Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cooking Lessons

Story by Green Garden

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 3: "Cooking Lessons"

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Zonemon here, we spent a night in Midnight Rastiro, deep in the forest. Early next morning we all woke up to the droplets of rain. We hastily gathered our stuff and left the area. We found a mosque and we all took refuge there until the rain stopped. A.J. had discovered some stuff and had learned some stuff. Heck, even his looks and style changed! I was having my nap and I woke up to see him in a king's suit! The rain had stopped and we're off again. Our next destination is Misterim's Quarters finally. We've been gone for so long, I wonder how he is. On with the conclusion...

"Aren't we going to blast off with our boards?" Zonemon asked.

"Nah. Walking is best." A.J. replied.

"It would be a long walk." Ememon remarked.

"So be it." A.J. shrugged.

He took his bag off of his back and took out Tanilo. A.J. did some yoyo tricks with Tanilo, like Walk the Dog; Around the World, and others. Zonemon; Ememon; Lunal, and Otazoidmon all watched. A.J. calmly did more and more tricks while the small league continued on their way...

After a few hours they reached Misterim's Quarters, but they were shocked at what they saw. Misterim's Quarters was completely in ruins. Misterim himself was looking over the wreckage with torn clothes and dirt on him.

"Misterim! What happened?" A.J. asked, rushing over to him.

Misterim turned to him. A.J. gasped. Misterim had a broken nose; messy hair; a black eye, and his lower lip was bleeding.

'Let me recover first to explain it to you.' Misterim sighed.

A.J. nodded. His soul-warriors were next to him. Misterim smiled on seeing them.

'So you have Lunal with you also eh?' Misterim asked.

A.J. nodded.

"Where can we go now?" Otazoidmon asked.

'To Myths Mosque.' Misterim replied.

A.J. blinked. "Myths Mosque? But we were already there."

'My hover car is not far. Follow me, you'll have to drive A.J.' Misterim explained.

The league walked away. Misterim had something in his hand. It was a small CD in a CD cover. The league reached the hover car. The league put their boards and bags in the trunk. Misterim took the front passenger seat; A.J. took the driver's seat, and Lunal; Starspark; Ememon; Zonemon, and Otazoidmon all took the back seat. Starspark sat on Ememon's lap and Lunal rested on Otazoidmon's chest.

"A.J., what are you doing?" Ememon asked.

"Misterim asked me to drive. We're heading to Myths Mosque." A.J. replied.

He started the engine with his coin necklace. He hovered off towards Myths Mosque, above the trees...

A.J. stopped the car in front of Myths Mosque. The league got out and took their belongings from the trunk. Starspark decided on walking by himself while Lunal perched on A.J.'s shoulder. While A.J. helped Misterim, Misterim secretly handed out the CD he had to A.J. A.J. took it, not knowing what else to do. Misterim led them into the mosque.

"Wait here." Misterim commanded.

The league waited in the main room. Misterim went into the secret room and rushed out. He got to the league when a sudden elevator appeared with the league inside. The elevator went downwards at high speed. It stopped gently at the bottom and the door opened. The league gasped at what they saw. Misterim nodded.

"We're in one of two large rooms, this room is where DNA samples of every creature is kept safe and secure, it was through this that we put ancient creatures on Lost Andalus." Misterim explained, walking out of the elevator.

The league walked out, looking around them. All around them there were DNA samples of creatures known to them and also unknown to them. The elevator doors closed behind them and cloaked. A wall appeared in its place. A.J. sighed. They left the room to another large room.

"Here is where Crescentian history is kept even through the current dates. It tells of what happened in the past in lands that the Crescentian found and maybe inhabited for sometime. There are tales about Atlantis and Hadef; there are tales about Lost Andalus and Islamic Andalus League; about Crescent Code and the Destined stories there; all the history about earth from when creatures first inhabited it until now and Destined stories in Para Digital. Each book has at least 570 pages.

"Like in the DNA room, there is a laptop screen here that shows every book available. You would want to check them sometime. You could either check them here or copy them onto Muchiya and check them later." Misterim explained.

"Maybe I'll copy them and check them out later." A.J. decided.

"Wise choice." Misterim agreed.

They entered what seemed to be a huge garage. The hover car was mysteriously there with a stunning starship. Misterim noticed.

"This is a pecker type starship of the Crescentian. It's mine. You're welcome to have it A.J. I got here through it you could say with everything I needed to build a base and primary home. This was the base and my quarters was my primary home." Misterim sighed.

"We'll put our boards here." Ememon suggested.

"That's fine with me." Misterim replied.

The league put down their boards, leaning onto the wall of the garage...

They entered what seemed to be the primary room. There was a dining room; study room; living room; kitchen, and guest room all in one. Maps were rolled on the study desk in their slots. There were a few top tech laptops on some seated tables. There was a flatron TV screen in the wall.

"What are those?" Zonemon asked, pointing.

"Detailed maps of every dimension or realm we explored or even of other planets and worlds. Hadef brought back an Atlantis map with him, detailed one that he made, which is amongst those." Misterim explained, seating himself on a comfy couch.

"Where are the bedrooms and bathrooms?" A.J. asked.

"Bedrooms west and bathrooms south. We entered from the north." Misterim replied.

A.J. nodded. "Thanks. Is anybody hungry?"

Misterim chuckled and A.J. heard it.

"Mew." Starspark replied, raising his tail.

"Man I'm with Starspark." Zonemon replied.

Starspark was on the couch with Misterim but on the other side. Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon were all on easy-chairs. Otazoidmon sighed as he was on a massage chair. Zonemon and Ememon all groaned, not being on the massage chair. Lunal perched on hanger, like an owl standing.

"I've been hungry since this morning." Ememon replied.

"I'll eat anything since I'm starving." Otazoidmon replied, with his eyes closed.

"Lu." Lunal replied.

"Let's see how good in cooking you are." Misterim laughed.

A.J. huffed. He entered the kitchen and washed his hands. The lighting in the whole base was neat. It was green light in the whole base-Misterim was used to it. It was lighted more in the primary room. Misterim grabbed the TV's remote and threw it over to Ememon. Ememon caught it and turned on the TV.

"This TV has connection to both Para Digital and Para Andalus. Its satellite and cable connected. I either watch the news on either dimensions; movies, or cartoons on Para Andalus." Misterim explained.

"Do you watch sport matches or any documentaries?" Zonemon asked.

Misterim nodded. "Sometimes I do, if I'm interested or the match or documentary is interesting."

A.J. returned with Macaroni and cheese. He put a good amount in a plate and gave it to Starspark.

"Starspark's bathroom is in the same bathroom as ours." Misterim explained.

"Did you do this alone?" Ememon asked.

"Did you prepare it?" Zonemon asked.

A.J. shook his head. "I did it alone and got it from Jerebi Producer."

Misterim's jaw dropped. "And it took you this long?!"

A.J. grinned, starting to eat. The others joined him, while A.J. served Lunal his serving. Otazoidmon joined in with them.

"Do you know how to cook?" Misterim asked.

A.J. nodded. "Yeah, mom taught me since I was six."

Misterim shook his head. "It seems you need more skill yet."

A.J. sweat-dropped. "I what?"

Misterim nodded. "You heard me."

Misterim finished off his serving.

"I'm off to bed now. There's a bedroom especially for me. Before it is your and your soul-warriors' bedroom. Starspark can sleep with you guys as well." Misterim stood up, yawning.

"Wake up at six am, that's when I'll teach you more." He remarked, leaving the primary room into the bedrooms.

"I guess its off for us then when we're done." A.J. sighed.

They all finished their servings and A.J. dealt with the dishes. After that they went to their bedroom and all of them dozed off to sleep. A.J. was sleeping on a single bed. Starspark slept on the foot of it. Zonemon, Ememon, and Otazoidmon had their own single beds. Lunal slept perched on a hanger, like an owl standing...

Half an hour before dawn, A.J.; his soul-warrior copedam, and Misterim all got up for the dawn prayer. They all washed and went up into the Masjid. A.J. noticed that Misterim's injures had completely healed. Misterim faced the right direction, and A.J. and his soul-warrior copedam prayed behind him, as Misterim was the leader. Once done, they all went back down.

Otazoidmon patted Starspark on his back. Starspark purred, waking up. He stood on his paws and stretched out. A.J. called out to him and Starspark rushed out. Otazoidmon, Ememon, and Zonemon all followed. A.J. gave a bottle of milk to Otazoidmon, and Otazoidmon held Starspark up into his arms. Otazoidmon gave Starspark the rubber nibble of the bottle and Starspark started to suck. Otazoidmon smiled. Misterim came in.

"It's almost time for the lesson." Misterim reminded.

"I know." A.J. nodded.

"Go ahead and ask anything, any of you." Misterim urged.

"What happened yesterday?" Zonemon asked.

"Well... Uh... Straymon surprise attacked me and gave me quite a beating, as you all saw." Misterim replied.

"But... Straymon is on four legs; there should be claw marks. Only a bipedal can do what appeared on you yesterday." A.J. remarked.

Misterim sighed. He lied about his answer and A.J. caught him.

"How did you injures heal overnight?" Ememon asked.

"Well, that's one of the advantages of being crescentian. Any and all crescentian heal at night if they have a good night sleep." Misterim replied.

"Really now, what happened yesterday?" A.J. asked.

Misterim sighed. "The fucking Digital Visi and his goons!"

A.J. blinked. "Digital Visi?"

Zonemon and Ememon looked at one another.

"The only time were heard such a thing was when A.J. and Stan were in their Rescue Journey. Forcemon and some Miragemon intercepted us and it was Forcemon who notified us about the Digital Visi." Ememon explained.

"It was the Digital Visi who did it to me. His goons destroyed my quarters. He told me to tell you that Midnight Rastiro; Para Andalus, and Crescent Code are all under his jurisdiction. For you and your league: Islamic Andalus League to scram along with the Islamic Emirate of Algeria." Misterim replied.

A.J. growled. "That person has it coming towards him! Islam bows to no one except the creator: Allah!"

"That's absolutely correct. I told him that you'd never listen to such bullshit." Misterim grinned.

"Bullshit indeed." A.J. huffed.

Misterim looked at the time and saw that it was past six.

"O.K. A.J., lesson time." He instructed.

"Starspark is your responsibility when I can't take care of him." A.J. decided.

"Thanks." Otazoidmon agreed.

"No problem." A.J. nodded.

"O.K. Cooks' workroom, anybody else please leave." Misterim politely requested.

Otazoidmon; Ememon; Zonemon, and Starspark, in Otazoidmon's arms, all left...

A.J. started cooking his omelet. Misterim pointed out some stuff when A.J. was serving it into plates. A.J. took his advise. He served it on the table and took Starspark from Otazoidmon. Slowly A.J. fed Starspark his serving that A.J. prepared for him. Starspark's eyes were still closed. Everyone complimented A.J. on a well done and delicious dish.

"What do you call it?" Zonemon asked.

"Actonal Omelet." A.J. replied.

"It's good." Ememon nodded.

"What is it's ingredients?" Otazoidmon asked.

"Three raw eggs; some salt; cheese of any kind, three slices or pieces; bologna, one slice and some onion." A.J. replied.

"No milk? How does Starspark like it then?" Ememon asked.

"Kittens and cats in general like eggs." A.J. explained.

Misterim finished up his serving.

"We'll leave the dish washing to your soul-warriors." Misterim remarked.

"What about me and you?" A.J. asked.

"Starspark can stay with Otazoidmon, who's relieved of it. Ememon, would you kindly wake Lunal up for his serving, before it gets cold? Thanks. I'll teach you how to dance like a master, before I die anyway." Misterim explained.

Ememon left to wake Lunal up.

"I know how to dance." A.J. remarked.

"Do you know how to tap dance? Fast dance? Country Dance?" Misterim asked.

A.J. blinked.

"I rest my case." Misterim smiled...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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