Sunday, November 16, 2008

Master in Kestir and Seltic

Spirit Jerebis: Storms of Myths
Episode 5: "Master in Kestir and Seltic"

Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Enter a world of Faith - ... of Hope - ... of Heroism - Overcome sacrifices - Explore a world of Loyalty - ... of Friendship - ... of Justice - Spirit Jerebis

Previously on Storms of Myths:

Otazoidmon here, A.J. went into the reserve room and got some new stuff from there. Misterim taught A.J. some dance steps and in the end, Misterim gave A.J. some advice and A.J. made him a member of Crescent League. Eventually Misterim died and he was buried nearby Myths Mosque, on the surface. We all left the place with the pecker. Where to now? On with the conclusion...


One week had passed since A.J. left with his soul-warriors from Myths Mosque. A.J. had the pecker visible, deep in a canyon valley. The pecker was close to a river that turned into a waterfall a few yards away. A.J. learned of Kestir and Seltic from the pecker's computer. He learned from it that very few crescentians excelled in them. Kestir was a combat style translated into "Owl's Perch"; Seltic was a discipline style translated into "Owl's Glide".

Hadef excelled in both of them from the ship computer's logs and records but Misterim was able to learn them. A.J. taught himself both Kestir and Seltic, he requested that his soul-warriors learned with him and they all did. A.J. picked up Equalmon from Myths Village and headed straight for the canyon region, the best place for hiding; safety, and security. Part of Kestir was to learn and summon on your own aura at will.

Feranin League's auras, all of them, were all colored dark green, glowing. With help from his soul-warriors, he repainted the pecker and named it Paladin of Darkness. During the time, A.J. drew out accurate maps of Midnight Rastiro. When he was called upon for help from Myths Village, he went without hesitation. He learned the ways of survival in the wilderness through his week of training and meditation.

As Misterim told him, A.J. kept to his faith and religion, staying close to Allah. A.J. gained quick experience that excelled pass his soul-warriors that he could easily defeat them even though they knew both Kestir and Seltic. With his skill, A.J. was able to enclose his aura around his Myths Blade, glowing with ownalis energy. He learned to have his aura appear but him himself to cloak away. A.J. took it on himself to get himself up and begin training every morning.

A.J.'s hair got taller, covering the back of his neck...

A.J. was in the starship's bathroom, washing his hair with shampoo. He scrubbed it all around for some time. He rinsed his hair once scrubbing was done. He turned the faucet off, drying off his hair with one of the towels in the small bathroom. He put the towel back in place once done drying his hair and went onto combing it. The last time he took a shampoo was a day before he came to Midnight Rastiro and that was a long time.

It was even longer that he hadn't taken a shower or a bath. His soul-warriors kept their bodies clean and fresh though, commonly taking baths or showers twice a week. A.J. remembered the time he had made the Feranin Crowns and given them one by one to his league after putting on his own. The strip was short than a necklace's stripping so that the head would hold it on top. In the center front was a five-edged star made out of emerald gemstone.

The strip itself was of green crovinze material. A.J. always wore his around his head. Even Lunal and Equalmon had one over their heads. He left the bathroom with his crown swinging onto his head gently. He left Paladin of Darkness, out into the open. His soul-warriors were out in sight, training with each other. Lunal was against Equalmon; Ememon was against Zonemon, and Otazoidmon was training by himself. All of them had their auras brightly glowing as shields on them.

A.J. sighed, putting his hands in his shorts pockets. He was wearing Crescent League's member's coat. A.J. sighed, lowering his head and closing his eyes. Five dark green glowing orbs went spiraling upwards around A.J.'s body. Reaching his forehead, the orbs, one by one, started circling around it until the last one got up. When that happened the orbs flashed into the dark green aura around A.J.'s body, glowing brightly as a shield protecting his body.

It happened all in less than a nanosecond. His soul-warriors looked towards him, as he approached them slowly with his aura glowing. The breeze was blowing gently, rustling the leafs of the few trees that were in the area, making simple low ripples in the river close by them. A.J. and his soul-warriors could feel the breeze but their aura protected their bodies from outside interference. Taking up his pace, A.J. approached Otazoidmon.

Otazoidmon was the next best master after A.J. The two usually sparred with each other occasionally.

'I'm prepared for you Shooting Star.' Otazoidmon grinned.

'Let's do this then. Your move Comet.' A.J. replied.

Through the days of the week, the soul-warriors and their sailor were able to openly telepath with each other. Telepathy was part of Seltic. No matter how loud or noisy it was around you, you'll always hear and use telepath crystal clear without having any trouble. With A.J. approaching him, Otazoidmon used his knowledge and skill in Kestir so far and launched out an all-out pulse of wind towards A.J. that would even affect the aura and slightly affect the body the aura protected.

A.J. stopped his approach and went into a stance of defense, holding his left arm in front of his face diagonally from bottom left to top right. A.J.'s aura was glowing ever so brightly and powerful that the wind pulse didn't budge it and A.J. didn't feel it. A.J. sensed however that Otazoidmon was gaining on A.J.'s level, dangerously becoming close equals in the styles.

'What's wrong Perch?' A.J. asked.

'Little out of fitness Paladin.' Otazoidmon laughed.

They all had nicknames. Otazoidmon's was Comet and Perch; A.J.'s was Shooting Star and Paladin; Lunal's was Glide; Equalmon's was Gallop; Zonemon's was Bristle, and Ememon's was Prince. Paladin raised his left eyebrow in question, Perch shrugged in reply to it.

Paladin grinned, getting into Kestir starting stance, kneeling his knees without touching the ground, his left arm was diagonally up to his chest, close to his right shoulder from bottom left to top right, his right arm was behind his back horizontally. His aura shone ever so bright, flames forming at the end of the aura's outside edge, indicating that he was ready for battle. Otazoidmon followed in suit and did the same, his aura from the outside flamed green flames.

Ememon; Lunal; Equalmon, and Zonemon lined up beside each other, keeping their auras on, excited on the inside but calm on the outside, from the show of power that was about to unfold before their eyes. In Kestir, you are taught to extend your aura's power and energy from within the owner's soul or from within the environment around it, keeping it strong if not increasing it. It gives more strength to the owner, not draining it.

The easy way was taking from around you; the hard way was from your soul with its unlimited energy and eternal life. A.J. and his soul-warriors were well seasoned on extension on their auras' power from within their souls, making them more brute and powerful in battle. Ememon; Lunal; Equalmon, and Zonemon kept their guard up because that was part of Seltic.

It might appear that two might spar at each other but at anytime one of them could strike at anyone from outside the sparring. Kestir teaches one to reach speeds up to twinkle if not passing it. A.J. charged at Otazoidmon in a blur. Though they watched from outside, Ememon; Lunal; Equalmon, and Zonemon kept up with them, part of the teachings of Seltic. Otazoidmon went into a defensive position but A.J. outflanked that move but jumping into the air.

'Think about outflanking. I'm the second best, close to you Shooting Star. Watch this and behold it.' Otazoidmon grinned.

A.J. blinked, coming down at Otazoidmon with his arms folded behind him like an owl's wings. Otazoidmon flipped onto his back with his hands onto the ground, his legs were towards the sky, bent. A.J. came down hard onto Otazoidmon's feet; his shoulders on them with A.J. vertically up in the air, ninety degrees. A.J. tapped onto his soul's energy enough to hold the aura. A.J. knew Otazoidmon's next move by heart.

With a mighty upward push, Otazoidmon pushed A.J. into the air. A.J. unlocked his arms from behind his back, ready to strike. A.J. flipped in midair, able to land on Otazoidmon's feet with A.J.'s own feet. Otazoidmon grinned and threw A.J. backwards into the canyon, going through the canyon by a few inches. A.J. sighed, upside down on his head in a canyon wall. It was awkward watching your surroundings from that position.

A.J. saw Otazoidmon getting onto his feet and turning towards him. With skill and knowledge in Kestir and Seltic, the soul-warriors' attacks were more destructive and affective than ever before. Otazoidmon's Emerald Lightning could shock a mate back to a juvenile if not embryo. In Kestir however, with defense and offense came dodging; blocking, and absorbing. A.J. slid himself off of the canyon wall and used the canyon to ricochet himself towards Otazoidmon in a blur.

"Emerald Lightning!" Otazoidmon yelled.

With the highest in skill; knowledge; training, and experience, A.J. was able to easily absorb the attack into his aura, making it more powerful. Otazoidmon put both of his arms in front of him vertically but A.J., yet again, outflanked Otazoidmon. Twisting his body around in mid-flight, A.J. used his left foot and locked onto Otazoidmon's neck from its back. A.J. landed easily on the ground with his other leg.

With a shove, A.J. forced Otazoidmon's face into the ground, burying it slightly. A.J. knelt down with his feet around Otazoidmon's neck from behind. A.J. had his left leg bent into the ground, his knee touching the ground and supporting his left leg.

'Give up Perch?' A.J. asked.

Otazoidmon sighed, closing his eyes.

'I give up.' He replied.

A.J. smiled, nodding, letting go of Otazoidmon. Otazoidmon got onto his feet as A.J. did the same. The two companions shook each other's hands, A.J. putting his other hand onto both hands.

"Not bad moves you have there. Some of them you do you good and even save your life." A.J. complimented.

"You were more amazing man. You absorbing my attack was more amazing." Otazoidmon modestly grinned.

Ememon; Lunal; Equalmon, and Zonemon all applauded for the two, approaching them. Ememon patted Otazoidmon on the back. They surrounded Otazoidmon, challenging him to choose one of them to take him on in a Kestir Spar. A.J. smiled, content of himself. The flames on A.J.'s and Otazoidmon's auras died down. A.J. put his hands back into his shorts pockets as he walked away, towards the waterfall's edge...

A.J.'s uniform was his Kestir uniform. It was his common suit that he usually wore nowadays, even when he went to sleep. His uniform was this: Coin bracelet and Crescentian necklace; Green sleeveless coat with black sport shorts; Owl athletic shoes; Twinkle Belt with Twinklian sheath; Green Twinklian headband with Paladin crown above it and Twinklian green gloves.

A.J. sat on the edge, letting his legs dangle over the edge and his aura warm his body. A.J. looked up into the sky, watching some birds fly by, high in the sky above the canyon with the drifting sheep clouds. A.J. was in tranquil in himself. He closed his eyes, relaxed his body and put his arms behind his back like folding his wings, going into a peaceful mental meditation. In Kestir, one is taught to not have his aura too bright and in doing so it would blind the enemy or opponent.

A.J.'s dark green aura was still around him but it was dimmer, aware of A.J.'s mental state of Seltic Relaxation and Comfort. When A.J. ever felt troubled; worried; afraid or lonely, he would come out there to where he was now and go into the Seltic Relaxation state, warming and assuring his soul, vanquishing any troubles; worries; fear, and loneliness in his mind. His thoughts turned peacefully to Helen and Crescent League members one by one.

His memories of what happened at the night of Helen's party flashed into his peaceful mind. He was so deep in his state that it was like sleep and being hypnotized, that wasn't what it was like. A.J. deeply breathed through his nose, calming himself even more. As part of Seltic, he controlled his mental thoughts, remembering all the dreams he had about himself and Helen. He kept them for as long as he wanted then switched to the next memory.

Once done with his memory lane, A.J. sighed deeply, opening his eyes. He left Seltic Relaxation state. A.J. looked up into the sky and saw that night was approaching. A.J. stood up, unlocked his arms and walked back to the starship. His aura was still bright around him. Auras helped a person to see in the darkness. If one reaches a certain level or skill of Kestir, he or she would be able to brighten the area that is dark with the auras.

The catch is that no one from outside would see you except those who have knowledge and skill in Kestir. It was more dangerous at night in the canyons than it was during the day...

A.J. entered his starship and saw that all his soul-warriors were there. He saw them despaired. He went to the cockpit and put on the cloak, he went back to his soul-warriors and sat with them. A.J. let his aura die out as his soul-warriors' auras were gone.

"What's wrong?" A.J. asked.

"... We're thinking of the ones back in Lost Andalus and Para Andalus." Otazoidmon replied, sighing.

"I miss Sapmon." Ememon whispered.

"I would do anything to brace Ranbimon again." Zonemon whispered.

A.J. nodded to himself, understanding where this was going.

"Did you three try Seltic Relaxation?" A.J. asked.

"We're not as skilled in it as you Paladin." Ememon replied.

"Not only not skilled, but don't know how to do it in the first place." Zonemon added.

"If nothing goes wrong and if we're still alive, I'll teach you all how to do Seltic Relaxation tomorrow morning. Let's all get a bite to eat and retire." A.J. suggested.

"I guess so." Ememon shrugged.

"Meow." Starspark remarked.

A.J. looked down at him. Starspark's eyes were now open and he knew A.J. and his soul-warriors deeply, to the point of trusting them. A.J. nodded and went to prepare some food for Starspark. When finished, A.J. called out to Starspark, two meows, and Starspark came running to his food. A.J. put the food down in its common spot. He prepared food for himself and the others.

They all ate and left the dishes for the morning. When done, they went to their bunks and slept peacefully until the morning...

Next morning after breakfast, and washing the dishes from the morning and the night before, A.J. and his soul-warriors were outside, sitting on the edge of the waterfall with their legs dangling over the edge.

"Can we do this with our auras off?" Otazoidmon asked.

A.J. nodded. "We can but it's more successful and affective with your aura on."

Five green orbs of ownalis all spiraled upwards around Feranin League and flashed into their protective auras. A.J. was about to start explaining, but he was interrupted.

"Excuse me." A voice requested.

A.J. and his soul-warriors turned towards the voice. A.J. blinked.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Where's Myths Village?" The codelimin asked.

A.J. sighed, standing up. His soul-warriors followed him.

"We'll take you there. What's your name?" A.J. asked.

"Name's Ammaarmon." The codelimin replied.

A.J.; Ammaarmon, and A.J.'s soul-warriors all walked or flew, in Lunal's case, towards Paladin of Darkness that was visible. A.J. closed the entrance of Paladin of Darkness behind him, after everyone was in. A.J. checked Muchiya, his univice, for information about Ammaarmon.

"Ammaarmon - Mammal Jerebi Crystal 0 - Ammaarmon is a rare codelimin with a rare evolution line. He's the peacekeeper and defender of Myths Village - His attack is: Ammaar Punch."

A.J. nodded, sitting down at the cockpit. The others were in the seats in the room behind him. A.J. turned on the cloak and hovered high above the canyon. Paladin of Darkness blasted off towards Myths Village.

"Why are you heading towards Myths Village?" Equalmon asked.

"I'm the new peacekeeper and defender there. I just got the news a few hours ago. I hope we get there before any trouble happens." Ammaarmon sighed.

"I guess they requested a new one after I left." Equalmon shrugged.

"You were the peacekeeper and defender before me?" Ammaarmon asked.

Equalmon nodded. "Sure was and the first one."

"So have you faced any trouble while you were there?" Ammaarmon asked.

Equalmon shook his head. "I haven't."

Ammaarmon sighed. "It seems I'll stay longer than you as the new peacekeeper and defender. That means that I'll most likely face trouble again and again."

"Don't worry about it. During the past week, Myths Village was under attack one way or another and we -Feranin League- headed out and vanquished the threat." Zonemon grinned.

"So I'll have backup then." Ammaarmon smiled.

"Sure will." Zonemon nodded...

In the distance, A.J. saw smoke rising up. He gasped, realizing that it was Myths Village. Paladin of Darkness put up a burst of extra speed.

"Guys, we have a problem. We're almost at Myths Village but it's on fire." A.J. announced.

"Oh no!" Ammaarmon gasped.

"I'll land close outside." A.J. decided.

Paladin of Darkness landed outside the walls of Myths Village. Everyone rushed out. A.J. put on the cloak, remotely.

"Did we receive a call or message of some sort for help?" Equalmon asked.

"No." A.J. replied.

"Big trouble then." Ememon sighed.

They all rushed into the village, through its main entrance and stopped there.

"Get up there Ammaarmon and we'll deal with the trouble." A.J. explained.

Ammaarmon nodded and climbed the watch tower. A.J. and his soul-warriors continued on deeper into Myths Village. Lunal stayed back in Paladin of Darkness to stay with Starspark. Upon reaching the battleground, A.J. and his soul-warriors noticed two extremely strong codelimin. They recognized one as Straymon. A.J. hacked onto Muchiya for information on the other.

"Zeromon - Mammal Grasl Haril - Zeromon is extremely deadly and merciless, a villain in himself - His attack is: Zero Effect."

"O.K. guys, this requires auras and crevolution." A.J. whispered.

"Which one first?" Otazoidmon asked.

"Crevolution." A.J. whispered.

"I'll stay back on the sidelines and watch." Equalmon decided.

"What? You're part of the league!" A.J. complained.

Equalmon shook his head. "I'm too scared to face off against two strong codelimin even with my aura and crevolved form."

A.J. sighed. "Fine! We'll deal with them then."

Three dark green pillars were released into the air as the three soul-warriors went into crescention.


"... PRIMON!"

"... COLAMON!"

The crowns were still around the evolved forms. The two sparring codelimin were too busy in their sparring that they didn't notice the multiple crevolution.

"Centermon and I would take on Zeromon. Primon, you and Colamon would take on Straymon." A.J. whispered.

"We're with you." Centermon agreed.

"Kestir auras now." A.J. whispered.

The five green ownalis orbs spiraled upwards around their bodies and flashed into their protective auras. Immediately, they flamed their auras as they took their Kestir spar stances. Straymon and Zeromon stopped sparring and turned their heads towards the powerful energies they sensed and felt. Straymon was surprised to see A.J. that powerful. From that Straymon knew that A.J. could take him down at anytime now.

Centermon and A.J. charged towards Zeromon; Primon, and Colamon rushed at Straymon. Straymon was disgusted to know that A.J. wasn't amongst his opponents. Zeromon admitted that A.J. and his soul-warriors were powerful.

"Zero Effect!" Zeromon yelled, releasing a blast of black energy towards A.J.

A.J. easily rushed through it, reflecting it. Zeromon gasped, taking a step back. He turned around and was about to run if it wasn't for A.J. A.J. jumped into the air and by grabbing Zeromon's head from behind, shoved it deep into the ground. Zeromon moaned in pain.

"Atom Split!" Centermon yelled, unleashing his attack.

The attacks had the auras around them from their masters. The attack blasted into Zeromon and if he wasn't Haril, then he would have probably instantly been deleted. Zeromon screamed in pain. A.J. rushed in circles around Zeromon along with Centermon, galloping around in circles. The two of them were a blur. During that, Zeromon stood back up on his feet. Mysteriously, the two eventually formed an ownalis circular cage around Zeromon.

A.J. and Centermon leaped backwards. The cage collapsed smaller and exploded into a green explosion, making Zeromon scream out in agony and collapse to his stomach once more...

"Element Destroyer!" Straymon yelled.

Colamon easily dodged it.

"Imperial Freeze!" Primon yelled, unleashing his attack.

Straymon leaped into the air, avoiding it. A small crater was made with a cloud dust covering up Straymon.

"Stay alert." Colamon whispered, standing still with Primon.

"Recharge!" Straymon yelled.

Primon pounced to his right and Colamon pounced to his left, avoiding the attack. Straymon charged through the dust cloud at Colamon. With his skill and training in Kestir, Colamon was ready for him. Colamon was able to stop his charge with the palm of his hand, holding back Straymon's charge with ease. His palm was on Straymon's forehead. Straymon growled and snarled, trying to reach his opponent.

Primon sat back and watched from the sidelines, ready to enter when he was called upon. With twinkle speed reflexes Colamon let Straymon go, but at the same moment, he punched Straymon in the snout, sending him flying backwards through the air. Straymon was lucky that his snout wasn't broken. Straymon rolled on the ground for a few moments, quickly getting back onto his legs.

'Incredible. I was lucky to survive that strike. A.J. might be my opponent, but these two are no less a threat than A.J. They both might be maturity, but they easily beat the crap out of me just now.' Straymon thought.

"Listen! I'm here to stop Zeromon and not to fight with Feranin League." Straymon explained.

"I'd advise you to retreat because we won't hesitate in deleting you." Primon warned.

'Withdrawal is the best and wisest option and choice I have.' Straymon thought, sighing.

"This isn't over!" Straymon yelled, withdrawing...

Zeromon panted, watching Straymon withdraw.

'I guess that is the best option for me as well. I'm the more dangerous threat though and it'll be tough to break through. I'll try anyway.' Zeromon thought.

'He's going to try and break through.' A.J. thought.

'Should we stop him?' Centermon asked.

'No, let him pass. We can wait and deal with him later on.' A.J. replied.

'O.K. then.' Centermon nodded.

Zeromon painfully stood onto his feet. He roared, charging towards A.J. and Centermon.

"Zero Effect!" Zeromon yelled.

He continuously attacked that way, passing easily through A.J. and Centermon who both let him pass, avoiding his attacks. Zeromon stopped his attacks, realizing that he was through. He continued on with his withdrawal.

"We'll meet again later on!" Zeromon yelled back.

In no time, Zeromon faded away into the horizon. Primon and Colamon regrouped with A.J. and Centermon. Primon; Colamon, and Centermon all decrevolved back into Ememon; Otazoidmon, and Zonemon. They let the flames on their auras die down, but kept their auras shining brightly on them.

"What now?" Zonemon asked.

"Now to collect our charges and crescention equipment." A.J. replied.

"Back to Paladin of Darkness!" Ememon cheered.

A.J. smiled, walking back to Paladin of Darkness with his soul-warriors. Equalmon joined them...


Rainbow of Time - Strife for the Mysteries - Exit a world of Determination - ... of Courage - ... of Truth - ... of Trust - ... of Conscience - ... of Wisdom - Overcome extremely dangerous journeys - ...ambitions - ... fears - Explore a world of Love - ... of Honesty - ... of Virility - ... of Leadership - Spirit Jerebis

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