Friday, November 21, 2008

Depths of the Ocean

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 8: Depths of the Ocean

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Zonemon reporting in. A.J. had this dream with Helen and when both were about to kiss, A.J. vanished. We reached Dune Desert in Realm of Charges, to gain the first mysterious charge: the mysterious charge of atmosphere. I was at the helm when Stukamon attacked the starship. We all had no choice and A.J. ordered an escape. The starship crashed and the Stukamon headed towards the crash site, while I and the rest of Feranin League all survived, including Starspark, who A.J. brought along. The mysterious charge of atmosphere was Otazoidmon's. A.J. guided us through his univice and we eventually reached the dune where the mysterious charge of atmosphere was hiding. Stukamon appeared, and I and Ememon crevolved to hold them back. It was with A.J.'s gentle touch that the whole dune was blown away and the mysterious charge of atmosphere was revealed. Primon was blown out of the sky, returning in Ememon and I was defeated, crawling back to the rest of Feranin League, with me back in my juvenile form. Not wasting any time, A.J. activated the mysterious charge and Otazoidmon charged into Planemon. We are all now stranded in Dune Desert. On with the conclusion...

"... PLANEMON! Atmosphere of Goodness."

"Planemon - Mechanical Jerebi Charge - Planemon is the mysterious charge of atmosphere form of Otazoidmon. Planemon is the most feared of all flying codelimin - His attacks are: Grenade Line and Bomb Drop."

"Let the Battle of Atmosphere commence." A.J. whispered, staring at Planemon with the rest of Feranin League.

Planemon rushed through the Stukamon, making them change their course. While Planemon distracted and dealt with the Stukamon, A.J. put Starspark onto Equalmon.

"Be sure that he stays on you." A.J. whispered.

Equalmon nodded. A.J. went over to the unconscious Ememon and picked him up between his arms. With Ememon in his arms, A.J. went over to Zonemon, who was panting, lying in the sandy ground with him on his stomach. A.J. knelt down in front of Zonemon, with Ememon still in his arms, and Zonemon weakly glanced up.

"Tough battle?" A.J. asked.

Zonemon could only nod. A.J. got back up onto his feet.

"Come on, get up. I'll carry you." He decided.

Zonemon sighed and struggled to sit on his knees. Equalmon trotted over to them, with Starspark clenching onto his back for dear life. A.J. turned around and Zonemon put his arms around A.J.'s neck. A.J. got up on his feet, carrying Zonemon on his back and Ememon in his arms.

"Now hold on tight Bristle, I won't want to lose you, ya hear?" A.J. informed.

Zonemon smiled gently and just rested his head on A.J.'s shoulder.

"Where are we going to?" Equalmon asked.

A.J. shrugged. "Beats me, but there's no way I'm staying here. Do you want to stay here Gallop?" He asked.

Equalmon shook his head. "I'm with you; I don't want to stay here, but what about Planemon?" He asked.

"He'll follow us in the sky once he's done with Stukamon. No need to worry about him." A.J. replied.

Equalmon nodded and Feranin League walked off, with Starspark secure on Equalmon; Ememon in A.J.'s arms, and Zonemon on A.J.'s back, deeper into the desert.

"I understand how Primon was defeated, but what happened with Centermon? He's a ground based soul-warrior." A.J. stated.

"I used up my energy on trying to attack the Stukamon from the ground." Zonemon explained, with his head on A.J.'s shoulder and his eyes closed.

The sounds of Planemon battling Stukamon grew further and further away, as A.J. and the rest of Feranin League trudged deeper into Dune Desert...

"Look there. Planemon's with us." Zonemon pointed.

Feranin League glanced towards where Zonemon pointed and saw Planemon flying above them and with them. Zonemon was more rested and awake, with some of his energy regained. He was on Equalmon; holding on to Starspark, and Ememon was still unconscious behind Zonemon. Lunal was perched on A.J.'s right shoulder, as A.J. walked along side Equalmon.

"It seems he defeated Stukamon." A.J. commented.

"Seems so." Equalmon agreed.

"... Are my eyes playing tricks on me?" Zonemon asked.

"What?" A.J. asked.

"Ahead. Is there really an oasis, or is it a mirage?" Zonemon questioned.

Feranin League glanced at where Zonemon was looking and their eyes widened. Apparently, Planemon had seen it also. Zonemon wasn't hallucinating, but did see an oasis. A.J. was first to rush towards it, taking the lead. Sensing danger from deep below, A.J. leapt forwards, reaching the oasis, just as a codelimin burst through the sand. A.J. went down onto his knees, near the water of the oasis and turned his head around at the huge codelimin.

"Under Wormmon - Mirage Grasl Zomo - Be ware of its attacks; they would kill you without you knowing what hit you - Its attacks are: Tail Spin and Tail Strike."

Planemon sighted the huge codelimin from the air, especially since the codelimin almost reached Planemon's height. Equalmon held his position upon seeing Under Wormmon. Taking the initiative, Planemon went into the offense. Planemon soared straight down towards Under Wormmon's mouth. Under Wormmon opened up its mouth. Planemon took the chance.

"Bomb Drop!" He yelled.

Bombs dropped down from under Planemon, into Under Wormmon's mouth. Under Wormmon closed his mouth, just as every bomb entered through it. Planemon sharply went upwards and away. Equalmon backed away and A.J. jumped into the oasis. Moments later and a huge explosion occurred, fire burst over the oasis, with A.J. completely submerged underwater. Planemon kept his balance, with strong air turbulences occurring in the air.

Luckily enough, Equalmon was distant enough from the explosion, but where the explosion didn't touch them, the heat did. The waters of Deepness Oasis were crystal clear and A.J. saw a charge. A charge, which A.J. concluded, was another one of the mysterious charges. He kept his breath held and grabbed the mysterious charge, heading upwards to surface. The fire subdued and the smoke cleared.

With the smoke vanishing, Planemon; Equalmon, and A.J. all glanced at Under Wormmon, hoping a quick triumph, which they didn't get. Their eyes went wide as they saw Under Wormmon still there unfazed by the attack and apparently angry. Under Wormmon reached into the sky more and fatefully caught Planemon. Planemon lost control and went into a dead-on collision with the sandy ground of Dune Desert.

Planemon returned back in Otazoidmon and fell unconscious onto the ground, near A.J.'s location. A.J. got out of the oasis, still carrying his mysterious charge. He went over to Otazoidmon to check up on him. The mysterious atmosphere charge's fractal code left Otazoidmon and entered A.J.'s univice. Under Wormmon vanished beneath the sands and Equalmon galloped towards A.J. and the unconscious Otazoidmon.

"How is he?" Zonemon asked, as Equalmon reached A.J.

A.J. nodded. "He'll be fine, but he'll need his rest. It seems that the Stukamon took up a lot of his energy. We haven't seen the last of Under Wormmon."

"I agree. We need to find some shelter and fast." Equalmon nodded.

"I know, but first, see what I found." A.J. grinned, holding out the mysterious charge of deepness.

Equalmon; Zonemon, and Ememon were all in awe, with their mouths slightly opened in surprise.

"Who is it for?" Ememon asked.

A.J. turned the mysterious charge around, glancing at it. He shrugged.

"I don't know yet, but this leaves one mysterious charge." A.J. replied.

"Well, the one to use it will probably first use it on Under Wormmon." Zonemon reasoned.

Just then, the ground below begun to shake, indication that Under Wormmon was heading to the surface. Hastily, Equalmon galloped away and A.J. took hold of Otazoidmon with one hand. A.J. rushed away as fast as he could, dragging Otazoidmon along, but A.J. and Feranin League knew it wasn't fast enough. Under Wormmon burst through the surface, just below A.J., with its mouth opened, and devoured both Otazoidmon and A.J.

A.J. fell into darkness, deeper into Under Wormmon. The light from outside slowly vanished, as Under Wormmon closed its mouth.

'A.J.!' A.J. heard Feranin League yell outside...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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