Thursday, November 20, 2008

Air Strike

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 7: Air Strike

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

A.J. reporting in. I showed a map of Meric Land to some of my soul-warriors and explained some stuff to them. We're currently hunting for my charges. Otazoidmon was at the wheel piloting the starship, when we reached our first destination and first charge, well... not exactly first charge, considering Otazoidmon's miracles charge. It was in Grasl's Pole and the charge was the charge of destiny: Equalmon's. Hyogamon tried to stop us, but normally with our developed skills it won't stand a chance. However, it was best to try out the new charge and Equalmon charged into his destiny form: Deep Techamon. Hyogamon informed us of some three mysterious charges. We're off to locate them. On with the conclusion...

A.J. opened his eyes and looked around, noticing that he was in a dream of some sort. He was sitting on his butt with his back to the wall. He glanced around at his surroundings and found it strangely familiar, eventually recognizing it as a school building. He knew he was on the second floor out in the corridor. Slowly, his ears caught up on voices coming from the classrooms all around him.

"Ammaar?" A voice asked.

A.J. blinked and turned to the voice, right in front of him. His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly.

"Helen?" A.J. whispered.

"... What are you doing out here?" Helen asked, whispering.

She was kneeling down in front of him, wearing the school's uniform. A.J. glanced at himself for a moment, and noticed that he was wearing the same uniform as Helen was. He sweat-dropped. He decided on a different approach.

"Heba?" He asked, whispered.

"Helen was fine. You didn't answer my question A.J." Helen replied.

A.J. sighed in relief.

"I was disoriented there for a moment." He explained.

Helen nodded. "Apparently. Same thing with me. One moment I'm back watching over you in Meric Land and the next I'm here in this ridicules uniform." She informed.

"This is one heck of a strange dream." A.J. muttered, still sitting.

Helen took her seat down onto the ground next to him, to his right, with her back to the wall.

"Tell me about it. This is too real." Helen agreed, her eyes narrowing momentarily.

"Shouldn't we be like in class or something?" A.J. asked, whispering.

Helen shrugged. "Beats me and I honestly don't care. Want to talk somewhere else?" She asked.

"That's a good idea." A.J. agreed, getting onto his feet.

A.J. stood over Helen, and took her left hand, which she offered, and helped her onto her feet.

"This building is familiar. It's like I know where to go." Helen whispered.

"Same here." A.J. nodded.

Helen turned to him. "Have any ideas on where to talk privately?" She asked.

A.J. considered it for a moment, thinking it through. A few moments later and A.J. remembered. He pointed up towards the third floor. Helen understood, nodding and went up the stairs to the third floor. A.J. followed closely behind. The third floor was a large full stage floor. There was no soul around, and A.J. and Helen sat in a safe and private spot to talk. Helen was the first to speak.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

A.J. shrugged. "Fine." He replied.

Helen narrowed an eye. "Do you remember the last thing that happened to you?" She asked.

A.J. shook his head. "What do you mean?" He asked.

Helen nodded. "I thought so." She replied.

"Thought what?" A.J. asked.

Helen paused for a moment and turned her attention to A.J.

"The last thing that happened to you was that you stepped on an Infinitybite back in Meric Land, and you slipped into some sort of a coma. Stan and Mark carried you back to Emerald Mansion, to your cudilas and onto your bed, where you're now sleeping. I; your soul-warriors, and Ranbimon are all there watching over you. You've been out for a few days now." She explained.

"But that's..." A.J. started. "... Allah! Seriously?"

Helen nodded.

"Well, for as far as I know, now I'm in this dream with you. But before this dream I was in this starship, searching for my charges. Believe me or not, but all my soul-warriors are with me. I'm in the Realm of Charges. I can't be hallucinating." A.J. explained.

"Do you remember our last conversation?" Helen asked, her eyes lowered.

A.J. sighed. "I do, too well. I really miss you Helen." He whispered.

Helen smiled and looked A.J. in the eyes.

"I really care for you. Do you know that?" She asked.

A.J. smiled. "I do. I can sense it from you, even when you were telling me those things last time." He replied.

Tears willed up in Helen's eyes and she moved her face away, closing her eyes.

"I miss you Ammaar." She whispered.

"But I'm right there with you." A.J. whispered.

Helen turned her head back to A.J., with tears in her eyes.

"It's not the same with you in coma, even if we're both in the same room." Helen whispered.

"Then hold onto my hand and I'll sense you. In return, I'll reassure you that I'm still with you." A.J. decided.

Helen nodded, slowly, sniffing and smiling.

"I'll do that." She informed.

"A few things before we wake up: 1. Misterim is dead. You can send Grace to the Realm of Charges and check for herself; 2. I and my soul-warriors are just fine; 3. I have a cat and 4..." A.J. paused and inched his face closer to Helen's.

Helen got the hint and did the same. They closed their eyes and when their lips almost met, A.J. vanished. Helen moaned, opening her eyes.

"Of all the wrong times!" She complained, vanishing herself...

A.J. sleepily opened up his eyes and the first thing he saw was Starspark, staring down at him curiously. A.J.'s eyes widened and he jumped back, momentarily frightened. Starspark meowed and jumped off of the desk, rushing out of the cudilas. Otazoidmon stopped and watched the male cat disappear into another cudilas on the starship. Otazoidmon looked inside the cudilas and saw A.J. recovering from his momentarily shock.

"Are you O.K.?" Otazoidmon asked, stepping into the cudilas.

A.J. was wearing a dark green t-shirt and black shorts. He nodded and got up onto his feet.

"How are we doing?" He asked.

'Damn! So close!' A.J. thought, remembering how close he was in kissing Helen.

Otazoidmon grinned, reading his mind.

"Well, we've reached the..." A disturbing shake stopped Otazoidmon.

A.J. hastily rushed out of the cudilas, towards the cockpit and Otazoidmon followed.

"What was that?" A.J. asked, looking out upon entering the cockpit.

Zonemon was at the wheel.

"Stukamon I think." He replied.

"Why would they attack unless they're protecting something." A.J. muttered.

"Like one of the mystery charges?" Otazoidmon asked.

A.J. nodded. "Exactly."

"The starship won't hold out much longer. We need to gather all we can and jump for it." Zonemon informed.

A.J. heaved. "Fine. Stranded in the desert." He rolled his eyes.

"I'll go gather up the others." Otazoidmon decided, leaving.

"I'll go grab Starspark and my things. Be sure to follow us Zonemon." A.J. stated.

Zonemon nodded. "I will A.J., I will." He assured.

Otazoidmon gathered up the rest of Feranin League, and A.J. grabbed Starspark and his sentinel bag. From the cockpit, Zonemon opened the cargo doors and Lunal was the first out, followed closely by Ememon, since both could fly. A.J. had put Starspark in his bag and closed it. He was next and he hesitated for a moment, but then he went to the edge and leapt out. Otazoidmon and Equalmon followed...

Falling downwards towards the sandy ground of the desert, A.J. glanced around him, with his arms out and the air rushing through him. He noticed Zonemon falling down not too far to his left. Lunal and Ememon just flew down to the ground, but they kept pace with A.J. and the others. A.J. and his Feranin League watched as the starship: Paladin of Darkness plunged into the sandy grounds of the desert, exploding. Stukamon rushed to the site of the explosion.

A.J. landed on his feet with a little shock, even though he didn't have any parachute and for any normal human, he would have been squashed. However, like it's already known, A.J. wasn't the average normal human. Ememon and Lunal landed safely without any trouble and the same was for Otazoidmon; Ememon, and Equalmon, though for Equalmon, his legs got a little wobbly.

A.J. took his sentinel bag off and opened it, letting Starspark out. Starspark jumped out of the bag and landed safely onto the sandy ground of the desert.

"We lost everything." Equalmon muttered.

"The important thing is that we find this mysterious charge. Did the starship identify which one it is?" A.J. asked, turning to Zonemon.

Zonemon nodded. "The charge of atmosphere." He replied.

"Did it say for which one of you?" A.J. asked.

Zonemon chuckled. "Sure did. It belongs to Otazoidmon." He replied.

Otazoidmon's eyes widened. "The first mysterious charge and its mine! Yippy!" He cheered.

"It seems we have a lot of walking to do, so let's get on with it. What was the last location of the mysterious charge?" A.J. asked.

"We're in the right direction. Its a few miles to the west; straight ahead." Zonemon replied.

Otazoidmon and Feranin League started to walk towards the west. A.J. made sure that Lunal and Starspark were close behind. He had his sentinel bag around his back again.

"What's so mysterious about them?" Ememon questioned.

"We'll find out once we reach this one." Equalmon replied...

The mysterious charge of Atmosphere had a grenade model in the middle. The divine crest of myths was on the left wing in dark green, the mysterious crest of Atmosphere was on the right wing in dark green. The wings were on either side of the grenade, they looked like fighter plane wings, but smaller and in light green. Feranin League all approached closer towards the mysterious charge, with directions through A.J.'s univice, who was carrying Starspark in his arms.

Starspark was panting from the heat and had stopped before. Once noticing that he stopped, A.J. took the initiative and picked him up. A.J. decided to check on the info his univice had on Stukamon.

"Stukamon - Android Grasl Maturity - Stukamon are android planes and are named from the Stuka Dive-Bombers of the Germans in WW2 - His attacks are: Dive Bomber and Torpedo Passage."

"Do you think with the new form Otazoidmon would charge into, through the mysterious charge of atmosphere that he'll be able to handle the Stukamon?" Ememon asked.

"Most likely." Zonemon replied.

"Otazoidmon's form would have to be a flying form, or it won't be an atmosphere charge. The mysterious charge of atmosphere must be one of flying... We're here." A.J. announced.

They had all stopped in front of a sand dune. Stukamon were spotted heading towards them, and Ememon and Zonemon readied themselves. A.J.'s univice glowed on its own, and Ememon and Zonemon turned transparent green. A.J. shook his head.

'It has its own mind now. I don't need to order it.' He thought.

"... PRIMON!"


Primon flew into the air and went to intercept the Stukamon. Centermon galloped towards the Stukamon.

"Imperial Freeze!" Primon yelled.

The Stukamon all avoided his attack and continued zooming in on him, with their noisy engines. Primon's eyes narrowed and the Battle of Atmosphere had only begun. Otazoidmon turned to A.J.

"I want to join them." He requested.

A.J. blinked. "How?" He asked.

"Magna Otamon?" Otazoidmon reminded.

A.J. shook his head. "I need you for the mysterious charge of atmosphere. I'll need to have you ready for it and at your full energy."

Otazoidmon moaned. Starspark had jumped out of A.J.'s lap and started digging into the dune. Equalmon joined him.

"It seems the charge is in the dune." A.J. noted.

"Seems so." Otazoidmon muttered.

"Let's get digging." A.J. clapped his hands.

A.J. and Otazoidmon joined Equalmon and Starspark in digging. Once A.J. had touched the sand of the dune, a strong breeze blew and cleared the dune away, revealing the mysterious charge of atmosphere. Before A.J. touched it, he glanced back at Primon and Centermon. He saw Primon fall from the sky and devolve back in Ememon, while Centermon was back in Zonemon, crawling back to their location.

Otazoidmon was tense and ready for the mysterious charge once A.J. touched it. He grabbed it with one hand and stood onto his feet, holding his arm out, the arm that carried the mysterious charge.

"Ready Otazoidmon?" A.J. asked, glancing at him.

"More than over." Otazoidmon replied.

A.J.'s univice glowed green and Otazoidmon turned transparent green.

"Dicrenol! Mysterious Atmosphere!" A.J. yelled.

The mysterious charge of atmosphere turned into green fractal code and headed towards the transparent Otazoidmon.

"... PLANEMON! Atmosphere of Goodness."

Planemon rushed into the sky, while Zonemon reached A.J.

"Planemon - Mechanical Jerebi Charge - Planemon is the mysterious charge of atmosphere form of Otazoidmon. Planemon is the most feared of all flying codelimin - His attacks are: Grenade Line and Bomb Drop."

"Let the Battle of Atmosphere commence." A.J. whispered, staring at Planemon with the rest of Feranin League...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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