Sunday, January 11, 2009

Soul-Warrior Past

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 14: "Soul-Warrior Past"

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Prince online. A.J. has finally gained some rest. Indeed, the day has been full of revelations: With Shadow Owl telling A.J. and White Fox the first part of his and Alpha Lion's tale. Shadow Owl finished up with the Nova Alliance history lesson and both A.J. and the two Anihulmans shared informative information with each other. When A.J. was listening to Shadow Owl, I and my fellow copedam were too busy to listen, acquainting ourselves with the populace of Resolve Town. Hopefully, this episode would shed light onto some of the populace of the town. A.J. met Mamigrol near FCL Star Trail and found out more interesting information about Misterim. A.J. leaves Resolve Town with us and Lunal, heading into the Forest of Mist. We eventually find the charges, with help from Lunal, and no thanks to Alpha Lion, who reveals his previous intentions to A.J. Being the forgiving person he is, A.J. forgave him and he's going to join us, returning back to Resolve Town. A few new characters and species appear for the first time, or are mentioned for the first time, in the previous episode. Are the revelations over for the day, or are there more revelations to be discovered? On with the conclusion...

The walk back to Resolve Town was tiring for both Feranin League and Alpha Lion. Once leaving the Forest of Mist, Lunal returned to his spot on A.J.'s right shoulder, where he stayed until Feranin League reached their biovesto cabin. Alpha Lion separated from them in the town, heading towards his and Shadow Owl's own biovesto shelter. Not wanting to have anymore activities for the day, A.J. went into his bedroom and went to sleep.

Like their sailor, the four copedam and one indidam were exhausted from the walk. Lunal might have perched himself on A.J.'s shoulder before reaching the forest and after departing it, but like the others, he was tired. He not only flew through the forest single-handedly, staying close to A.J. and Feranin League, but also talked with a Skyring couple to give up a few of their eggs, which were charges and Lunal had to explain that to them.

There were other eggs for the Skyring couple. Feranin League slept for the rest of the day and for the whole night...

The next day came quickly enough and A.J. opened his eyes. Almost immediately, he felt White Fox waiting for him. From what A.J. could tell, White Fox had something urgent to tell him, but there was also the sense of patience. A.J. quickly got out of bed and went to the bathroom and freshened himself up. Once done, he went to the diner room and met up with White Fox.

"... What is it?" A.J. asked.

White Fox sighed. "You came back late yesterday, yet you were too tired to speak with me. No matter. I hope you're energized for another go. Remember what you told me about my 'army tag'?"

A.J. nodded. "Yeah. It's back at Misterim's underground home."

"Well, I need you and Feranin League to head back, take it and bring it back to me... You see, Trio of Resolve is leaving the Realm of Charges in a few days and our biovesto peckers are almost ready. When they are, we'll all pack and leave the Realm of Charges, create a portal and head back to our dimension and space. That's why I need my army tag." White Fox explained.

"What about White Hulman? What have you decided about him?" A.J. asked.

"He'll stay here and do what he wants. If he would want to join Feranin League... that returns to him." White Fox replied.

"Very well. Did you have any breakfast?" A.J. asked.

White Fox smiled sheepishly and A.J. sweat-dropped.

"Excuse me. I'll go get some stuff for us." He decided, excusing himself.

While talking with White Fox, A.J. felt four minds probing his own mind, listening on the conversation. The soul-warriors were all having their breakfasts in the kitchen this time. Otazoidmon was having oatmeal and the rest were having donuts. A.J. got himself a cup of apple juice and drunk it. He had two other cups, satisfying his thirst. He got himself a bowl of donuts and another bowl of donuts for White Fox.

"Since the four of you heard, who wants to come?" A.J. asked.

"You chose. But I want to come." Ememon informed.

"Me too." Otazoidmon decided.

"Count me out." Zonemon shook his head.

"Me too." Equalmon agreed.

A.J. sighed. "Very well. While we're gone Zonemon, you'll feed Lunal and Starspark." He decided.

Zonemon shrugged. "Fine with me."

"How are we going to get back?" Otazoidmon asked.

"Not through AJmon." Ememon refused.

A.J. chuckled. "Don't worry Prince; I wasn't thinking of AJmon. We could... no, would use FCL Star Trail and I'll be the first to pilot it."

Ememon sighed. "We're coming with you on FCL Star Trail, right?" He asked.

"You bet ya." A.J. replied.

A.J. left the kitchen with both bowls of donuts and took a seat near White Fox. He gave White Fox his bowl and sat his own bowl down. White Fox took a donut and started eating it.

"Want something to drink with it?" A.J. asked.

White Fox shook his head. "No need. I had something to drink before I came."

A.J. picked up a donut and started eating it. White Fox finished his and licked his lips.

"Umm... That was good. So? What is your decision?" He asked.

A.J. swallowed the food he had in his mouth and nodded his head.

"We're going. Comet and Prince are coming with me, but the rest are staying. We're going to use FCL Star Trail to go there and come back." He explained.

White Fox nodded. "Good idea. For use of your biovesto pecker, and at a right time for a right cause." He agreed.

Both A.J. and White Fox finished their donuts in silence. Once done with his donuts, White Fox excused himself and left Feranin League's biovesto shelter. A.J. finished up his donuts, took both bowls and brought them into the kitchen.

"Yella Prince and Comet, let's go." A.J. decided.

"The earlier the better." Ememon sighed.

'Besides, I have something I need to tell you A.J.' Otazoidmon thought.

A.J. blinked, but shrugged it off. He knew he only heard Otazoidmon's thought. He took the lead and left the biovesto shelter, with Ememon and Otazoidmon not far behind. A.J. opened up the cargo gate and it came down. A.J. and his two soul-warrior copedam walked in and Ememon closed the cargo gate behind him. A.J. walked into the cockpit and both his soul-warrior copedam followed him.

At the front center was a single biovesto seat and biovesto helmets were hanging and tangling from the ceiling of the pecker's cockpit. A.J. went to the front center seat and Ememon took the seat to the right, behind A.J., and Otazoidmon took the seat to the left, behind A.J. The cockpit had one row of seats, both being behind the front center seat. All the seats were organic biovesto. The thin biovesto was in front of A.J., in his eyesight when he sat down.

The rest of the cockpit was of normal organic biovesto. The lights were natural coming from the biovesto. It was the first time A.J. would pilot such a starship, but he knew how. Upon sitting down, the seat the three all sat on pulled them backwards and biovesto came out from the seat and completely covered the three. At first, A.J. and his two soul-warriors were scared, but then the biovesto assured them somehow that the biovesto was necessary.

Using A.J.'s mind, the biovesto compared what it did with seatbelts, to protect the pilot and passengers from any atmosphere hostility. Only the faces showed and the biovesto helmets came down on the three, covering their heads. Instantly, A.J. and his two soul-warriors were connected internally to the biovesto starship. What it felt, they felt; what it saw they saw, etc. A.J. quickly realized to use his mind mentally, or more specifically telepathy, to pilot the starship, through thoughts...

Piloting a biovesto starship, which was living, much less piloting it through telepathy was an extraordinary experience. A.J. was glad that he would be able to keep FCL Star Trail. At first, it was hard for him to pilot it. He might have had ideas on how to pilot it, but he sometimes had his mind space out and explore his imagination. The result was the biovesto losing control, one way or another. It would either go into a crash dive, or would aimlessly spin around the same location.

Since Ememon was a born air codelimin and soul-warrior copedam, when A.J. lost control of FCL Star Trail, Ememon regained control. A.J. eventually learned from close death incidents that he should keep his mind focused. He liked the idea and liked piloting FCL Star Trail, and Ememon was good help. When A.J. checked on Otazoidmon, he wasn't there. A.J. beckoned Ememon to go and check on Otazoidmon.

"You won't crash dive it or anything?" Ememon asked.

A.J. chuckled. "I've learnt my lesson there. I'll keep focused." He promised.

Ememon nodded and the biovesto safety mechanism detached itself from Ememon, freeing him. Ememon left the cockpit and a few short moments returned. A.J. kept silent, allowing Ememon to be the first to speak.

"He seems to be tired." Ememon informed.

He took his seat again and the biovesto reattached itself on him. A.J. quickly opened up his mind towards Otazoidmon and sensed him sleeping in the cargo bay. Knowing that his copedam was safe and unharmed, A.J. quickly resumed piloting his organic biovesto pecker. A.J. started to think of its many other capabilities and he wanted to test out its defense and its weaponry. A.J. quickly dismissed such thoughts, as he knew there would be a time to test such things.

Since after all, he would most likely be able to have FCL Star Trail back in Meric Land, much less Earth in his dimension. A.J. considered Meric Land to be his homeland. It was a positive thing that Otazoidmon was resting, as the trip was boringly long to Myths Mosque. Besides, it was a quicker way for Otazoidmon to avoid thinking or telling what he had to tell A.J., during the trip.

FCL Star Trail passed over Dune Desert and A.J. barely noticed the Oasis of Deepness and the crash-wreck of his previous starship. A.J. was momentarily surprised to see the wreck still existed and he guessed that it would become something like ruins. The wreck was solo in Dune Desert, with nothing around it, except the passing biovesto pecker. During the whole trip towards Myths Mosque, with Misterim's secret residence below it, A.J. kept focused and mostly silent.

Eventually, A.J.'s and Ememon's legs both started getting tired from sitting around for a few hours in their organic seats. The seats were comfortable, but the lack of the ability to stretch them out and move them around was limited, if not completely 'paralyzed' or 'frozen'. Several minutes after their legs started to ache, FCL Star Trail left Dune Desert. Sighing, A.J. started to get bored, knowing there was still a long way to go, as he yawned in boredom.

Sensing his boredom and knowing how long it would take for them to reach Myths Mosque, as FCL Star Trail had an internal map of the Realm of Charges; FCL Star Trail did something wonderful. From the inside, it wasn't noticeable, especially since A.J. was focused in a small amount to where FCL Star Trail was going. The same was with Ememon, and Otazoidmon was sleeping.

A.J. glanced sideways and looked down from inside, down towards the canyons they were passing. He refocused himself on piloting FCL Star Trail and with his boredom growing; he glanced sideways and looked down again from the inside. However, what A.J. saw got his attention fully and his boredom left him. He nudged Ememon mentally, mentally encouraging him to glance down to the ground.

Below them, instead of canyons, was Myths Mosque and the soft greenery around it. FCL Star Trail completely stopped above it, waiting patiently for A.J.'s next command. It was wonderful to A.J., with one moment they were flying through the canyons, and the next they were above Myths Mosque. Recovering from his shock, A.J. remembered about the starship docking bay underground.

He tried to figure of a way to get into the docking bay, but FCL Star Trail was one step ahead of him. From the outside, a semitransparent green beam was released downwards into the underground, coming from the 'belly' of the biovesto pecker. A few moments later and A.J. noticed that the underground bay was opening. Suddenly, FCL Star Trail opened its 'mind', which was more like the central server or something close, up to A.J.

A.J. understood how FCL Star Trail got them there so quickly and how it opened the docking bay. More specifically was how the semitransparent beam opened the docking bay in descriptive details. With the land splitting up to reveal the underground docking bay, FCL Star Trail descended straight down into the docking bay. Once passing the huge camouflaged surface gate, the gate closed and FCL Star Trail touched down in the docking bay.

Finally landing, A.J. detached himself from the biovesto helmet and suit. Ememon followed A.J.'s example and followed A.J. out of the cockpit. Once in the cargo bay, A.J. walked over to Otazoidmon and knelt over his sleeping form. Ememon went straight towards the cargo bay door and opened it up. Otazoidmon was fast asleep, but a few physical and mental nudges towards Otazoidmon eventually woke up the sleepyhead...

Otazoidmon sat up straight and glanced towards the cargo bay door. He noticed that it was open and sensed that Ememon was reluctant from leaving, especially alone. Otazoidmon looked back at A.J., who was also staring outside, passing the cargo bay door.

"We already arrived?" Otazoidmon asked, raising an eyebrow.

A.J. nodded, not taking his stare away from outside. Since Otazoidmon had just woken up, his senses were fully alert. However, A.J.'s senses and Ememon's senses told them both that there was something wrong outside. Instinctively, they knew how to stay on guard and full alert. They felt something dangerous in the underground headquarter. It was a strange feeling, yet A.J. eventually understood that it was the same way his biovesto pecker felt.

The biovesto pecker was either just telling the two how it felt, or actually telling them of the danger. A.J. wasn't sure, but he sensed that Otazoidmon had his senses back completely and he was on full alert also. Outside the docking bay was darkness. A.J. didn't fear the dark, but was weary of what waited outside in the darkness. A.J. knew that the Muslims had a lunar calendar from since that Islamic historic pilgrimage between the two cities.

He knew through that the Muslims somewhat considered the night and darkness to be special to them, if not sacred. Through that, A.J. didn't fear the darkness and since he was also a Muslim, he himself thought of the night and darkness to be special to him. Not taking any chances, A.J. summoned his Emeraldsnow and was the first to carefully leave FCL Star Trail. Otazoidmon followed behind him and Ememon took the rear, slightly shaking in fear.

Outside the cargo bay, FCL Star Trail automatically closed its cargo door and A.J. used his Emeraldsnow to light up the darkness. With such intense light and energy imitated from his Emeraldsnow, the light from Emeraldsnow clearly showed the short path to leave the docking bay, with faint light coming from the only open entrance.

"Prince, have a look around. We'll know if there's something to be afraid of through you. That's your goal here; not to locate White Fox's army tag." A.J. explained.

Ememon moaned, but kept silent and accepted A.J.'s decision. He walked ahead towards the only entrance into the docking pay, with A.J. and Otazoidmon holding their position. Going through the entrance and disappearing from sight, A.J. turned around to Otazoidmon, with Emeraldsnow still lighted up with green ownalis energy.

"You mentioned earlier about something you had to tell me. What's that?" A.J. asked, narrowing his eyes in question.

Otazoidmon sighed and lowered his head. He replied without raising his head.

"My story." He simply replied.

A.J. raised an eyebrow, interested in what Otazoidmon had to say.

"Go on." A.J. whispered, beckoning Otazoidmon to continue.

Otazoidmon took a deep breath and knew how to relate his story.

"I know you'll like this story. But I ask and trust you not to tell anyone about this. When I feel like telling others, I'll tell them since it's my story. Did you ever wonder why I look so human? Well don't wonder anymore, as I have the true story of my past to reveal...

"Mystery was a common word to me from the start, though from the beginning I didn't understand any language... This might come as a shock to you, but believe it or not, my life didn't start out as a Digi-Egg, much less a codelimin. I do remember my past, but not as far as to when I actually started to exist... I was human once, born to a human family. Since I was born to a human family, my life started out like any other humans: as a baby human.

"Because of that, I basically behave like humans and not like common or natural codelimin. From what I remember, I started changing when I started to have the ability of manipulating and creating lightning, still as a baby. I remember one night I was crying and I quickly found out that I was alone, with my parents not around, because no one came to satisfy a need of mine. What was my need? I honestly forgot. It had been so long ago.

"I guess I was lonely because I remember the gentle drops of rain raining down outside. I heard thunder and saw flashes of lightning. I guess it was then on that rainy night that I started to change. I was like in the living room, because I saw a flash of lightning enter the house mysteriously and come towards me. From the lightning, I became something of a freak and mutant. For all I know, I was the only child of my parents.

"I grew up with my parents for a few years. Because of the lightning, not only did I discover I could manipulate and create lightning, but also some sort of new element, a new element I didn't know back then. I know for sure now that the new element is ownalis. One day, several years after that rainy night, I found a precious pure cut green emerald gem... I guess it was destroyed when the starship crashed in Dune Desert, because I left it carelessly behind.

"I was too much in a hurry to check to see if I had everything necessary. That gem is the oldest possession I have had since I was living with my parents... Now, it's gone... On the night of the same day that I found the gem, while I was sleeping, unknown to me until later on, the gem glowed green and I turned into Survivomon directly as the result from the gem. I knew then that the gem had mysterious and powerful abilities.

"Anyway, when I woke up, I found myself in Misterim's quarters, here in the Realm of Charges, where Misterim took care of me like a father would with his infant son. Misterim told me and explained many things to me that first day I was Survivomon. Through an ability the emerald gem had, Misterim was ability to see what had happened, from way back starting from the rainy night. He told me what happened while I was sleeping.

"Needless to say, waking up and finding everything so foreign and feeling so foreign was a total shock to me. Misterim was really extra patient with me until I recovered from the shock. He had told me that while I was sleeping and had already turned into Survivomon, another flash of green lightning flashed outside and I vanished away from my home and dimension.

"When I recovered, I found myself in my caterpillar or infant form of Emeraldmon. The form you know too well... Misterim knew of the gem and my ability in manipulating and creating both lightning and ownalis from the start. When I had recovered from my shock, Misterim taught me everything he knew. That's what was behind the reason of me having concentrated attack when you first met me.

"Misterim trained me in both my lightning based techniques: Emerald Lightning and Emerald Bolt. I went in hiding when your foster sister and her soul-warrior copedam showed up. I went to the Digital World for the first time and settled in the quiet and serene island of Sacred Star Island. I found this cave in the island and met Elite Reptomon. I quickly befriended him.

"One of the things Misterim taught me was Twilasin language and that's how when I became juvenile, decided on the name that I now carry, with knowledge of its meaning... You could say I'm literally a hybrid between human and codelimin. Half-human because I was born that way and half-codelimin because of what I am now and what I'm capable of. I won't be surprised if there are DNA mixtures in me.

"With a certain amount of DNA being human DNA and the rest being codelimin digital DNA. I know for sure though that my digital DNA is more dominant than my human DNA... Like what we humans say, the rest is history." Otazoidmon lectured, finishing his story.

Upon hearing some parts of his past, A.J. felt that he had dejavĂ», as some of Otazoidmon's past was similar to A.J.'s past. A.J.'s silence surprised Otazoidmon when Otazoidmon finished his story. He expected and even predicated that A.J. would have numerous questions, or at least be shocked and speechless, but not speechless in the way he was now. A.J. looked to be solving some stuff; putting pieces of a puzzle together; putting two and two together.

Noticing Otazoidmon's stare, A.J. spoke out his thoughts.

"Some part of your past sounds too familiar to me." He explained.

"Really? Like what parts?" Otazoidmon asked, interested...

Before A.J. could tell or reply, both sailor and soul-warrior copedam heard a loud yelp coming from the entrance. They both turned around and with the light from Emeraldsnow, came face to face with a tanned; bald young human, who was holding onto Ememon and a codelimin beside the tanned human, which looked like a weird cross between Patamon and Veemon. A.J. and Otazoidmon quickly realized that it was the human and his copedam that frightened FCL Star Trail.

"Nexusmon - Dragon Jerebi Juvenile - This codelimin specie and its evolutionary forms are unique, as Nexusmon wasn't raised or born in some Primary Village. This codelimin could be born to some mature female mammal codelimin, as could some other codelimin, which are all rare, including Nexusmon - His attacks are: Bubble Horn and Nexus Beam."

"Nexusmon?" Otazoidmon asked.

"I never heard of such a codelimin name." A.J. whispered, staring at Nexusmon.

"Much less being born to mature female mammal codelimin and raised by them." Otazoidmon added.

Nexusmon growled. "You just watch it human freak! Don't you dare insult my mother!"

Otazoidmon gasped. "Human freak?!" He bellowed.

He had heard enough comments like that and thought he would never hear such comments again. Confused by Otazoidmon taking his insult so seriously, Nexusmon was surprised and confused.

"... Yeah. I meant you look like a codelimin human." Nexusmon muttered.

Otazoidmon blinked, quickly understanding that Nexusmon's insult had nothing to do with his past. He didn't mean to insult Nexusmon's mother either. Insulting Nexusmon's mother wasn't Otazoidmon's intention, and he didn't even think of it, when he commented about such born codelimin like Nexusmon. A.J. knew that Otazoidmon kept his attention on Nexusmon, as they knew of the titles of Nexusmon's attack, but weren't aware of the strategies Nexusmon used.

Even worse was Nexusmon being partnered with a human. A.J. didn't know whether the human was mean to Nexusmon, or if he was kind to it. If the young male human was kind to Nexusmon, A.J. wondered if the human was either a DigiDestined or a sailor. He noticed that the tanned human was around his own age. A.J. kept his silence, and a showdown of stares and who would blink first occurred between A.J. and Otazoidmon against the tanned human and Nexusmon.

"... This is my territory! Leave at once!" The young human ordered.

A.J. narrowed his eyes. "This isn't your territory. This underground headquarters belonged to a friend of mine. Misterim Arteenlow, maybe you've heard of him."

"That old aged centuries' man? Yeah. I knew him. I had been waiting for him to die. He never was kind or gentle to me and I knew many stuff that happened... well, apparent stuff like Mamigrol and you burying that fool." The human teen scowled.

A.J. glared. "... I'll ask you once, let my soul-warrior go." He informed slowly, posing himself into an offensive position.

The human teen chuckled. "Like that would happen! Misterim might have been powerful enough to keep me at bay. However, you don't have the centuries old experience, nor the skill and training."

A.J. chuckled. "Centuries old... skill... training!" He laughed. "You have no idea who you're facing pretty boy."

"I might not know, but I know I can take you." The human teen replied.

A.J. raised an eyebrow. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "Then try to stop this!"

A.J. rushed at top speed towards the human teen, Emeraldsnow ready to slice through him. The human teen just chuckled. Still holding onto Ememon, the human teen just nodded his head towards A.J. and mysteriously A.J. was sent flying backwards. He slammed into the cargo bay door of his biovesto pecker and all three Feranin League disciples understood what made FCL Star Trail so afraid. It simply knew of the human teen's ability.

Taking no chances, Otazoidmon quickly summoned his Aura of Myths, to protect him from any negative surprises from either the human teen or from Nexusmon. A.J. was surprised that a mere human had such ability. He knew the main idea of such ability, as it rivaled the ability of the fictitious Jean Grey and her telekinetic ability, or moving objects around mentally.

However, like Otazoidmon, A.J. didn't take any chance and stood back up onto his feet. Once standing up straight, he summoned his Aura of Myths and wasn't sure if the young teen was still capable of doing such ability with their auras activated. He knew better than to underestimate the human teen now, as he didn't have the ability himself and didn't know how well the young teen mastered it. He regrouped with Otazoidmon, refusing to give up.

The collision into the cargo bay door didn't harm A.J. in anyway, but the fall onto the ground pained him a little, though he could tolerate such minor pains and show no weakness. Now, A.J. realized that the young teen might not be a direct crescentian descendent, yet it taught A.J. to be weary of the young teen and never to underestimate any humans of any personalities or pasts ever again, a lesson well received and learned.

What A.J. knew, was he won't give up and accomplish his goal. He would survive this encounter and return back to Resolve to return White Fox's army tag to him. He made sure that Ememon and Otazoidmon were coming with him, even if they got their energies drained and went down to some lower form of theirs, alive and healthy.

"I think I deserve to know the name of such a worthy... sailor." A.J. requested, deciding that the young teen boy would be Nexusmon's sailor.

The young teen raised his eyebrow. "That's quite noble, coming from the sailor of myths. I promise you on my honor that I'll give you my name, but with the condition of you giving yours first."

A.J. tilted his head to the left slightly and decided to introduce himself as humbly as possible.

"Fair enough. I'm a servant of God, who goes by the name of A.J. Actonal. You can just call my A.J." He greeted.

"Servant of God you say? You must be a Muslim, or a believer in the Islamic religion then. Pleasure to meet you A.J. It's the first time I met someone from my own religion as well. Like you, I'm a servant of God, but you can address me as Cliff Ashton, or considering the circumstances, just Cliff would do." The young teen greeted.

"A servant of God? You? You must be kidding! What servant of God would attack and restrain a fellow intelligent creature?" A.J. questioned, leaving out the fact of Cliff not warning A.J. of his ability.

Cliff's heart fell and he let go of Ememon voluntarily; without hesitance and gently pushed Ememon. Ememon rushed back towards A.J. and took refuge in the center behind A.J. and Otazoidmon, with the center being between A.J. and Otazoidmon. He kept his back to them, but summoned his aura of myths. A.J. understood that Ememon would want to be alone at the moment.

Cliff felt disappointed in himself and ashamed of himself for doing such a thing towards a codelimin. It was a new feeling to Cliff, as it was the first time he felt it, but he recognized it and knew what it was right away. Realizing that it was a sin to fight a fellow brother in the faith A.J. lowered his weapon and deactivated his aura of myths, but kept alert, not wanting to be caught off guard.

Realizing that his fellow brother was feeling ashamed of himself, A.J. knew that the two of them would eventually become close. At the moment, A.J. didn't need to worry of Cliff using his ability against A.J. He beckoned his two soul-warrior copedam to stand down and deactivate their auras. Quietly, Ememon did as he was told without turning around and keeping silent. Otazoidmon groaned in disapproval, but obeyed A.J. nonetheless and deactivated his aura of myths.

From his sudden change of behavior, A.J. figured that Cliff had the right qualities of joining Crescent League. That was left for fate and the future, yet A.J. sensed that Cliff would join Crescent League eventually. How soon or how long? A.J. didn't know. With the danger fading away, A.J. and his two soul-warrior copedam relaxed. Silently, Ememon walked over to FCL Star Trail, opened the cargo bay door and went inside, closing the cargo bay door behind him.

A.J. had Emeraldsnow vanish, as light had suddenly appeared when Cliff had let go of Ememon...

"What now?" Otazoidmon asked.

A.J. shrugged. "I hadn't forgotten about what we came here to do, but... for how long have you been residing here Cliff?"

"A day after I received the news of Misterim's death. Exactly how long? I really don't know." Cliff replied.

"Then you must have seen the army tag!" A.J. exclaimed.

Cliff raised an eyebrow. "Which one?"

A.J. chuckled and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He considered of whether telling Cliff of White Fox.

"Why did you come here? Why this place in particular to reside?" Otazoidmon asked.

Nexusmon turned to his sailor and Cliff glanced at his sailor and nodded. Nexusmon sighed.

"Since Cliff is a slave of God, he does prayer like every other Muslim. Myths Mosque attracted him for its serenity and harmony, not to mention quietness. I tagged along since I had no other place to go. At first Cliff didn't know about this underground headquarters and Misterim would kick him out of the mosque, so... This is a rather suitable place to live, rather than having it turn into something like a haunted headquarters. Besides Cliff took care of the mosque above." Nexusmon explained.

"Through cleaning the mosque up, I discovered the entry to this headquarter. I knew that Misterim didn't reside the entire time in Myths Mosque, and was quietly astonished and it was a positive surprise to me." Cliff replied.

A.J. took both Nexusmon's and Cliff's words, and from them, A.J. realized a few things. One thing was that Cliff didn't know of Misterim's previous quarters and another was that Misterim did leave his quarters, to repel Cliff most likely.

'That's reasonable. Misterim rarely did leave his quarters when I was around, but the time he spent out was never too long.' Otazoidmon agreed.

A.J. nodded and chuckled silently to himself. It seemed that slowly A.J. was getting more and more information of not only Otazoidmon's past, but also of Misterim's, even though it was just like glances or flashes, considering Misterim's long life. He decided against telling Cliff of White Fox, since Cliff might already find out from White Fox himself, that was if Cliff was fine and agreed to depart Myths Mosque with him and his two soul-warriors.

Nexusmon was welcome to come along, if he liked. Deciding that he would need to mention too much detail, A.J. decided on looking for the army tag himself. With or without his soul-warriors help and definitely not with Cliff's help. A.J. also wondered if Cliff knew about the secret room where he found his imperial suit. How he scolded himself sometimes for leaving his imperial suit in his previous starship.

But quickly took the thought away, considering that he had no other choice. He hoped and wished that he could have another, or could have had at least saved his previous one. Realizing what Nexusmon said more closely, A.J. sweat-dropped and mentally scolded himself for not praying during the whole time that he had been in the Realm of Charges. Reading his mind, Otazoidmon silently giggled to himself, earning himself a glare from A.J.

'Let's not forget that you're Muslim too!' A.J. exclaimed.

'Let's not also forget that you're the human here. As far as I know, Islam doesn't say anything about codelimin worshipping Allah.' Otazoidmon retorted.

A.J. laughed. 'Remember your past! You're half human too! I... also don't know about codelimin worshipping Allah, but for as far as I know, codelimin are specie in themselves and don't have any human DNA in them, where as, you do.'

Otazoidmon groaned. '... I guess you might be right. I know this won't be much, but I know I did mention that my codelimin DNA is dominated over my human DNA.'

A.J. shook his head. 'That doesn't mean anything and won't help you.'

'I knew it!' Otazoidmon moaned.

Cliff and Nexusmon were amused at the silent conversation between A.J. and Otazoidmon, including Ememon, who was eavesdropping again from inside the biovesto pecker. He was listening to A.J. and Otazoidmon mentally, like he did before when Otazoidmon told A.J. of his past. Ememon knew that his skill in telepathy was good, to the degree that he knew when to eavesdrop on mental conversations without grabbing their attention.

Although amused, Cliff and Nexusmon were also confused of the changes of attitude and behavior from A.J. and Otazoidmon, without any idea that Feranin League all had a mental bond together. With the sense of adventure and exploration, A.J. reminded himself of his quest and also reminded himself that he vaguely remembered his way around the underground headquarters, considering other stuff distracting him and for him being gone a considerable amount of time.

Silently A.J. walked away from Otazoidmon and approached Cliff and Nexusmon. Cliff tensed up and prepared himself in self-defense as did Nexusmon, but both instantly relaxed when A.J. passed them and left the docking bay. Reluctantly, Otazoidmon followed his sailor. Cliff was curious about the biovesto pecker, as was Nexusmon, since they haven't seen any such flying plane ever before, but both decided against approaching it.

Since both knew that curiosity sometimes would hurt and this kind of curiosity would hurt for sure. With few other choices, Cliff decided on following A.J. and Otazoidmon, as did Nexusmon...

A.J. sweat-dropped upon entering the second large dimensional history archive room. He recognized it right away and immediately remembered the whole base. He remembered it being called 'Myths Base' and not 'Misterim's Underground Headquarters' or something like that. A.J. realized that he wanted to copy the books and remembered that before he got the pecker starship out, he copied the books information to his univice.

A.J. sighed, deciding on reading what were in the books after the Trio of Resolve departed from the Realm of Charges. He turned around, only to find Otazoidmon; Cliff, and Nexusmon staring at him, standing in front of the entrance. He shook his head and walked out once more, passing Otazoidmon; Cliff, and Nexusmon. Otazoidmon realized the mistake and like A.J., remembered the map by mind.

Confused, Cliff and Nexusmon followed Otazoidmon and A.J. back into the docking bay, or more appropriately and commonly as garage. All four continued south, passing the biovesto pecker and eventually entering the primary room. A.J. nodded, remembering the mental map he had from the first time he entered the base. He walked towards the west and entered his small bedroom, the bedroom that was previously Feranin League's bedroom.

He continued on towards the west and entered Misterim's bedroom. From what A.J. noticed, it was apparent that Cliff and Nexusmon had taken Misterim's bedroom as their own bedroom. At first, A.J. felt angered, but after awhile he didn't care and just shrugged it off. He walked into the next room, where he and Misterim had done their dance rehearsal and where he had found the army tags.

To his delight, not only did he find the army tags, including his own, but he also found his morph device; coin bracelet, and imperial suit. A.J. glanced behind him and saw that Otazoidmon; Cliff, and Nexusmon were full of awe from the room. A.J. snickered, remembering the first time he had entered the room.

'I guess that hover car is lost forever then.' He thought.

A.J. grabbed all three army tags and put his own around his neck. He put his coin bracelet onto his right wrist, with the morph device above it.

'Comet, please grab my imperial suit. I don't want to leave anything behind.' A.J. requested.

Otazoidmon raised an eyebrow. 'How do you know it's yours? Wasn't it destroyed in the starship wreck?'

A.J. sighed. 'I think so, but I can just sense this being it. I don't know. White Fox might have an answer for this.'

"Whatever you say sailor." Otazoidmon sighed.

He walked over to A.J.'s imperial suit and took it. To Otazoidmon's amusement, the suit shrunk in size to fit Otazoidmon's size. Otazoidmon glanced at A.J.

A.J. shrugged. "If it's going to be yours now, it doesn't matter to me. Don't wear it here. Let's go back. Want to come along with us Cliff and Nexusmon?"

Cliff and Nexusmon both blinked and glanced at each other.

"You really mean it?" Nexusmon asked.

A.J. nodded. "I sure do. Besides, where we're heading is to a populace town. Both of you would have your own shelter, with your own DNA and digital DNA samples in it."

Cliff raised an eyebrow. "Does that have anything to do with this 'biovesto' I've been hearing about?"

"It does. White Fox can explain more to you two about biovesto." A.J. replied.

Cliff shrugged. "If it isn't any trouble for you... then I guess we're coming along."

Nexusmon's eyes widened and he turned to Cliff.

"Wow! You mean it?" He asked.

Cliff understood his excitement and grinned.

"I will have to accept fate and what Allah has put in for both of us. If we're to become sailor and soul-warrior, or chosen and copedam then so be it. I prefer sailor and soul-warrior though. Chosen isn't a word I like much." Cliff remarked.

"Yippy!" Nexusmon yelled, excited.

Otazoidmon and A.J. smiled.

'We'll need to come back some time, but in a larger starship and to bring copies of the DNA archive that's here.' A.J. thought.

'We don't have any room for it back in Meric Land.' Otazoidmon reminded.

'We'll make room for it in Emerald Mansion and that's final.' A.J. decided.

'I'm not against it. That's fine with me.' Otazoidmon assured.

At that moment, A.J. felt Ememon eavesdropping on them. He grinned and nudged Otazoidmon mentally. With the mental nudge from A.J., Otazoidmon understood and also felt Ememon eavesdropping. He sweat-dropped and shook his head. Just as both felt him, he was gone, indicating that he left probing their minds.

"Back to FCL Star Trail then. Otazoidmon, you'll set in back with Cliff and Nexusmon. Ememon and I will pilot the biovesto pecker back to Resolve." A.J. informed.

Otazoidmon shrugged. "Fine with me."

"Biovesto Pecker?" Cliff asked, muttering.

In a moment, Cliff put what he knew about biovesto together and the starship he saw before. The result was a good deal of questions answered, but he was now afraid to board the biovesto starship, considering what A.J. had told him before. Cliff refused to mention it, leaving it to A.J. He was sure that A.J. knew about the danger if he and Nexusmon entered it. He hoped that A.J. would be able to deal with it and neutralize the senses of the starship.

Or at least have the starship not consider him and Nexusmon a danger. He shook his head and followed A.J. and Otazoidmon back to the docking bay with Nexusmon following them. A.J. was well aware of it. Otazoidmon had noticed something when he had grabbed his sailor's stuff, but wasn't sure. A.J. noticed Otazoidmon leaving his side. Otazoidmon returned to the small room and noticed the small green emerald gem on a small table.

Otazoidmon smiled brightly. He knew it was the same green emerald gem from his past. Keeping it in his hand, he went back to FCL Star Trail. From the inside, Ememon opened up the cargo bay door and A.J. and Otazoidmon stepped in, after Otazoidmon caught up with his sailor. Using his mind, A.J. assured FCL Star Trail of Cliff and Nexusmon, and through that FCL Star Trail lowered its hostile security.

Cliff and Nexusmon waited a few moments reluctantly and eventually entered the biovesto pecker. Cliff sighed in relief when the pecker didn't hurt them. A.J. walked towards the cockpit, but Cliff stopped him.

"Wait! I think you forgot something." He stated.

A.J. stopped and turned around, his eyes narrowed in confusion.

"I had a goal in coming here and now it's complete. We're going back." He informed.

"What about those... digi-eggs?" Nexusmon asked, hesitantly.

That stopped A.J. in his tracks.

'Surely he can't mean digi-eggs as in codelimin digi-eggs, in which embryo codelimin reside. Could he mean charges? It wouldn't do any harm to find out. Hopefully, it won't delay us much.' He thought.

He turned around. Otazoidmon had already put the imperial suit down securely, hiding his emerald green gem in it. Ememon had already entered the cockpit and was waiting for A.J.

"... Where are they?" A.J. asked.

"We saw them back in the armor room." Cliff replied.

"I'm surprised you didn't see them either." Nexusmon commented.

A.J. slowly nodded. He quickly left the pecker and rushed back to the small armor room. At first glance around the room, no charges were noticeable. However, A.J. believed Cliff and Nexusmon and looked closer around the armor room. To his delight, he eventually noticed a glitter of golden light and eventually found three charges. From what A.J. saw, the charges appeared to be those of miracles. He remembered the crest of miracles on his first gained charge for Otazoidmon.

Like his previous charges, sensing him near, the charges glowed in green and eventually Muchiya sucked the three charges in. A.J. sighed and wondered when he would get a chance to try out all the charges he had. He might get the chance of trying some while he was in the Realm of Charges, while others might be during training or battling. It didn't matter much. A.J. rushed back to FCL Star Trail and Otazoidmon closed the cargo bay door behind him.

"Did you find them?" Cliff asked.

A.J. nodded. "Sure did. There were three of them, correct?"

Nexusmon nodded. "Three was what I and Cliff saw."

Assured, A.J. walked into the cockpit and took the pilot's seat. Like before, the biovesto covered up A.J. and kept him close to the back of the organic seat. The protection biovesto suit came out of the back of the biovesto seat. The mental biovesto helmet landed on A.J.'s head and through it, FCL Star Trail started. FCL Star Trail released a beam, similar to the one it released downwards into the ground, up into the ceiling.

The ceiling opened up and A.J. lifted FCL Star Trail into the air. Once high in the clear blue sky, the ground below sealed up. A.J. landed his biovesto pecker onto the ground and rushed out of FCL Star Trail, without mentioning where he was going. Probing his mind, both Ememon and Otazoidmon knew, but A.J. didn't mind them knowing. He didn't want Cliff or Nexusmon to know.

He walked over to Misterim's grave and knelt down in front of it. He was out of sight from the biovesto pecker. A.J. smiled and put Misterim's army tag on over the gravestone. To his surprise, the necklace holding the army tag expanded and easily slid down the gravestone. Touching the ground, the army tag glowed white momentarily and faded away. Both tags glowed at the same time, before both faded away at the same time.

Satisfied, A.J. went back to Myths Mosque; made ablution, and took a Qur'an from the mosque. He went back FCL Star Trail and closed the cargo bay door behind him.

"What did you do?" Cliff asked, blinking.

A.J. shrugged. He gave the Qur'an to Otazoidmon, and he held it. A.J. walked into the cockpit. He sat down in his seat and the biovesto covered him. The helmet came down and A.J. started up the engine again. The sky was darkening, indicating that night was near. A.J. didn't mind that the quest took almost a whole day. It was off to Resolve Town once again, with some satisfaction and happiness...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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