Friday, November 14, 2008

Dance Steps

Story by Green Garden

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 4: "Dance Steps"

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Ememon here, we reached Misterim's Quarters but it was in wrecks. We learned that the Digital Visi and his goons were the ones to attack it later on. We took base below Myths Mosque, which is called Myths Base, and settled down. Misterim had injures but recovered from them the next day. A.J. prepared a delicious omelet that he calls Actonal Omelet with Misterim's help. What is all this about dancing? On with the conclusion...

"What about me and you?" A.J. asked.

"Starspark can stay with Otazoidmon, who's relieved of it. Ememon, would you kindly wake Lunal up for his serving, before it gets cold? Thanks. I'll teach you how to dance like a master, before I die anyway." Misterim explained.

Ememon left to wake Lunal up.

"I know how to dance." A.J. remarked.

"Do you know how to tap dance? Fast dance? Country Dance?" Misterim asked.

A.J. blinked.

"I rest my case." Misterim smiled.

A.J. sighed, finishing up feeding Starspark and ate up his serving. Ememon took the last two plates and went with Zonemon to do the washing. Suddenly, some thoughts came into A.J.'s head.

"Where's a laptop or computer?" A.J. asked, standing up.

"In the room next to mine." Misterim replied.

A.J. nodded. He left the primary room and entered his bedroom...

He left the bedroom entering Misterim's small bedroom and from there to the only other door that was apparent. A.J. entered the room and saw a laptop there on a desk. The thoughts left his mind as he saw what was in the room. He saw unified battle suits with weapons close by or on them. Misterim came in behind A.J. He smiled.

"Yep, those were the glorious days." Misterim stared at the unified suits and the weapons.

A.J. grabbed one of the swords on the wall and compared his own sword with the one he just took.

"Closely the same." A.J. sighed.

"Check the necklaces." Misterim requested, folding his arms.

A.J. put the other blade back and sheathed his own. He picked a necklace and took it out of its hook. It was two metal tags like the soldiers wear. The difference here was that name and figures were engraved onto the duo tags. The tags were made of emerald and not of metal, it was green emerald; not blue.

"That one you picked belongs to your ancestor: Hadef." Misterim explained.

He approached the wall and held onto another necklace, staring at it.

"This was mine." He smiled.

He went to another, held onto it and stared at it.

"This was White Fox's." He nodded.

"What are the figures in the engraving?" A.J. asked.

"Twilasin Language. The figures resemble words, like Chinese and Japanese. Twilasin has figures that resemble letters too though." Misterim replied.

A.J. stared admiringly at it.

"Each necklace is told to have the ability of sensing other Crescentian people if they're nearby. The offspring of these necklaces can wear them. I don't have any offspring so my necklace is a lone one. I don't know about White Fox. Try on your necklace, let's see what happens." Misterim requested.

A.J. hesitatingly put on his ancestor necklace. The necklace instantly glowed and its name changed with the figures. The name changed to A.J. Actonal. Misterim went over and read the figures.

"Emir of Algeria." Misterim muttered.

A.J. thought of something and decided to try it. He took off the coin necklace of his and put it around his right wrist. The coin necklace became a coin bracelet and held onto the wrist. Misterim smiled, holding something in his hands.

"What's that you're carrying?" A.J. asked.

"Did you take the Crescentian Immunity shot?" Misterim asked.

"I did, but that's irrelevant to what I asked you." A.J. replied.

"It can protect you from bullets; radiation, and tons of other stuff, but that's not the only thing... It also lets you live for thousands of years. When the Day of Judgment is a year or two away, the immunity would become weak and you'd die in a few weeks but then again, the immunity could be wrong." Misterim explained.

"So I took a Life Long shot without knowing it?" A.J. asked.

Misterim nodded. "You bet."

A.J. face-faulted. "Just what I need."

"I'll give this to you after the lesson. Perhaps final lesson." Misterim remarked.

A.J. blinked. "O.K."

Misterim put the thing away. He went over to A.J.

"You know how to hold a girl when you and she dance, right?" Misterim asked.

"This is going to feel kind of awkward." A.J. remarked.

"You're telling me?! I'm the teacher besides; there will be a point where you'll dance on your own to beat." Misterim grinned.

'This is going to take longer than I thought.' A.J. thought...


A.J. and Misterim where in the primary room getting something to drink. The two were sweating from their rehearsal.

"You are one hell of a dancer, I'll give you that." Misterim admitted.

"I got to know much more than I already knew. Thanks a lot for it... coach." A.J. grinned.

"Let me ask you something." Misterim requested.

"What?" A.J. asked.

"At any moment in the dancing, did you feel... attracted to me?" Misterim asked, raising an eyebrow.

A.J. sweat-dropped and spitted the drink out of his mouth. He wiped his mouth and put the drink on the counter.

"You've got to be kidding me. Of course not! I mean I'm not the homosexual type." A.J. replied.

Misterim nodded. "The first answer was good enough."

A.J. laughed. He went over to the sink and opened the faucet. He splashed water onto his face, cooling it down.

"There's been that thing you wanted to explain to me about." A.J. reminded, with the faucet water running.

"Yeah, the morph device. There are only seven of them. Do you know where that water's coming from?" Misterim asked.

"Why?" A.J. asked, turning the faucet off.

"Well, it's just from an underground reserve a few yards away from the base." Misterim replied.

A.J. nodded. Misterim put his cup away.

"Now to give you that morph device." He grinned, walking towards the armory room.

"Morph device?" A.J. asked.

He quickly went after Misterim...

They entered the armory and Misterim showed the morph device, the thing that he was holding before, to A.J.

"That's a morph device?" A.J. asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Believe me it would become handy in the future. There are only seven of them and you're the leader of the seven of course." Misterim smirked.

A.J. took the morph device and put it above his bracelet on his right wrist, buckling it to the wrist. The device was like a normal watch. The screen was in a shape of an owl, lined out one that was in emerald. An emerald gemstone was at the center in a five-edged star form. There were no buttons or anything like it. The bracelet was black and soft. The owl had its wings spread outwards, slightly upwards.

It held onto A.J.'s arm like a way you close a cap connected to your jacket, rough surface with soft hairy surface that holds onto one another.

"One last thing before I go." Misterim requested.

"What?" A.J. asked.

"Make me a member of your league." Misterim requested.

A.J. blinked. "As you wish. Coach Misterim Arteenlow, even without a soul-warrior or digivice, you're full with good virtues. Welcome aboard onto the Islamic Andalus League."

A.J. gave him a united Islamic Andalus League coat. Misterim took it and put it on him.

"I'm kind of weak; several thousands of years would do that to you. Last advice, don't give up on anything you go for, no matter what it is, and keep trying until you succeed. Life is short and this is mortality, not infinity. There is a life after this one that is infinite: work for it and not against it." Misterim advised, leaving the room into his bedroom.

A.J. walked with him into Misterim's bedroom. Misterim went into his bed and tucked himself in. A.J. stared at him from the entrance of his bedroom.

"Go now. The angel is waiting." Misterim whispered, smiling with weak eyes.

'The angel of death? Most likely. I better go.' A.J. thought.

He left the room, closing the door behind him...

A.J. walked into the primary room where everyone else was. He sat down on a couch.

"Where's Misterim?" Otazoidmon asked.

Ememon was feeding Starspark on a chair. Zonemon was sitting in one of the massaging seats and Otazoidmon was with him on the couch. Lunal was on his perch, listening.

"He died." A.J. muttered.

Everyone was instantly quiet for the moment, staring at A.J.

"Death... We'll all experience it, there's no escape from it. We're all to Allah and we'll all return to him." A.J. sighed, standing up.

He went into Misterim's bedroom, passing through his own bedroom. The others followed him. Ememon had Starspark. A.J. stared at the smiled but closed-eyed Misterim. A.J. let a few tears down his face. He took the covers off of Misterim. Misterim had his left arm on his league member's coat.

"What are you doing?" Zonemon asked.

"What does it look like? I'm going to bury him." A.J. replied.

"Do you know how to bury a body?" Ememon asked.

"I sure do. There are a few things according to Islamic religion that I should do first. Now, would some of you help me? I can't carry him alone you know." A.J. explained.

Ememon gave Starspark to Otazoidmon and went to help A.J. Zonemon went to help as well...


"We're done." A.J. sighed, with a pale sad face.

He just buried Misterim outside, not far from the mosque but not close either, amongst trees with his soul-warriors helping him. The crovinze on the surface of the grave said his name and year; it also said 'COACH ABOVE ALL COACHES. MAY ALLAH HAVE MERCY ON HIM. TO ALLAH WE ALL ARE AND TO HIM WE'LL RETURN.'

Lunal was perched close by on a branch in a near tree. Zonemon; Ememon, and Otazoidmon all stood beside A.J. Otazoidmon was carrying Starspark.

"He was one heck of a leader." A voice sighed.

A.J. and his group turned towards the voice. It was between the trees, a codelimin. A.J. had Muchiya, his univice, analyze it.

"Runmon - Fire Grasl Haril - He uses his ax to do most of his attacks - His attacks are: Fire Ax; Fire Line; Fire Star; Body Heat; Fire Brick; Giant Fire."

"Come to annoy us at a time of our grief?" A.J. asked.

"Actually no. I just came over to introduce myself." Runmon replied.

"Are you in anyway close to Watermon?" Zonemon asked.

Runmon blinked. "Watermon? You know where he is?! I'm not close as a family but was as a friend. Where is he?"

"Why do you want him?" A.J. asked, staring at Runmon.

"I have some unfinished business with him." Runmon replied.

"He isn't in this world." Ememon added.

"Where then?" Runmon asked.

"In Para Andalus but only deal with him!" A.J. warned.

"I won't hurt or harm your league, don't worry. Off to Para Andalus for me then." Runmon remarked.

He vanished from where he was.

"How could he do that?" Otazoidmon asked.

"I don't have a clue. We'll learn that soon enough." A.J. replied.

"Now where are we going?" Ememon asked.

"Lu." Lunal agreed.

"To live in the forests. I'm still after for my vengeance against Straymon. I have a feeling he's back here." A.J. replied, heading towards the mosque.

"Where are you going then?" Ememon asked.

"To get some stuff. I'll be back in a few moments." A.J. replied.

His soul-warriors waited with Starspark to return but A.J. didn't return. Instead, the ground in front of the mosque opened up and A.J.'s new pecker starship, previously Misterim's, hovered into the air, upwards. The ground closed up once again. A.J. carefully landed the pecker onto the ground. He motioned his soul-warriors over. Ememon; Otazoidmon; Lunal, and Zonemon all rushed towards the pecker. A.J. opened the cargo door and his soul-warriors entered.

They all saw the car and their boards there. A.J. closed the cargo door behind them. Lunal flew towards the passenger area, passing through the living quarters. He perched onto a stick. Ememon; Zonemon, and Otazoidmon followed.

"Ememon, watch out for him." Otazoidmon indicated Starspark.

Ememon nodded, taking Starspark.

"Where are you going?" Zonemon asked.

"To sit down in the cockpit, if possible. If not, I'll be back. Don't wait." Otazoidmon replied.

He went into the cockpit and saw A.J. at the pilot's seat. Otazoidmon took the seat next to A.J.'s. A.J. turned on life support and the microphone.

"Buckle on your seats guys. Lunal hold onto something, we're going to a blasting momentous ride." A.J. explained.

Ememon and Zonemon buckled themselves onto their seats. Ememon gently hold onto Starspark tightly. Lunal grabbed tighter onto his seat. A.J. started the engines and hovered into the air. Once they we clear, A.J. cloaked the starship and blasted through the skies, away from Myths Mosque...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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