Monday, November 17, 2008

Enter Charges of Mystery

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 6: Enter Charges of Mystery

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Equalmon reporting in. Otazoidmon and A.J. had a friendly duel between each other in the canyons of Realm of Charges. A.J. eventually won. The two gave out some of what they got in their Kestir and Seltic styles. When A.J. started to teach us all some Seltic Relaxation, Ammaarmon came and asked for directions. We gave him a ride in Paladin of Darkness to Myths Village. Trouble rose in the village, and turned out to be Straymon and Zeromon battling each other. I stayed out of the battle, but watched from the sidelines. The two evil Codelimin were no match for Feranin League. It's our charges journey now. On with the conclusion....

"What are you doing?" Ememon asked.

"Yeah, why are you allowing Otazoidmon to fly Paladin of Darkness?" Equalmon added.

A.J. was in his study on the starship. He was working on some stuff on the laptop he had.

"For Ememon's answer, designing some stuff. For Equalmon's answer, I don't want to always fly this starship so I'll have a rest and let Otazoidmon fly it." A.J. replied.

"Would you let us fly it?" Zonemon asked.

"Eventually." A.J. nodded.

Ememon looked over his shoulder at what he was designing.

"That looks like a map." Ememon stated.

A.J. turned his head to Ememon, raising his eyebrow.

"You think? Geez I didn't notice." A.J. joked, turning back to the map. "... It's a general map of some places in Meric Land."

Ememon and Zonemon both groaned.

"What sort of places?" Equalmon asked.

"Places that I made up for Star Island years back." A.J. replied, sighing.

"Are any of our charges there?" Ememon asked.

"I wish." A.J. replied.

"What's that golden flowing thing?" Zonemon asked, pointing at it.

"That's literally Gold River. It's liquefied gold. If any sorts of waste go into it, the river would purify it." A.J. explained.

"Making it gold?" Equalmon asked.

"Precisely. It leaves living creatures alone, and cleans their physical bodies from any wastes. You could piss into the river and nothing would happen, you could take a bath in the river and be over before you start washing yourself." A.J. stated.

"That's something." Ememon nodded.

"Sure is." A.J. nodded.

'Young Owl? I've got something. It might be a charge.' Otazoidmon thought.

'I'm on my way.' A.J. replied.

A.J. left his study with his three soul-warriors and went to the cockpit. A.J. looked at the sensors. He blinked. A golden dot was blinking to the north.

"That's one of the charges of destiny. I don't know whose, but it's in Grasl Pole." A.J. explained, sighing.

"Let's go and get it." Otazoidmon decided.

A.J. considered it for a moment, but he didn't need to and he nodded his approval. Otazoidmon flew Paladin of Darkness straight to Grasl Pole...

Once Paladin of Darkness reached Grasl Pole, it was night. A.J. took the controls and landed it. Equalmon decided to stay in the starship.

"Not this time. Otazoidmon, you're the guard." A.J. decided.

Otazoidmon nodded and Equalmon moaned. A.J.; Equalmon; Ememon, and Zonemon all put their auras on and then headed out to the chilling cold of the pole. Otazoidmon closed the hatch behind them. The auras protected A.J. and the three soul-warriors that were with him from the extreme cold. They walked some distance, with A.J. checking his univice, walking due north.

"What are the four of you doing in my territory?" A voice asked.

Without turning around, A.J. checked his univice and it analyzed the Codelimin.

"Hyogamon - Snow Grasl Maturity - Hyogamon is one of two cousins of Ogremon, poles are his habitat - His attacks are: Throwing Ice; Ice Cudgel; Re-Initialize; Snow Barrier."

A.J. and his three soul-warriors turned around to meet the threat. Immediately, since Equalmon was out of the previous action, he was the first to spring in this one.

"Snow Barrier!" Hyogamon yelled.

A wall made of snow was formed in front of Hyogamon. Equalmon was too fast to avoid it and he slammed right into it, collapsing to the ground, on his right. He wasn't out yet.

"Hexagonal Crystal!" Ememon yelled.

"Mane Pads!" Zonemon joined in.

Hyogamon reinforced the barrier with more thickness. The two attacks slammed into the barrier and unfazed it.

"I'm going in." Zonemon decided, rushing towards the barrier.

A.J. sighed, but helped anyway.


"Atom Center!" Centermon yelled.

Centermon stopped his dash and attacked with full force, concentrated though. The attack smashed into the barrier and exploded, making the barrier collapse on Equalmon. Equalmon gasped, as blocks of snow smashed onto him, burying him.

"Equalmon!" A.J. yelled.

Centermon gasped and devolved back into Zonemon. A.J. rushed towards the blocks to rescue Equalmon, heedless of Hyogamon, who took his precious moment.

"Ice Cudgel!" Hyogamon yelled.

Time went into slow-motion. Zonemon yelled and rushed towards A.J. with Ememon. Hyogamon started to raise his ice spear into the air, lowering it closer to A.J.'s skull. At the last second, time went back to normal speed and a golden pillar launched into the air, blasting A.J. yards backwards onto his butt. Hyogamon was blasted backwards, his ice spear flying out of his hand and away from him. He landed yards away. Zonemon and Ememon reached A.J.'s sides.

From within the collapsed snow blocks, A.J. and his two soul-warriors heard Equalmon's voice.

"... DEEP TECHAMON! Mythical Destiny."

The snow was vaporized to air vapor and a short codelimin leaped out. A.J.'s univice analyzed it.

"Deep Techamon - Mythical Jerebi Charge - With the charge of destiny, Equalmon charged into this short mythical dwarf and dwarf he is - His attacks are: Solar Cloud; Dwarf Flash; Deepest Thought."

Deep Techamon rushed at Hyogamon. Hyogamon gasped, crawling backwards on his butt.

"Throwing Ice!" Hyogamon yelled, desperately.

"Solar Cloud!" Deep Techamon yelled, countering.

A flash appeared and an explosion was heard, indicating that the two attacks collided and canceled one another out. Deep Techamon stopped his rush and grinned, getting an idea on how to stop Hyogamon, who was still crawling backwards. Deep Techamon closed his eyes and hummed.

"Deepest Thought." He whispered.

A.J. was beside Deep Techamon now with Ememon and Zonemon. Hyogamon stopped and held his hands up onto his head, screaming in agony. Deep Techamon kept his eyes closed humming, while Hyogamon kept his hands on his head, shrieking. A.J. nodded to Zonemon. Understanding, Zonemon nodded in return. He faced Hyogamon, with his aura and the others having their aura activated still.

"Power Spin!" Zonemon yelled.

"Stop! I'll tell you valuable information, only if you ask your two soul-warriors to stop!" Hyogamon yelled.

'Zonemon... Deep Techamon.' A.J. nodded.

Deep Techamon stopped his humming and opened his eyes. Zonemon stopped his attack, with his feet sliding through the snow.

"Mention what you want to say and we'll let you live. On one condition though." A.J. requested, approaching Hyogamon.

Hyogamon stood onto his feet. "Anything." He replied.

"You leave us and only defenseless codelimin or creature alone, which comes into this area." A.J. stated.

Hyogamon nodded.

"Now, that information you promised." A.J. requested.

"Sure. There are three mysterious charges: atmosphere for the sky; deepness for water, and survival for space. These three have no crests and are mysterious in power. It is rumored that once a codelimin charges by using one of them, that a powerful mate won't stop it." Hyogamon explained.

"And where are these mysterious charges?" A.J. asked.

"I'm sorry but that's all I know, I swear." Hyogamon replied.

A.J. nodded. "Don't forget the condition." He snarled.

Hyogamon shuddered. "I won't." He shook his head.

A.J. grinned, his face inches away from Hyogamon. "Good."

Deep Techamon devolved back into Equalmon. The charge of destiny flew towards A.J. and his univice sucked it.

"Let's head back guys." A.J. decided.

Equalmon; Zonemon, and Ememon joined up with A.J. and the four walked back to the starship, leaving Hyogamon behind. A.J. looked at his charge and smiled. The charge was a dark green cone hat with poking ears. The charge of destiny was on the center front...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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