planets of their enemies, when Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion had thought White Fox had died, Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion were relaxing in an enemy alien bar on some planet, when an alien approached them, who wasn't really an enemy. The alien took Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion to a private location where the three of them were alone.

The alien explained then that White Fox was very much alive, but he vanished to another part of the universe. Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion asked where and for directions. The alien told them, and walked away, but not before telling them that the three of them would meet again. With destinations in mind, both Shadow Owl and Alpha Lion returned to their starships and took to space.

For days, they sailed through space without any luck, but eventually some weird green wormhole appeared, and before Shadow Owl or Alpha Lion knew it, Shadow Glide and Dusk Predator were sucked into the green wormhole, without Shadow Owl or Alpha Lion capable of doing anything.

"... The next thing we knew was waking up here, with our starships out of sight. We searched for them, but no luck. The rest is irrelevant, since you all know it." Shadow Owl finished.

"I don't." Cliff retorted.

"I'll tell it to you later." A.J. hastily decided.

Cliff nodded.

"How did it go with Ranos?" White Fox asked.

Cliff smiled. "Absolutely splendid. Our own shelter is growing now and so is our starship."

"Ranos?" A.J. asked.

"Ranos Silverstar. He's a Quel'dorei friend of mine who owns the only biovesto farm in town." White Fox replied.

"Oh." A.J. blinked.

"If you want any biovesto plants to bring back with you, Ranos is your elf. He said to tell you when I saw you that you and Feranin League are welcome any time in his farm, and that he'll give you as much of the young biovesto plants as you want and/or need." Cliff stated.

"I see. He seems like a nice fellow." A.J. muttered.

"He is! You know, we didn't tell him that we were slaves of Allah, yet he still knew!" Cliff exclaimed.

White Fox grinned. "Not surprising on my part. That's Ranos alright."

'I might have to be cautious around him. He might be able to actually help me on this. He could be my elf who would help me with getting biovesto plants, and bringing them to Faith of Algeria.' A.J. thought.

A.J. stood up. "I'll take my leave now. I need to go see this Tanumia. Out of curiosity, just where is her store?"

"You'll know it when you see it." White Fox replied.

A.J. huffed, and nodded. He left White Fox's home, heading back to his own, to pick up his four soul-warrior copedam to bring along with him to Tanumia's Electronic Store...

As A.J. got back home, he knew none of his soul-warrior copedam tried to probe his mind and listen in, so they didn't know anything. Once A.J. told them everything, he found out that they knew about Tanumia and her store. So with Ememon taking the lead, Feranin League, minus Lunal and Starspark, left Feranin League's home and headed towards Tanumia's Electronic Store.

The organic door gently opened and Tanumia looked up at who arrived. She smiled recognizing Feranin League, noticing that some members were absent and a new face was present. A.J. was the last to enter, and the organic door closed behind him. He looked upon Tanumia, and noticed that she indeed was a gnome. Her eyes were sparkling green emerald, and her short blond hair was curly.

Tanumia concluded that the new face was A.J.: the sailor of his soul-warriors. In her opinion, she was attracted to him, but she dare didn't say that to A.J.'s face, since he might have already had a soul mate and sweetheart back in Meric Land. Ememon and Otazoidmon babbled too much for their own good, and that was how Tanumia knew of A.J. and Meric Land.

However, Tanumia did question Ememon and Otazoidmon about A.J.'s sweetheart, but Ememon and Otazoidmon refused to budge, and so Tanumia didn't know anything about her, much less if A.J. did have one. But looking at him now, it would be a shame if he didn't have a sweetheart back in his world, and Tanumia decided that he had one for sure. She walked out from behind the counter to greet Ememon and Otazoidmon.

She had only spoken with Ememon and Otazoidmon, but had met Equalmon; Zonemon, and Lunal. Speaking of Lunal, Tanumia realized that Lunal was missing, and concluded that he was back at Feranin League's home.

"Welcome back Prince and Comet." Tanumia greeted, shaking hands with Ememon and Otazoidmon.

She silently nodded to Equalmon and Zonemon, who nodded in return.

"Tanumia, we have some one who we'd like you to meet." Otazoidmon started.

Tanumia only nodded, staring at A.J. Being uneasy under her stare, A.J. shuffled a bit uncomfortable in his position.

"This is A.J. Actonal: our sailor; Feranin of Crescent League, and Viceroy of Faith of Algeria at the moment." Ememon added.

That was right, Tanumia also knew about all that. The only thing she didn't know about was about A.J.'s sweetheart, which was a mystery to Tanumia. A.J. chuckled nervously at the way Ememon addressed him. Noticing a slight lump on his right hand, Tanumia knew that A.J. was wearing a univice. She was curious about the device, since it was in her field.

"... May I see your univice?" Tanumia inquired.

A.J. blinked, and glanced down at his right gloved hand. He shrugged at Tanumia and took off his right glove. Tanumia saw the univice exposed and nodded. She motioned A.J. to follow her. Tanumia went behind the counter, and A.J. stopped in front of her, on the opposite side of the counter. He laid his right hand down on the counter. Tanumia took out some device.

"Were you ever able to take it off?" Tanumia asked.

"Not that I remember." A.J. replied.

"I see. Well, you can. Just think of having it being detached from your nervous system." Tanumia suggested.

A.J. raised an eyebrow in inquiry, in amazement at Tanumia's knowledge, yet told as she suggested. He thought of his univice being detached from his nervous system, and indeed the univice detached itself painlessly, falling onto the biovesto counter, on its bottom. A.J.'s eyes widened in surprise, and for a few moments was completely speechless, and frozen in place.

Ememon; Otazoidmon; Equalmon, and Zonemon all watched, and were speechless themselves. Tanumia tapped the univice's screen with her own device that she took out, and hastily withdrew it, but Tanumia's theory was confirmed. Though her move was fast, the univice still reacted in a hostile way towards her, and released a slight jolt of electricity up the device. Tanumia felt it, but wasn't harmed much. She was a bit shaken, but not harmed.

"Windrunner!" She yelled.

"You called?" An elf asked, appeared at the other open organic doorway.

She noticed A.J. and his four soul-warrior copedam. She had met them in the past, and she knew who A.J. was even though it was the first time she had seen him personally. She was wearing a green ranger uniform, with a green hood over her head. She had green eyes, and her hair was blond; smooth, and long. On her shoulders were a quiver of arrows and a bow, while around her waist was a sheath with some sort of blade in it. She was taller than Tanumia.

"I see you have guests. Greetings once again Ememon; Otazoidmon; Zonemon, and Equalmon. I'd say that you're A.J.: their sailor. I'm Sadenre Windrunner: Tanumia's assistant." Sadenre greeted.

"Pleasure to see you again Sadenre." Zonemon nodded.

Ememon's head was lowered, and he only nodded his head. Otazoidmon glanced at Sadenre and nodded in acknowledgment of her presence. Like Ememon, Equalmon's head was lowered, and he slightly neighed in greeting. Sadenre noticed all their reactions, including A.J.'s, who didn't glance at her, yet didn't lower his head.

"Nice to meet you ma'am." A.J. finally greeted.

Sadenre smiled. "You wanted something Tanumia?"

"Just to give you this. You know how to extract hardware information from it?" Tanumia asked, nodding towards the univice.

It was only then that Sadenre noticed the univice on the biovesto counter. She gasped, approaching Tanumia's side.

"Is that what I think it is?" Sadenre asked.

"It sure is. It's A.J.'s univice alright." Tanumia replied.

Sadenre glanced at Tanumia. "Did you test it?"

Tanumia nodded. "Yeah and it was what I expected."

Sadenre snorted. "If it was what you expected, then how do you expect me to touch it?"

Tanumia sweat-dropped. "Of course... I forgot about that."

"Sometimes I just don't understand you Tanumia." Sadenre remarked, shaking her head.

"Same here Sadenre." Tanumia smiled.

"They did this before." Zonemon stated.

Sadenre and Tanumia realized that they still had guests, and both sweat-dropped, realizing that they went too deep into their own conversation.

"Um... You can have your univice back A.J., since we won't be able to do anymore physical tests on it, since it won't allow us. Is there something I can do for you?" Tanumia asked, staring at A.J.

A.J. grabbed his univice again, and reattached it back on his right hand. Once done, he put back his glove on it, covering the univice.

"Actually there is." A.J. replied, glancing at the ground.

He raised his head.

"What is it?" Tanumia asked, whispering.

Sadenre understood Tanumia and rolled her eyes in amusement.

"I understand that you're the best electrician here, so I was advised to take some electrician lessons from you." A.J. replied.

Tanumia's eyes widened, and she gasped.

"I-I... Ahm... I mean I know and understand electronics." Tanumia modestly informed.

Understanding that Tanumia was attracted to him, A.J. grinned, finding amusement in the situation, but he restrained himself from even thinking of using Tanumia's feelings, because one way or another he would be betraying Helen, and so he decided against.

"So would you teach me... teach?" A.J. asked.

Tanumia's cheeks reddened and she shyly lowered her head.

"I'd love... I mean it would be my pleasure." Tanumia replied.

"The necklace. How did you get it?" Sadenre asked, noticing A.J.'s necklace.

Tanumia's trance on A.J. lifted and she noticed the necklace around A.J.'s neck.

"It could help us even further." Tanumia muttered.

"Just what I was thinking." Sadenre agreed.

"Help you? How?" A.J. asked.

"Your fellow soul-warrior copedam don't know about it either yet. But follow us." Sadenre decided.

Tanumia took the lead, with Sadenre behind her, making sure that A.J. and his soul-warrior copedam followed her. A.J. and his soul-warriors did follow Sadenre, and they all entered a large biovesto elevator, with enough room for more objects, or creatures. Tanumia pressed a button on the elevator control panel, and the elevator moved downwards. A.J. kept his back supported on the back of the elevator, with his soul-warrior copedam close by him.

A.J. breathed deeply, closing his eyes for a few moments, until the elevator eventually stopped. The biovesto gate opened up. Sadenre glanced behind her.

"We're here. There's something that you might be interested in that we have." Sadenre explained.

Tanumia was the first to step off, followed by Sadenre. A.J. was the last to leave the biovesto elevator, which closed its gates behind him. A.J. entered what appeared to be a huge warehouse.

"We're deep underground now. Tanumia's Electronic Store is the only biovesto shelter that has underground rooms, or in this case, warehouses. It's the only shelter in all of Resolve that has an underground basement. This isn't the only room here." Sadenre informed.

Tanumia was staring at something, and Sadenre was beside her. A.J. stopped some distance away from Tanumia, yet on the same line, while his soul-warrior copedam stopped to his left. A.J. and his soul-warrior copedam were totally in awe, and completely speechless, staring wide-eyed at the large device in front of them. The device appeared to be some sort of stargate, but instead of being metallic silver, it was emerald green.

A.J. noticed the symbols on the frame, and recognized them as being the genuine native words of Twilasin. A.J. took a few steps forward, taking a closer look at the symbols. There was ledges under the gate, which kept it in place. Otazoidmon was the only one aware to notice that A.J. was ahead of them. Getting a closer look at the gate, A.J. was able to mentally read the symbols, being 7 in all.

'Faith; unity; peace; patience; discipline; myths; miracles.' A.J. thought.

A.J.'s necklace was above his shirt, and it was exposed in the open. It suddenly glowed in an intense green light, with everyone there noticing it. A.J. turned around to see his soul-warrior copedam, and barely gasped noticing other figures around them and behind them. A.J. recognized some of the figures, with all of them being holographic, while others were too blurry for A.J. to recognize. He concluded that because he didn't know them, they were blurry.

As for A.J.'s soul-warrior copedam, and Sadenre and Tanumia, they also noticed figures around A.J., which were holographic. None of them were familiar to Sadenre or Tanumia, but a few were familiar to his soul-warrior copedam, as none of them were blurry.

"A.J., there are holograms around you." Equalmon whispered.

"As there are around you guys." A.J. whispered.

"... O.K. Now this is creepy." Tanumia remarked.

Sadenre chuckled. "Of course it would be, since it isn't part of your field."

"The gate." Ememon whispered, turning everyone's attention back to the gate.

The gate's symbols were glowing, and the inner frame was moving in a circular motion, counter clockwise, as the outer frame had the symbols. A.J.; Tanumia; Sadenre, and A.J.'s soul-warrior copedam watched in anticipation, while A.J.'s necklace remained glowing all that time, with A.J.'s univice also starting to glow intensely in a green color, but was unnoticed since it was covered by A.J.'s glove...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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